April 2017

To: applicants for Chief Executive at CVS Brent

Dear all,

Applying for the post of Chief Executive of CVS Brent

Thank you for your interest in this post, which is an exciting opportunity to continue developing CVS Brent, the umbrella body for the voluntary and community sector in Brent.

Below you will find:

·  CVS Brent Background Information

·  Job Description and Person Specification for the post of Chief Executive, inc. salary level

·  Guidelines for Submitting an Application

The closing date for completed applications is Monday 8th May 2017, 9:00am and completed applications should be sent to

Interviews will take place on the week commencing 15th May 2017.

We look forward to receiving your completed application. If you have not heard from us by Friday 12th May, unfortunately this means you have not been shortlisted. We will not be able to give feedback to candidates who have not been shortlisted.

Kind regards,

Danny Maher

Chair of the Board of Trustees

CVS Brent

CVS Brent Background Information


CVS Brent is an independent, capacity building organisation, supporting groups providing community services on a not-for-profit basis, for the local community; particularly those local to Brent. We contribute to the creation of an independent, trusted and sustainable voluntary and community sector (VCS) to further develop a thriving civil society. This is achieved through the provision of services using a mixture of group training, information and guidance. Our goal is local VCS agencies equipped and able to provide cutting edge local services.

CVS Brent is looking for a new Chief Executive to continue the organisation’s development and lead on supporting Brent’s VCS. This is an exciting position which requires the successful candidate to maintain high level strategic relationships with local authorities and ongoing professional development support for local voluntary & community organisations in the midst of a changing climate.


CVS Brent currently delivers the following key projects:

Capacity Building – Our main VCS support service providing one-to-one advice, training and information for local community organisations of Brent. Capacity Building is a specialised service, providing support in the following areas:

·  Assets/Premises

·  Business Planning

·  Community Research

·  Finance

·  Fundraising

·  Governance

·  Policy Development

·  Procurement

·  Start Up & Wind Up

Capacity Building is also made up of additional training sessions (approx. 8 per year) and monthly newsletters.

Brent Meta Network (BMN) – A VCS representation project funded by Trust for London, BMN aims to hold conversations with Brent Council and other authorities, such as NHS Brent, so that local VCS organisations can feel represented. The project includes the regular Voluntary Sector Liaison Forum and dedicated sub-group meetings. Currently there are two sub-groups, namely Community Assets group, which are tasked with identifying local community spaces, and the S106 group, who will assist with best determining how S106 investment will be spent in Brent.

Buildings’ Management – CVS Brent currently holds a lease agreement with Brent Council for three adjacent office buildings, each with two floors (six in total). Two floors continue to be used by CVS Brent, one for office space and the other as a training/meeting room, which can be hired out to other users. The remaining four floors are let to different VCS organisations under license. CVS Brent provides premises management as a serviced office of the buildings with facilities such as telephones & internet, air conditioning & heating, cleaning and rubbish collection. A single rental fee is charged monthly, which usually varies with outbound phone call fees that are charged back to licensees every quarter.

Future Outlook:

CVS Brent will experience challenges in the year ahead, with a changing funding climate and an evolution of its workforce. A new CEO’s task will be to re-establish the staffing of CVS Brent and align its services to meet new and priority areas in the sector, as identified in the CVS Brent Annual Survey 2016, which includes the following:

·  Continued support for the VCS’s development

·  Exploring alternative methods for economic sustainability

·  Support to establish more partnerships to respond to needs (e.g. health).

CVS Brent has a stable financial position and continued income from its licensed office space and hiring out of the training room. CVS Brent’s current lease expires on the 17th Oct 2018 and the new CEO will also be expected to begin work on identifying new premises ahead of this date to ensure a smooth transition.

Job Description

CVS Brent Chief Executive – Job Description

Job purpose

Working with the Board of Trustees, the Chief Executive has overall responsibility for:

·  the strategic leadership and management of CVS Brent in support of its vision for the voluntary and community sector (VCS) and partners and the development and implementation of its strategy and business plan to fulfil its mission

·  for the development and management of CVS Brent as a respected and effective umbrella organisation, keeping voluntary and community organisations at the centre of all its work

·  working with partner organisations across all sectors to support and facilitate the economic, social and community development of Brent

Accountability: The Chief Executive is accountable to the Board of Trustees via the Chair of the Board

Responsible for: CVS Brent staff

Key responsibilities

Development of the Voluntary and Community Sector in Brent

1.  To take a leadership role in CVS Brent and within the voluntary sector in Brent, ensuring that the organisation and the sector flourish

2.  To work with the VCS to enable organisations to achieve their objectives, using a range of models that are appropriate to their aims and size

3.  To work with to develop local services including identifying and addressing gaps in service provision, and working with statutory partners

4.  To work with these sectors recognising their different roles – for example, providing services; improving service provision and raising issues of concern and involving local people

5.  To provide signposting to and direct services to enable the development of organisations as well as to provide problem-solving support

6.  To facilitate organisations communicating with and supporting each other as appropriate and share good practice

7.  To actively identify funding for VCS organisations in the borough and facilitate their gaining access, including via development of consortium and partnership arrangements

8.  To provide support to organisations to enable them to make successful applications for funding and win tenders and enable them to maintain funding gained

9.  To develop innovative models of communicating and engaging with the VCS including via the use of technology and support organisations to take advantage of virtual ways of working

10. Ensure that CVS Brent identifies and disseminates information to voluntary

and community organisations on national, regional and local strategy and

policy developments, government initiatives and relevant changes in

legislation, including other umbrella bodies such as NCVO

11.To ensure that CVS Brent continues to be innovative and responsive in

developing its services and activities to meet the diverse and changing needs

of local groups and communities, including with the direct involvement of


Development of partnership working between sectors

12.To take a leadership role facilitating partnership working between statutory

and voluntary and community sectors, including recognising the different

roles of individual organisations and how they can most appropriately achieve

their aims via partnership working

13.To represent CVS Brent and to act as an advocate for the interests of the

voluntary and community sector with a range of public

and private sector bodies

14.To work strategically with statutory partners to develop models of good

practice in relation to commissioning and tendering processes to facilitate

access by voluntary and community sector

15.To facilitate the involvement in and input to relevant forums, responding to

the changing environment and landscape

Management and Development of CVS Brent

16. To develop the organisation’s finance and fundraising strategy to ensure the

organisation’s long term sustainability

17. Working with Trustees, ensure that CVS Brent develops and implements

robust strategic and operational plans, has effective, transparent and

accessible processes in place to measure the performance and impact of the

organisation’s activities, and ensure accessible, transparent good quality

systems for financial control and management

18. To ensure CVS Brent delivers quality capacity building and networking and

representation services

19.To liaise with the Board and to act as the accounting officer for CVS Brent,

ensuring that it meets all of the legal, accounting and regulatory

requirements of Companies House and the Charity Commission and other

relevant bodies

20. Ensure effective business planning processes are in place including

overseeing the annual production of the organisation’s business plan and

ensuring effective evaluation and impact assessment of the organisation’s

activities, including via involving all stakeholders

21.To oversee the recruitment and management of staff and volunteers where


23.Work with the Board in relation to the recruitment and development of

trustees to enable them to fulfil their roles

24. To oversee the communications and marketing of the organisation

This is a description of the duties of the post as it stands. This list is not intended to be exhaustive and does not, therefore, form part of the contract of employment. The job will be reviewed in consultation with the postholder on a regular basis in order to ensure that the duties meet the requirements of the organisation and to make any changes necessary.

Contract details / ·  £50,000 pa (inclusive of London Weighting) with annual point increases subject to performance and funding
Terms and conditions / ·  Flexible working hours, using a TOIL system
·  Some flexibility in relation to working days will be required
·  Paid annual leave and sick leave, relevant to length of service


Person Specification

CVS Brent Chief Executive – Person Specification

Factor / Essential Criteria / Desirable Criteria
Experience / Experience of both day to day and strategic management at a senior level within the voluntary sector
Experience of fundraising/income generation for own organisation and the voluntary sector as a whole
Proven experience of creating positive outcomes as a result of partnership working
Experience of having worked pro-actively for social justice, tackling disadvantage and exclusion in its widest sense
Proven experience of managing staff, including problem-solving, and of good practice in relation in involving volunteers / A/I
A/I / Experience working in partnership with other organisations
Experience of recruiting and supporting an effective board of trustees
Extensive experience of working in the voluntary sector in a diverse range of roles
Proven experience of lobbying statutory authorities e.g. council, NHs to involve VCS in service delivery / A/I
Knowledge / Sophisticated understanding of the voluntary sector’s changing environments and needs
Knowledge of infrastructure and the role of an organisation like a CVS in developing and supporting the sector
Understanding of the range of social and economic issues facing boroughs like Brent the role of the VCS in relation to this
Understanding of risk management and developing processes to successfully manage risk / A/I
A/I / Good knowledge and understanding of the current political landscape and its relevance to the sector
Good knowledge of Brent’s communities
Broad knowledge of management systems including risk and quality
Knowledge of relevant legislation including HR, equalities, charity and company law / A/I/T
Skills & Abilities / Financially literate with an ability to create and manage a budget and read and understand complex organisational accounts
Ability to be an effective advocate on behalf of the community and voluntary sectors in strategic partnerships and with other agencies
Ability to build trust, respect and good working relationships with a wide range of people / A/I
A/I/T / Ability to inspire others to innovate and generate fresh ideas
Ability to analyse and communicate complex issues in clear, concise persuasive language – both written and verbal / A/I

Demonstrable by A = Application / I = Interview / T = Test

Guidelines for Submitting an Application

If you would like to apply for the position of Chief Executive of CVS Brent, please prepare the following:

·  Up to date CV (3 pages maximum)

·  Cover Letter outlining why you believe you are the best candidate for this position with a Competency Statement (10 pages maximum)

The Competency Statement would need to demonstrate how you meet the required criteria. Please state how your qualifications, experience, abilities/skills and commitment to date are relevant to the Person Specification. You are advised to list each point from the Person Specification and include your answers against each point.

Please submit your application as PDFs by Monday 8th May 2017, 9:00am to .