Special Education Program (SEP) Annual Report

Special Education Program (SEP) Annual Report

First Nations Special Education Program

Annual Report for Schools


  1. Due on February 22, 2008.
  1. One report per school receiving Special Education Program Funds is to be completed for First Nations Schools and Provincial Schools receiving Special Education Program funds.
  1. Send report to the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC)

Fax (604) 925-6097


Eligible Students: Students eligible for funding under the Special Education Program (SEP) are those whose special education needs cannot be met within the resources intended for the general student population and who are on the Nominal Roll or eligible to be on the Nominal Roll based on the First Nation Education Program Guidelines. Broadly speaking, special education needs of students fall within a continuum of mild to moderate, moderate to severe and severe to profound. Special education needs that are at the lower end of this continuum are expected to be addressed within the resources intended for the general student population. Only special education needs that are more costly to address (generally ranging from moderate to profound) are eligible for funding under the SEP. Students receiving programs and services under the Special Education Program (SEP)* are to be identified as High Cost Special Education Students on the Nominal Roll.

Formal Assessment: An assessment of a student’s special education needs conducted by specialized professionals.

Informal Assessment: An assessment of a student’s special education needs conducted by a teacher in the student’s school.

Contact the Special Education Program Guidelines, your Regional Managing Organization or your INAC Regional office for more information.

Note: Part E of the form is under review. Changes will be communicated as required.

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First Nation Special Education Program Annual Report for Schools

Identification Information

Education Authority Name / Education Authority
INAC Use Only / School Year
Being Reported: September ______- June _____
School Name / School Number / Principal Name
School Address / Telephone / FAX

Part A: Student Identification

# Students
HIGH COST SPECIAL EDUCATION (HCSE) NEEDS STUDENTS / 1a. How many eligible HCSE students in the school are RECEIVING Special Education Services from SEP funds?
1b. How many eligible HCSE students in the school receiving Special Education Services from SEP funds HAVE AN IEP?
2a. How many eligible HCSE students in the school are NOT RECEIVING Special Education Services from SEP funds?
2b. How many eligible HCSE students not RECEIVING Special Education Services HAVE an IEP?
3. How many students in the school have been identified through formal assessment as having HCSE needs?
4. How many students in the school have been identified through informal assessment as having HCSE needs?
# Re-assessments / # New Cases
STUDENT REFERRALS AND ASSESSMENTS / 5. How many students were referred for a formal assessment within the school year?
6. How many students were formally assessed within the school year?
7. How many formally assessed students were identified during the school year as having high cost special education needs?
8. How many students were informally identified during the school year as having high cost special education needs? / n/a
# Students
EDUCATION PLANS (IEPs) / 9. How many students are meeting or exceeding the learning objectives of their IEP?
10. How often are IEPs reviewed?
□ Annually □ Twice a year □ Three or more times per year

Part B: School Staff

# FTEs
TEACHING STAFF WORKING WITH HIGH COST SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS STUDENTS / 11. Full time equivalent (FTE) Teaching staff that are PROVINCIALLY CERTIFIED TEACHERS but not qualified special education teachers
13. FTE Teaching staff that are CERTIFIED para-professionals, teacher assistants or inclusion facilitators
14. FTE Teaching staff that are UNCERTIFIED para-professionals, teacher assistants or inclusion facilitators
# Staff
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / 15. Teaching staff involved in at least one SPECIAL EDUCATION professional development activity during the year

16. Indicate the types of SPECIAL EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT activities that were made available to teaching staff working with High Cost Special Education Needs Students this past year:

□ In School Training□ Workshops

□ Conferences□ University/College Courses

□ Coaching/Mentoring□ Other, please specify: ______

Part C: Special Education Policy

17. Does the school have a formal written Special Education Policy? □ Yes□ No

18. Does the policy include an appeal process?□ Yes□ No

19. When was the policy last reviewed and updated?______, 20__

Month/Day, Year

20. Does your Special Education policy address the provision of services to □ Yes□ No

High Cost Special Education Needs students from other jurisdictions? □ Not applicable

21. Indicate the ways in which parents and caregivers are involved in the program:

 They are informed about the Special Education Policy and services available to their children in the schools and community agencies

 They are provided written documentation about the Special Education Policy and services available to their children

 They are given the opportunity to be INVOLVED in the development, implementation and evaluation of their children’s IEP

 They are provided with a copy of their assessment reports

 They are required to AUTHORIZE IN WRITING any assessments, planning and transmission of assessment reports to other agencies

 They are given the opportunity to be involved in pre- and post-assessment consultation with professionals

 They are asked to PROVIDE THEIR FEEDBACK to the school administration about their level of satisfaction about the progress of IEPs

Part D: Other Agencies

22. Indicate the types of agencies and programs inside and outside the community with which the school collaborates to provide support and services to High Cost Special Education Needs students and their families:

□ Child and Family Services□ Social Services

□ Health Services□ Income Assistance

□ Day Care / Headstart□ Provincial Education Ministries

□ Provincial School Boards or School Divisions□ Inter-agency Organizations

□ Traditional/Spiritual Advisors□ Other, please specify: ______

Part E: Needs Not Met

Note: This section is to be completed by First Nations Schools for planning purposes only. INAC will use the information to build a business case for increased program funding. Provincial Schools funded by INAC for Special Education are not requried to complete this section.

23. Was the school able to provide appropriate services for all students □ Yes□ No

identified as having High Cost Special Education Needs?

If you answered “NO” to Question #23, please respond to the remaining questions below. The attached worksheets can be used to determine the answers to the questions, however, they should not be submitted to INAC or to the Regional Managing Organization.

# Students
24. How many students identified as having High Cost Special Education needs and eligible for services under SEP funding DID NOT HAVE ANY OF THEIR NEEDS MET?
25. How many students identified as having High Cost Special Education needs and eligible for services under SEP funding HAD THEIR NEEDS PARTIALLY MET?
26. How many students with High Cost Special Education needs are in the school but INELIGIBLE for services under SEP Funding?

27. Of the students identified in questions 24 and 25, HOW MANY:

Have been assessed by a specialist / Received a medical diagnosis
Have been assessed through teacher observation/screening / Have NOT been assessed
Other: specify______

28. Of the students identified in questions 24 and 25, HOW MANY REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES:

a) Special Education Teacher / i) One-on-one part-time support
b) Psychologist / j) Speech/Language/Pathologist
c) Physiotherapist / k) Professional Counseling
d) Occupational Therapist / l) Psychometrician
e) Dietician / m) Opthamologist/Optometrist
f) Medical Diagnostician / n) Assistive Devices
g) Supported Technology / o) Other
h) One-on-one full time support

29. Of the students identified in questions 24 and 25, specify the approximate amount of additional funding needed for the following, if applicable:

$$ Required
a) Staff (TAs, Teachers, etc)
b) Capital (e.g. for wheelchair ramp or other modifications to the building to accommodate special needs students)
c) Transportation
d) Programs
e) Professional Development
f) Assessments / # outstanding:
g) Other

30. Indicate any other reasons for lack of service:


31. Describe the resources and strategies used to address needs not met by Special Education Program funds:


The information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge:

Name of Individual Completing the Report / Title
Signature / Date

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Section F: Needs Not Met WORKSHEET. Use this to prepare answers to Questions 24, 25 and 27. DO NOT SUBMIT WORKSHEET TO INAC. For each High Cost Special Education Needs Student, answer the following questions and place the totals from each column in the corresponding questions in Section F.
HIGH COST SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS STUDENT NAME / 24. Was the students high cost special needs not at all met?
(Y)es or (N)o / 25. Was the students high cost special needs partially met?
(Y)es or (N)o / 27a) Was the student assessed by a specialist?
(Y)es or (N)o / 27b) Was the student assessed through teacher observation / screening?
(Y)es or (N)o / 27c) Did the student receive a medical diagnosis?
(Y)es or (N)o / 27d) Has the Student received an assessment?
(Y)es or (N)o / 27e) Did the student receive an other kind of Assessment?
(Y)es or (N)o
(Indicate the type)
TOTALS / 24 / 25 / 27a / 27 / 27 / 27 / 27
add number of (Y)s for question 24 / add number of (Y)s for question 25 / add number of (Y)s for question 27a) / add number of (Y)s for question 27b) / add number of (Y)s for question 27c) / add number of (N)s for question 27d) / add number of (Y)s for question 27e)

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Section F: Needs not met WORKSHEET. Use to prepare the answers to Question 28. DO NOT SUBMIT WORKSHEET TO INAC.
Of the students identified as not having their needs met, check (√) how many require the services of a:
HIGH COST SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS STUDENT NAME / Special Education Teacher / Psychologist / Physiotherapist / Occupational Therapist / Dietician / Medical Diagnostician / Supported Technology / One-on-one full time support / One-on-One Part-time support / Speech/Language/Pathologist / Professional Counseling / Psychometrician / Ophthalmologist/Optometrist / Assistive Devices / Other (specify )
TOTALS (add up to numbers of √’s to respond to question 28 in Section F: High Cost Special Education Needs not met)
Section H: Needs not met WORKSHEET Question 29 and 30. DO NOT SUBMIT WORKSHEET TO INAC. For each High Cost Special Education Needs Student, answer the following questions and place the totals from each column for the corresponding questions in Section F.
HIGH COST SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS STUDENT NAME / 29a) Specify the amount of funding required for hiring staff (e.g. TA’s, teachers, etc.) / 29b) Specify the amount of funding required for capital (e.g. wheelchair ramp or other modification(s) on building(s) to accommodate special needs students) / 29c) Specify the amount of funding required for Transportation. / 29d) Specify the amount of funding required for Programs to address High Cost Special Education Students’ needs / 29e) Specify the amount of funding required for Professional Development of school staff to address the Student’s needs / 29f) Specify the amount of funding required to completed assessments needed by the student. / 29g) Other Reasons (specify)

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