Applying For an Apprenticeship – ‘What Happens’ Guide

1 / APPLICATION STAGE / There are a number of ways to apply for an apprenticeship with The Source, this includes: by telephone, email, website, via the National Apprenticeship Service online or face-to-face at one of The Source’s Recruitment Fairs. / Approximately 15-30 minutes.
Should you have any queries at this stage please call us on 0114 2636654.
2 / APPLICATION REGISTRATION STAGE / Your interest will be recorded and your details will be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager who is responsible for the vacancy you have applied for. / Approximately 3 – 5 working days from receipt of your application.
Should you have any queries at this stage please contact your Recruitment Manager.
3 / PRE INTERVIEW STAGE / Your Recruitment Manager (who has been assigned to you) will call you and discuss the vacancy that you have applied for. They will check personal suitability and carry out a full eligibility check. / Please allow 1-3 days for this, every candidate will be contacted by telephone, text or email. If we are unable to contact you at the time of calling, we will use other methods of communication such as text messaging to make contact.
Should you have any queries at this stage please contact your Recruitment Manager.
4 / SUITABLE APPLICANTS – PRE INTERVIEW / Once it has been discussed and agreed that you are suitable for the position, your details will be forwarded to the employer as part of a shortlisting process. The number of candidates on the shortlist is decided by the amount of suitable applicants and we will encourage all employers to see as many candidates a possible. This usually is between 3-6 per position. / Approximately 2 working days.
Should you have any queries at this stage please contact your Recruitment Manager.
5 / INTERVIEW / Full details of the interview will be sent to you and we will be there to assist with travel and accessibility for attending the interview. In some circumstances, we can provide additional support with direct travel to interviews, so please ask if this is something you would like to know more about. / Within 1 – 2working days.
Should you have any queries at this stage please contact your Recruitment Manager.
6 / SUCCESS - ENROLMENT ONTO AN APPRENTICESHIP / Once successful, after your interview we will send confirmation of the apprenticeship, including start date and further information about enrolment onto training. When you start, you will be visited by a Source Tutor who will discuss the next stages of your apprenticeship. Enrolment onto your apprenticeship will happen on site at your employer address or at a central enrolment day at The Source Academy Meadowhall. / Enrolment should be arranged within the first 2 weeks of employment or before.
Should you have any queries at this stage please contact your Recruitment Manager.

The Source is an approved skills academy for the delivery of apprenticeships nationwide. We pride ourselves in working with employers to create the best apprenticeship opportunities for young people. We offer a professional, efficient and quality service that ensures you only interview candidates specifically interested in your role.

Please note the above plan of action details estimates and recruitment is expected to be complete in 4-6 weeks.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your Account Manager or the Recruitment Team.

Tel: 0114 263 6654