Apply for funding for your environmental project!
Hazon is seeking to provide small grants to environmental projects across North America and Israelthrough its 11th Annual New York Jewish Environmental Bike Ride. If you are working on a creative Jewish environmental project, simply fill out the short application below and submit it by April 29.Applications will be considered from organizations east of the Mississippi River and in Israel. Organizations should be a registered non-profit organization. The winners will be announced by May 31.
Projects may focus on any of the following areas:
- the connection between Judaism and the environment
- transportation alternatives
- climate change
- sustainable food; and,
- farming and gardening
Examples of projects that have received Hazon grants in the past include:
- bike racks at schools and synagogues
- cycling education programs
- cycling advocacy programs
- traffic calming measures
- renewable energy projects
- weatherization projects; and,
- other technological solutions to reduce energy consumption.
Grant winners for the mini-grants:
- Are guaranteed a grant from $1,000-$3,000
- Will be promoted on the New York Ride website
- Will be promoted in the New York Ride Program Book
- Will be rewarded with a bonus for every person they recruit to their team for the Ride
- Will have an opportunity to speak briefly before all the participants at the New York Ride
- Will have the opportunity to set up a display and materials at the New York Ride
- Will be required to promote the New York Ride to their participants, thought emails, social networking, and other methods
- Will be required to send a representative from the organization to participate as a Rider or Crew
Visit the Hazon website for more information about Hazon’s work and past mini-grant recipients.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Nancy Lipsey, at . Submit applications by email only to . Attachments must be in Word or Excel.
The Hazon New York Bike Ride takes place September 2-5 and is an immersive weekend with a 2-day retreat and a 2-day ride. Participants raise sponsorship monies to support Hazon’s work and that of a number of other organizations whose missions and values are consonant with those of Hazon and the Ride. For more information
Grant Request Cover Sheet
Date of Application:
Organization Name (please list legal name):
Executive Director:
Contact person and title (if not Executive Director):
Amount Requested:
Total Organizational Budget (for current year):
Total Project Budget:
Title of grant:
One paragraph description of the project (to be posted online):
Attach the logo of your organization:
Attach a picture of your organization at work at we can post online:
Grant Request Application
- Organization Description: Give a short narrative of your organization including. NO MORE THAN 1 PAGE:
- Mission Statement and organizational history
- Current projects and accomplishments
- Size of your organization
- Relationships with other organizations
- Needs statement: Please describe the project you are seeking support for and the need or problem you are seeking to address; who will benefit from your work; how will you spend the funds if a grant is made.
- Goals & Strategies: Describe the work you are planning to undertake – including goals, strategies you will employ, action steps, time frame and expected results. What outcomes do you hope to achieve? How will you evaluate your project?
- Connection to Hazon’s mission: Please explain how your project or organization connects to Hazon’s mission – Hazon creates healthy and sustainable communities in the Jewish world and beyond. Also explain any connection between your organization and Hazon.
- Promoting the Ride: If you organization is selected, you will be asked to promote the New York Ride to your participants, constituents and members. The more people you bring to the ride the more money you can add to your mini-grant. How do you plan to promote the Ride to people connected to your organization? Be specific.