Applied Biopharmaceutics
(Pharmacy Program)
5th year students
This course involves lectures (12 h) and seminaries (28 h).
The main goal of biopharmacy is to provide pharmacy students withdesign and evaluation of bioequivalence studies, technological, physiological, patophysiological factors related to drug pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutical aspects of drug delivery systems.
Agnieszka Bienert (Ph.D.)
Edyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
Danuta Szkutnik-Fiedler (Ph.D.)
Katarzyna Sobańska (M.Sc)
The Biopharmacy course assistant coordinatorisEdyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
in office in the Department;
by phone – 61 66 87 853;
by e-mail –
19.10.2015, 11.00 am – 2.00 pm
1: Vaginal and rectal drug delivery systems. Danuta Szkutnik-Fiedler (Ph.D.)
2:TCI systems. Agnieszka Bienert (Ph.D.)
26.10.2015, 11.00 am – 2.00 pm
3: Methods for assessing bioavailability. Edyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
4: Technological factors determining drug bioavailability. Edyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
02.11.2014, 11.30 am – 2.30 pm – wykład do odrobienia
5: Biopharmaceutical aspects of oral drug delivery (lect). Katarzyna Sobańska (Msc)
6. Biopharmaceutical aspects of transdermal drug delivery systemEdyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
Mondays, 11.00 am – 2.00 pm
1) 09.11.2015
1: Design and evaluation of bioequivalence studies.Edyta Szałek (Ph.D
2: Bioequivalence Studies of Generic Products for Topical Use.Edyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
2) 16.11.2015
3:Nasal drug delivery systems. Danuta Szkutnik-Fiedler (Ph.D.)
4: Biosimilars – aspects of safety, pharmacovigilance and substitution.Edyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
3) 23.11.2015
5: Oral mucosal drug delivery systems. Danuta Szkutnik-Fiedler (Ph.D.)
6:Biopharmaceutical aspects of oral drug delivery.Katarzyna Sobańska (Msc)
4) 30.11.2015
7:Biopharmaceutical aspects of intravenous administration. Part I Edyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
8:Biopharmaceutical aspects of intravenous administration. Part II Katarzyna Sobańska (MSc.)
5) 07.12.2015
9: Examination of pyrogens. Edyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
10:Application of pharmacokinetics in clinical situation. Edyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
6) 14.12.2015
11:Biopharmaceutical aspects of topical ocular drug delivery. Part I.
Katarzyna Sobańska (Msc)
12:Pulmonary drug delivery systems. Agnieszka Bienert(Ph.D.)
7) 11.01.2015
13:Chronopharmacokinetics and chronopharmacodynamics. Edyta Szałek (Ph.D.)
14: Biopharmaceutical aspects of topical ocular drug delivery. Part II.
Katarzyna Sobańska (Msc)
All the meetings will take place in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy, Marii Magdaleny 14.
The seminaries are obligatory for the students.
Three late arrivals are equal to one absence.
The students are allowed not to attend one lab with no written excuse. If the student will miss more than two labs and regardless of the cause he will have to repeat whole course next year.
Attendance at lectures is not obligatory.
The labs and lectures will be closed by one final test.
The exam will take place on Monday (January18, 2016) at 11.00 a.m.
To obtain the credit in biopharmacy course (test) the students will have to be able to offer at least 50% answers.
Students who will fail the exam may approach it again, and repeat it within two weeks.
After each lab the presenting person will provide you the authorized handouts.