œÏ. ˆÅ¸. Ç¿Å 20729 /‚¸£.’ú.‚¸ƒÄ-5/787/149 ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ : 08.11.2012
Shri Dinesh Bansal,
S/O- Shri Sat Pal Bansal,
Ist Floor, Ishwar Karyana Store,
Ram Mandir Street, Patiala Gate,
Near Tata Indicom Office,
Sangrur - 148 001 (Punjab).
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‚¸£.’ú.‚¸ƒÄ. ‡Æ’ ˆ½Å ‚¿÷¸Š¸Ä÷¸ ç¸úœ¸ú‚¸ƒÄ‚¸½ ˆÅ¸
‚¸™½©¸ ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 17.10.2012 縿. 787
ç¸úœ¸ú‚¸ƒÄ‚¸½ ׸£¸ œ¸¸¹£÷¸ 縿™¹ð¸Ä÷¸ ‚¸™½©¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¸œ¸ˆ½Å œ¸°¸ ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 01.11.12, ù¸¸½ ¹ˆÅ ªŸ¸½¿ 05.11.12 ˆÅ¸½ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ªº‚¸ ªÿ, ˆÅ¸ 縿™ð¸Ä ¥¸½ ¹ù¸ç¸ˆ½Å ׸£¸ ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ` 50/- œÏ½¹ß¸÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ªÿ— ªŸ¸ ƒç¸ œ¸°¸ ˆ½Å 縸˜¸ ¹›¸Ÿ›¸¹¥¸¹‰¸÷¸ 縿¥¸Š›¸ ˆÅ£ £ª½ ªÿ : -
With reference to the captioned order of CPIO and your letter dated 01.11.2012 depositing ` 50/-, which has been received by us on 05.11.2012, we enclose herewith the following : -
(1) The details of claims sanctioned but subsidy not released for want of funds from Govt. of India as given in Annexure-I (format given by the applicant) contained in the diskette provided to the information seeker with this letter.
(2) The details of claims sanctioned and also been released to the applicant as given in Annexure-II (format given by the applicant) contained in the diskette provided to the information seeker with this letter.
(3) The details of claims received by SIDBI during the period 01/01/2012 to 31/08/2012 and have been rejected are as given in Annexure-III contained in the diskette provided to the information seeker with this letter.
ˆ¼Åœ¸¡¸¸ œ¸¸¨¸÷¸ú ™½¿— / Kindly acknowledge receipt.
縿¥¸Š›¸ˆÅ : ¡¸˜¸¸½Æ÷¸— (œÏ™úœ¸ ‚¨¸ç˜¸ú)
(ç¸Þ긛¸¸ ‚¹š¸ˆÅ¸£ ‚¹š¸¹›¸¡¸Ÿ¸ ˆÅ®¸)
œÏ. ˆÅ¸.Ç..20344 /‚¸£.’ú.‚¸ƒÄ-5/787 ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ : 17.10.2012
speed/ Regd. Post
Shri Dinesh Bansal,
S/O- Shri Sat Pal Bansal,
Ist Floor, Ishwar Karyana Store,
Ram Mandir Street, Patiala Gate,
Near Tata Indicom Office,
Sangrur - 148 001 (Punjab)
¹œÏ¡¸ Ÿ¸ª¸½™¡¸,
‚¸£.’ú.‚¸ƒÄ. ‡Æ’ ˆ½Å ‚¿÷¸Š¸Ä÷¸ ç¸úœ¸ú‚¸ƒÄ‚¸½ ˆÅ¸½ œÏ¸œ÷¸
- ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 21.09.2012 ˆ½Å ‚¸œ¸ˆ½Å ‚¸¨¸½™›¸ ˆ½Å 縿ñ¸¿š¸ Ÿ¸½¿
‚¸œ¸ˆ½Å 縿™¹ð¸Ä÷¸ ‚¸¨¸½™›¸ ˆ½Å 縿ñ¸¿š¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ªŸ¸ ç¸úœ¸ú‚¸ƒÄ‚¸½ ׸£¸ œ¸¸¹£÷¸ ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 17.10.2012 ˆÅ¸ ‚¸™½©¸ 縿. 787 縿¥¸Š›¸ ˆÅ£ £ª½ ª¾, ¹ù¸ç¸ˆÅú ¹¨¸ß¸¡¸ ¨¸ç÷¸º 稸÷¸: 眸ߒ ª¾ —
With reference to your captioned application, we enclose herewith the Order No. 787 dated 17.10.2012 passed by CPIO, the contents of which are self-explanatory.
ˆ¼Åœ¸¡¸¸ œ¸¸¨¸÷¸ú ™½¿—
縿¥¸Š›¸ˆÅ : ¡¸˜¸¸½Æ÷¸—
(œÏ™úœ¸ ‚¨¸ç˜¸ú)
(ç¸Þ긛¸¸ ‚¹š¸ˆÅ¸£ ‚¹š¸¹›¸¡¸Ÿ¸ ˆÅ®¸)
Order No : 787 Dated : 17.10.2012
Application dated 21.09.2012 of Shri Dinesh Bansal, Sangrur
seeking Information under Right to Information Act, 2005
This Order disposes off the captioned application of Shri Dinesh Bansal, S/O- Shri Sat Pal Bansal, Ist Floor, Ishwar Karyana Store, Ram Mandir Street, Patiala Gate, Near Tata Indicom Office, Sangrur - 148 001 (Punjab) seeking information under the RTI Act, 2005 and received by the office of CPIO on September 24 2012. The information seeker has sought information, inter-alia, on the total amount of claims sanctioned by SIDBI under Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) but not released so far for want of funds from Government of India (GoI), claims released to the applicant units, claims under CLCSS pending for sanction / rejection, complete list of subsidy claim which has been rejected by SIDBI or the proposal has been returned by SIDBI and reasons for rejections or returned, and claims which have been approved by SIDBI but not released /rejected / refused by Govt of India from January 2012 till date.
The said application is disposed of, as under :-
1. Information in respect of Sl. No. 2(iii) - a of the application :
An amount of ` 91,76,28,695/- has been found eligible and lodged with GOI by SIDBI under CLCSS during the period 01/01/2012 to 31/08/2012, but subsidy is yet to be released from Govt. of India.
2. Information in respect of Sl. No. 2(iii) - b of the application :
The details of claims sanctioned but subsidy not released for want of funds from from Govt. of India as given in Annexure-I (format given by the applicant) contained in the diskette be provided to the information seeker on payment of `50/- (@ `50/- per diskette) in terms of the RTI provisions.
3. Information in respect of Sl. No. 2(iii) - c of the application :
The details of claims sanctioned and also been released to the applicant as given in Annexure-II (format given by the applicant) contained in the diskettebe provided to the information seeker on payment as demanded above.
4. Information in respect of Sl. No. 2(iii) - d of the application :
No claim is pending for processing at SIDBI’s end in respect of applications received under CLCSS during the period 01/01/2012 to 31/08/2012 .
5. Information in respect of Sl. No. 2(iii) - f of the application :
The details of claims received by SIDBI during the period 01/01/2012 to 31/08/2012 and have been rejected are as given in Annexure-III contained in the diskettebe provided to the information seeker on payment as demanded above.
It is informed to the information seeker that the system does not capture further details i.e. Address of the units, sector of the unit, date of issuance of letter in case of discrepancy. However, date of issuance of letter to nodal office of PLI’s (in case of discrepancy if any) and collection and compilation of these information manually is tedious and time consuming resulting into disproportionately diversion of resources of public authority, hence cannot be provided in terms of section 7(9) of the RTI Act, 2005.
6. Information in respect of Sl. No. 2(iii) - g of the application :
Information seeker is informed that requested information is not available with SIDBI.
The details of First Appellate Authority are given below and are also available at Bank’s web site at www.sidbi.in.
1. Name of the Appellate Authority : Shri S.C. Garg
Chief General Manager [Legal]
2. Address of the
Appellate Authority : Small Industries Development Bank of India
“SIDBI Tower”, 15 Ashok Marg
LUCKNOW - 226 001.
An Appeal may be filed by the information seeker, if aggrieved, against this Order before the First Appellate Authority within 30 days from the date of receipt of this order.
[U.S. Lal]
General Manager (Legal) &
Central Public Information Officer
Small Industries Development Bank of India
Head Office, 15, Ashok Marg, Lucknow–226 001