Applications due by Tuesday, September 26th,(9:00pm) to . Please reach out with any questions!

Freshman Musical 2018 Application


Preferred Gender Pronouns:

Phone Number:


Dorm + Room Number:

Position(s)—Numberpositions in which you’re interested, in order of preference.

______Director – Works with actors to stage the show, creates a cohesive thematic and directorial vision for the musical, aids writers as an advisor while show is being created.

______Music Director – Primarily works to teach music to the actors, creates a vision for blend and timbre of the vocals, assembles a pit orchestra (and, if wanted, conducts), aids writers as anadvisor while show is being created.

______Producer – Coordinates with all members of the production, applies for grants!!!, manages money, aids in technical theatre work, sets meetings and deadlines for the production.

______Stage Manager – Works with the Directors to manage the rehearsal space, schedules rehearsals and communicates with actors, acts as a liaison between cast and staff, mitigates potential conflicts, calls the cues for the show.

______Book Writer* - Writes the Book/Script of the musical, works in tandem with the other writers to create a cohesive show. Most work will occur Fall Semester and Winter Break, with possible adjustments made during the rehearsal process in the Spring.

______Lyricist* - Writes the Lyrics of the musical, works in tandem with the other writers to create a cohesive show. Most work will occur Fall Semester and Winter Break, with possible adjustments made during the rehearsal process in the Spring.

______Composer* - Composes the score of the musical, works in tandem with the other writers to create a cohesive show. Most work will occur Fall Semester and Winter Break, with possible adjustments made during the rehearsal process in the Spring.

*These roles can overlap, if wanted. For example, if you want to write both lyrics and music or both the book and lyrics, mark both roles with the same number.


  1. What is your favorite musical (or play) and why?
  1. What activities are you a part of on campus? In what ways do you engage with theHarvard Community?
  1. For any of your choices, please provide a short statement of interest (a few sentences for each indicated position). What experiences do you have that might prepare you for this role?
  1. Creative / Supplemental Submissions

a)Director: Tell us how you would direct a scene from your favorite play or musical.

b)Music Director: Write about how you hope to guide the cast to create a unified sound? Choose any musical, and write about the cast album, both vocally and instrumentally, pointing out any parts that catch your eye (or ear!) and why.

c)Producer: Imagine that you are applying for funding for your show from the Office for the Arts. Write a short grant application for your favorite musical. (Check out the website for tips!)

d)Stage Manager:Write about the following scenario: You find that your director tries to micromanage all aspects of the production. How do you let them know, respectfully, that this is not their job? How do you make them feel comfortable taking a step back?

e)Book Writer: Write a short scene about Legumes or Motorcycling. Don’t be afraid to get creative!

f)Lyricist: Write a song about eitherFish out of water or Two children fighting.

g)Composer:Compose a short melody inspired by one of these adjectives: sultry or rolling.