Applications Based On Simple While Structure

  1. Write an application program to display the counting starting from 1 and up to 3.
  1. Write an application program to display the counting starting from 1 and up to 30.
  1. Write an application program to display the counting starting from 1 and up to300.
  1. Write an application program to display the counting starting from 1 and up to 3000.
  1. Write an application program to display the counting starting from 1 and continue until a key is pressed from the keyboard.
  1. Write an application program to display the following format: -
  1. 1 2 3 ……………… Up to 19
  2. 1 3 5 ……………… Up to 19
  3. 1 4 7 ……………… Up to 19
  1. 19 18 17 …………... Up to 1
  2. 19 17 15 …………... Up to 1
  3. 19 16 13 …………... Up to 1
  1. 2 4 8 ………………. Up to 20
  2. 3 6 9 ………………. Up to 30
  3. 4 8 12 ………………Up to 40
  1. 20 18 16 …………… Up to 2
  2. 30 27 23 …………… Up to 3
  3. 40 38 36 …………… Up to 4
  1. 1 4 9 ……………….. Up to 100
  2. 1 8 27 ……………… Up to 1000
  3. 1 16 81 …………….. Up to 10000
  1. 1 10 100 …………… Up to 1000000000
  2. 1000000000 ………….. Up to 1
  1. 123456789
  2. 987654321
  1. Write an application program to accept any 9digits number and display its reverse value on the standard output device.

  1. Write an application program to accept three numbers calculate and display the sum, product and average value.
  1. Write an application program to accept thirty numbers calculate and display the sum, productand average value.
  1. Write an application program to accept N numbers calculate and display the sum, productand average value.
  1. Write an application program to accept N numbers calculate and display the total count of +ve numbers, --ve numbers and zeros.
  1. Write an application program to accept N numbers calculate and display the total count of +veeven, -ve even, +ve odd and –veodd numbers.
  1. Write an application program to display the factorialof5.
  1. Write an application program to display the factorial of 16.
  1. Write an application program to display the factorial of 20.
  1. Write an application to accept a number and display its factorial value.
  1. Write an application program to accept a number from keyboard check and display its factors.
  1. Write an application program to accept a number from keyboard check and display whether it is a Prime number or not.
  1. Write an application program to accept a number from keyboard check and display whether it is an Armstrong number or not.
  1. Write an application program to accept a number and its exponent calculate and display the power.
  1. Write an application program to display the total count of LeapYears between 1000 and 2009.
  1. .Write an application program to calculate and display the sum of the following series: -
  1. 1 + 2 + 3 + ….. + Up to N terms.
  2. 12 + 22 + 32 + ….. + Up to N terms.
  3. 13 + 23 + 33 + ….. + Up to N terms.
  4. 1 + X2 + X3 + ….. + Up to N terms.
  5. 1 + X2 + X4 + ….. + Up to N terms.
  1. Write an application program to calculate and display the Fibonacci series up to n terms.

[Hint: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 …..]