Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the Old Modernians RUFC held at 8.10pm Tuesday 17th March 2009.
Ian Armitage, Graeme Greenfield, Alan Crump, John Bracewell, Edgar Osborne, Owen Walker, Andy Lowe, Darren Sadkowski, Joe Faulkner, Butch(later)
Apologies; Simon Leeds, Julian Rhodes,
Minutes of Previous Meeting; Accepted subject to amendment of date of parkway function to 14/11/09.
Matters Arising;
IA asked if the Tour Date had been ring-fenced, JB confirmed this.
IA reported that the Past Players Dinner had been a great success overall, JB added that he had been asked by the Association Chairman to thank the Rugby Section for the event and the consequent increased bar takings, GG endorsed this fact. DS pointed out that some attendees had not come outside to see the game but EO said that it had been cold and some had preferred to remain inside and talk. IA thanked all concerned and said that the idea would be subject of being repeated.
IA asked of JB re league changes to which JB reported no information yet known to alter the normal issues to date at our level of league structure.
IA enquired about the use of the gym by other sections and it was discussed and decided that EO would make mention of this at the next Ass. Committee Meeting, with regards to a contribution towards a rowing machine.
IA reported that the ceiling work in the changing rooms starts next week.
Treasurer’s Report;
GG reported that monies held were at their lowest for sometime at £3827 but that we were owed £550 from RFU with some subs to follow, but match fees were down substantially with some players not paying and the pay back system for drivers taking effect. The financial position had to be reviewed at the end of the season.
JB gave details of the following; Thankyou letter from the RDO re pitch use, trophies literature – declined, Nothallerton RUFC 10s – declined, RFU advertising and a request from Billingham RUFC re an injured player, agreed to donate £25. JB questioned whether £25 was too small a sum to pay but it was decided to retain the previous amounts for Clubs within / outside YFRU but each case merited consideration each time.
Entertainment’s Secretary;
Not present. GG stated that the Sports Quiz had been poorly attended and better publicity was required and some who said they were attending did not in the end.
1st XV Capt;
DS reported W3 L1 since last meeting with some good performances again with the close defeat coming in a trial match v Roundhegians where some new players were tried out with positive results. The period around Xmas had cost us being considered for promotion.
2nd XV Capt;
IA introduced JF.
JF on behalf of SL gave details of recent games with some positive indications having not lost a game recently.
3rd XV Capt;
AC reported that we had W2 and L2 recently and used a lot of players but some were of good calibre and had played well against some good teams. IA added that 9 players had failed to attend last Saturday without good excuse and that this Sat coming would be the final game till mid April.
Coaching Report;
AL stated that things had improved overall and that a change in night may be worthwhile to get better numbers. There was a need for front row players again and these should be targeted. He added that it was good having the 2nd XV Capt at training + JF as that encouraged others to attend.
Equipment Officer;
OW present and AL suggested that we should look at other suppliers for better priced same quality kit, IA endorsed this. OW to shop around first to compare prices before committing to any purchases.
Association Representative;
EO reported on the roof situation and that the pitch matter was still under investigation by Mr Smyth who was due to report to the whole of the Association shortly.
Membership Secretary; Not present.
Fixture Secretary; Not present.
Any Other Business;
IA mentioned the requirement for somebody to attend the soccer dinner on 24/4 and JB added about other following dinners that we should be attending. The format and arrangements for our annual dinner were now discussed at length resulting in the fee having to be increased for the first time in several years to £30 to cover costs including 2 free pints per member, 5 course dinner and to cover for 10 guests. The menu, as usual was debated and after much consideration it was chosen as follows; pate, vegetable soup, roast beef, apple pie and cheese & biscuits. The speakers and associated matters were also discussed thoroughly.
IA added that the AGM was to follow the following Thursday after the dinner (21/5/09) and he said that if any member of the Committee was not standing then he should be notified confidentially.
GG mentioned the proposed Tour and this was debated fully and it was decided that AL/DS would speak to JR as to feasibility asap.
AC pointed that he had successfully attended an Entry Level Refs Course for the Club.
AL requested that no more YRFU games be played upon our pitch to prevent over-use – agreed.
AL asked that the drill tops be sold off at £5 for training as not used, OW confirmed this and to be done.
AL raised the issue over the sponsorship/grants etc regarding the acquisition of land and after debate the matter is to be raised by EO at the next Association Committee Meeting.
AL asked that the Association Minutes be publicised, to which GG added that it had been mentioned before but we as a section should probably also display ours and it was agreed to do this via our website by DS upon receipt by him.
Meeting closed – 9-50pm.
Next Meeting;
Tuesday 14th April 2009 at 8pm. (Last meeting of this Committee for the season)