Application to Central and College MBSP fund for full/partial/top-up funding of equipment

Please read the additional information provided in respect of the fund before completing this application form. Applications, with accompanying quotes etc., must be sent to Mrs Louise Thompson in RSO by email () not later than the last working day of the month. Outcomes will normally be known within 3 weeks of this date. Applicants should ensure that they allow sufficient time to receive a response before any submission deadline for external funding (fast-track applications for between £2-20,000 need to be submitted at least 2 weeks before the deadline).

1.  Please indicate whether application is for matched funding or is stand-alone:
(please tick) / Matched funding / Stand-alone application / Top-Up Fund
(College of MBSP only)
2.  Total Cost of equipment (show V.A.T separately): / Total Funding requested from University/College Fund: / £
3.  Name of Lead Applicant:
4.  Department of Lead Applicant:
5.  Names and departments of Co-Applicants:
6.  Name of External Grant Funding Body (where applicable):
7.  Description of equipment to be purchased, including potential supplier andnon-technical description of use:
8.  What is the requirement for the equipment and why is current equipment not suitable?

(Bids for equipment over £121,588 inc VAT must be accompanied by three quotes. If there are fewer than three potential suppliers, please explain. Quotes optional for smaller items. More information on obtaining quotes/purchasing equipment (including rules on tendering) can be obtained from the Purchasing Office who should be consulted before bids are made to this fund -

9.  What alternative sources of funding have been explored? / [College of MBSP Top-Up Fund Only - MIF/DDF totals of applicant/Dept supporting application]
10.  Have partial funding commitments been obtained (e.g. College, department)?Y/N If yes, please give details.
11.  Is there sufficient resource within the department / College to support the maintenance and operation of the equipment, if funding for purchase is agreed? Y/N
12.  Location where equipment will be housed if purchased:
13.  If the application is for matched funding, provide the date by which grant application must be submitted to the external funder: