Page # Content:

1  Information about the Idaho Community Healthcorp (ICHC) – an Americorp Program

2  Application to be an ICHC member

Application must accompany:

q  Resume

q  3 letters of reference

Reference letters should be from people who know your paid or volunteer work. Your references should address your skills, abilities, and suitability for a position with the Idaho Community HeathCorps.

q  Answers to questions (located on Page 4 )

3  Expectations of individuals applying to the ICHC and of the service site

4  Questions

Note: Application deadline is July 30, 2006.


What is the Idaho Community HealthCorps?

The Institute of Rural Health (IRH) has received a grant from the National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc. (NACHC) entitled Idaho Community HealthCorps (ICHC). The ICHC is an AmeriCorps Program—a domestic Peace Corps—that will use a community-health-worker model to train people in rural settings. The ICHC member will work out of Community Health Centers to provide outreach to families and individuals, assist with advocacy needs, provide health education, and serve as a link between the community and the health center. Major goals of the ICHC include fostering community education and organizing health workshops, training, and other community outreach.

Eight full-time/part time equivalent stipend members will be recruited for the 2006-2007 program year. Whenever possible, we will recruit people who are in the communities they will serve or will work closely with the host community to assure a good match

between a national candidate and the local community. Firsthand experience in health care coupled with formal training and post-program career services are expected to lead many members to pursue health careers; assume increased responsibility for their own lives; develop a lifelong commitment to volunteer service; and achieve long term personal and family goals. Each full-time stipend member will receive a living allowance of $10,900 for 12 months service. Other benefits include basic health insurance, child care, and educational award opportunities.

In addition, ten Education Award Only members will be recruited for the 2006-2007 program year. Education awards are vouchers that can be used to pay for future education costs to an approved institution or for existing student loans. Members will be recruited from students already enrolled in a health professions program who need practicum hours. Students qualifying for an Education Award will receive an educational award (federal loan repayment) based on the hours of service provided. A full-time award (at least 1700 hours) is worth $4,725; a half-time award (at least 900 hours) is $2,363; and a quarter-time award (450 hours) is $1,181. Intensive summer placements (at least 35 hours per week for 8 weeks) will be pro-rated as a ratio of the number of hours served, up to 900 hours.

NACHC’s vision is that the Community HealthCorps continue to evolve as a model for addressing hard-to-solve health care problems and for integrating national service into a complex human-service delivery system. Significant numbers of HealthCorps members can be added to health centers across the nation in years to come. All families and individuals should have access to high-quality preventative and primary health care, regardless of geography or economic class.

For more information, visit our web site at You can reach us by phone at 208.282.4436 or send us an e-mail. You can reach the Project Coordinator, Debbie Dahlquist, at or the Project Director, Dr. Beth Hudnall Stamm at .

Questions or problems should be directed to Debbie Dahlquist

Copyright © 2000 Idaho Community HealthCorps, ISU Institute of Rural Health.

All rights reserved.

Last modified: February 2, 2006.





The purpose of the Idaho Community HealthCorps (ICHC) is to improve access to culturally appropriate primary and preventive health care for low-income, medically underserved populations and communities. In particular, the HealthCorps objectives are to a) provide a “medical home” for residents of medically underserved areas; b) improve appropriate utilization of health care services; and c) link patients with other health and social services. This letter will guide you through the application process. Submit the completed Contact Information form to the following address:

Debbie Dahlquist

Institute of Rural Health (IRH)

Gravely North 205

Campus Box 8174

Idaho State University

Pocatello, ID 83209-8174

1700 hrs. $10,900 living stipend plus $4,725 Education Award (Full-time)

900 hrs. $5,700 living stipend plus $2,363 Education Award (Part-time)

You can find more information about the program at our website at If you have any questions regarding the application process, please do not hesitate to call Debbie at (208) 282-4436 or email her at .



Current Address:

City: State: Zip:

Current Phone Number:

Permanent Address:

City: State: Zip:

Permanent Phone Number:

E-Mail Fax:

Social Security Number:

*Please provide a resumé.

*Please provide 3 letters of reference

*Please answer the questions on page -4


Idaho Community HealthCorps (ICHC) Expectation Guidelines

An individual who applies to the ICHC Program must:

·  Complete an application and return it to: Institute of Rural Health (IRH), Gravely North 205, ISU Campus Box 8174, Pocatello, ID 83209-8174.

·  Be willing to comply with work hour requirements.

·  Understand that Idaho Community HealthCorps members are a special type of staff, which are neither volunteers nor paid employees. ICHC members will gain skills and learn an ethic of service while helping meet needs in the community.

(Each receives a living stipend and education award, as indicated on page 1.)

·  Have an interest in making a difference in the community where you work.

The ICHC Program and service site will:

·  Maintain the confidentiality of information regarding member and will obtain his or her prior written consent before using his or her name, photograph, and/or other identifying information for publicity, promotional, or any other purpose.

·  Allow Corps members to attend scheduled Idaho HealthCorps sponsored events, trainings, and service projects.

·  Provide the Corps member with any resources and tools needed to perform their assigned job effectively.

·  Provide projects that offer Corps members direct and meaningful service. One service year is equivalent to 1700 service hours. In some cases, members may serve 900 hours or a ½ time service year.



1. Are you available for pre-service training during the month of September, 2006?

The pre-service training will give you a foundation for your service project (s) at the

community health center or here at ISU. If you do not live in the Pocatello area, assistance with housing during the training program is available. If you are enrolled in classes, pre-service training activities will be arranged to best fit your current class

schedule. However, you should recognize that during this two week period, you

may need to attend special classes during the evenings or over the weekend.

2. What was it about the Idaho Community HealthCorps that appealed to you?

Please be specific, if you are selected, your training and placement will be

determined, in part, by your answer to this question. For example, are you

interested in gaining experience for a career or are you interested in using your

existing health professions skills to help build a stronger America?

3. What are your strengths, what work-related talents and abilities do you

have to offer the ICHC?

Please be specific. As in question 2, this information will be used in helping

determine the best fit for our candidates for the ICHC. Do not limit your information

to your school background or previous job training. For example, do you know

you have a special talent for organizing things? Do you know that you are really

good working on computers? Are you really good with children? What things are

you most comfortable doing?

4. What are your weaknesses, what work-related things frustrate you or make

you feel that you are less effective than others?

This question is the "flip" side of #3. For example, do you know that you have a

hard time being organized or that you are less comfortable working with children

than with adults? This answer, coupled with your answer to #3, should help pinpoint

the best way to place you and help you develop your work skills.

5. Do you have interests, relatives, or connections in other parts of Idaho

where you could live for a year to perform community service?

At this time, we anticipate positions being available in various places around the

state, centered mostly in the southwestern and southeastern parts of the state. Do

you have a particular preference for any area?

6.Do you have any special circumstances that would affect your work or

placement that you would like us to know about?

You do not need to complete this section. However, if there is some special

circumstance you would like for us to consider when we are selecting ICHC

candidates and their placements, please feel free to tell us.