ANZAED Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 27 April, 2016

1.  Present: Beth Shelton (chair) ☐, Gabbi Heruc ☒, Jo Titterton ☒, Julian Baudinet ☐, Kim Hurst ☒, Olivia Carter ☐, Rachel Lawson ☒, Sarah Mitchell ☐, Sonja Skocic ☒, Susan Paxton ☒, Jo Titterton ☐, Julian Baudinet ☐, Rachel Lawson ☐, Jeremy Freeman (minutes) ☒

2.  Apologies: Randall Long ☐, Claire Diffey ☐, Sloane Madden ☐, Olivia Carter, Sarah Mitchell

Note: The agenda bullet points are included below for information. The discussion and decision points are shaded

3.  Wed 24 February, 2016 meeting minutes

-  Minutes approved: Susan

-  Seconded: Gabbi

-  Business arising

Modification to the - Website listing policy completed

·  noted

4.  Thursday 10 March, 2016 meeting minutes

-  Minutes approved: Susan

-  Seconded: Jo

-  Business arising

·  Nil

5.  President’s Report (Beth)

i.  AED 2020 conference /collaboration:

Co-location proposal

4/6/16 co-location meeting minutes

1.  Model of collaboration (eg joint, parallel, one to lead)

The scouting committee favoured a joint conference. This was supported by the ANZAED Executive, pending consideration of financial issues.

2.  Location: Singapore v Sydney (nb member preferred location, finances, attendance estimates, etc)

The Scouting committee continues to explore both cities, but favours Sydney. The ANZAED Executive had previously favoured this.

3.  Division of expenses/income/profits (Pro-rata based on attendance, cost-recovery and then split of profits)

i.  agreement on cost elements? eg food and beverage; AV

ii.  how will staff support be deployed?

This was noted as key, for further consideration

4.  Site selection and property negotiation

-  Noted to be pending

5.  Program/Schedule (programming, trade displays, 2/3 days)

-  The scouting Committee had recommended a 3 day conference with the main keynote on day 2; Friday (AED usually has it on day 1). This was supported as long as delegates could register for each day separately. AED usually has a half day training day prior to the conference, while ANZAED has a full day. This (and any post conference workshops) are still to be discussed

6.  How will the meeting be planned?

-  The scouting committee suggestion of a joint program committee comprised of reps from both associations and international reps, a co-chair from each was viewed favourably.

·  It was suggested that including an Asian committee member may be desirable.

-  Speaker selection, agreement, ANZ vs international speakers was noted as a future consideration


It was noted in confidence that Sydney is the primary candidate for the 2017 EDRS conference (Nb consider this to be confidential at this stage as Tracey has consulted wth us in private). There was some discussion as to whether this might take support away from a 2020 Sydney conference, but it was thought unlikely.

Beth noted we had communicated our expectation of a $80,000 profit, however, this may be difficult to ensure. We will need to look at budgets. AED may have high agency costs. It may be useful to engage a local organising company… Our administrative resources (Jeremy’s time) should be recorded as they are usually external to the conference budget. Alternatively if Jeremy does not participate in planning this may free up his time…

Beth reiterated any proposals by the scouting committee will need to be considered by both Executives/Boards. Discussions in San Francisco will be helpful

ii.  ICED meeting for OBs

-  An opportunity for AED and ANZAED to meet and discuss the 2020 conference

6.  Secretary, Membership, SIGs (Susan)

-  NGO SIG TOR – for ratification

-  Carried over

-  Day Prog SIG planning meeting minutes

-  noted

7.  Online PD & BED program (Sarah)

-  Carried over

8.  Communication (PD) Chairs (Beth)

-  Carried over

9.  Carer & Consumer Task Force (Claire)

3 March Meeting minutes

-  5 teleconf meetings held with the 6 members, and JF,CD and AF

-  Progressed to stage of final recommendations being drafted by CD and JF.

-  May 13th next meeting where draft to be considered for ratification by the group. One further meeting may be required.

-  Plan on track to be ready for submission to ANZAED executive in June, as requested in the TOR.

-  Draft will be sent to exec for reading prior to June meeting.

The above feedback was noted by the Executive Committee

10.  Social Media (Olivia/Jeremy)

-  Minutes 14 March, 2016

-  Minutes 11 April, 2016

-  SM project officer contract finishing at end of April

-  SMC members to take over routine posting on Facebook and Twitter from SM project officer; currently exploring scheduling options for this

-  In response to feedback from our survey of Facebook users and ANZAED members we are introducing weekly member profiles (“member Mondays”) on Facebook to increase transparency of the organisation and familiarity with colleagues in the field; would appreciate support from the Executive

-  Supporting conference committee in investigating possible conference apps

-  Discussed ways that the SMC can support ANZAED in promoting World ED Day of Action

-  The points were noted by the Executive Committee

-  The shaded request was supported

1.  Policies & Procedures (Susan/Claire)

-  Carried over

2.  Treasurer/Finance/Sponsorship (Kim)


i.  Paid and non-paid role document to be upload to our site

ii.  Additional PD 1 day workshops to generate additional funds

iii.  Budget updated – see attached


i.  New name proposed – Business Development Committee

ii.  Connectingup (Sonja) ANZAED Exec and subcommittees to complete form that identifies IT needs

iii.  Guided Self Help grant proposal – develop detailed project proposal, including gap analysis and collaborating organisations (teleconference TBA representatives of workforce development in each state e.g. PEDANZ, EDOS, CEED

iv.  Next meeting 23rd May 2016

The above points were noted by the Executive Committee

It was appreciated that Sonja had identified a mechanism for discounted IT gear, and we have already benefitted from a 30% reduction in our MYOB subscription.

-  Please complete the above form sent by Sonja to source any IT resources

Action: Keep form on exec page. Contact Sonja for more details (done)

-  Sonja is getting grant info from “grant guru”

-  The Sponsorship Committee proposed a new name: Business Development Committee. This was supported.

3.  PD, Strategy, Advocacy, & Partnerships Strategies (Gabbi)

-  Minutes 6 April, 2016

1-off workshops

-  Run 3-4/year in locations away from conference and AWS

-  Aim to make profit – presented by local experts at low cost if possible

-  Work with state-based organisations

-  Topic ideas:

i.  Engagement/motivation, nutritional management for non-dietitians, medical management, evidence-based training (eg. CBT-E)

i.  Advocacy support from Kate Carnell

Patron discussion paper

-  In Canberra, she expressed interest in helping ANZAED with advocacy

-  Suggest she might become a patron for ANZAED – see briefing document & draft invitation

-  May be good keynote for Sydney conference

-  Initial help drafting letter to Health Minister for increased/ongoing Medicare services


-  Kim and Gabbi spoke to the idea of a Parton and this received general support.

-  However, while Kate Carnell’s credentials appear highly regarded it was agreed we should nevertheless take time to do “due diligence” and do some sort of background checking; including documenting criteria and our evaluation of KC by these criteria.


-  Beth to draft this credential checking document in consultation with her very helpful friend.

-  In light of this likely taking some time it was agreed that Jo be free to approach Kate as Sydney conference local keynote speaker.

-  The PDSAP had discussed 1-off workshops. Criteria should be Profitability, minimal costs and an intro type training; things that may attract people to membership.

-  Individual workshop budgets. .. we need to formalise the budgets for these..

-  Look at Connecting up – to see if there is something we can use there,

-  JF noted the cost of about $500 for our online portal.

4.  2016 Conference (Rachel)

-  Minutes 14th March, 2016

-  Minutes 4 April, 2016

-  Oversubscribed with excellent workshops. Committee is just making a choice. Cindy Bulik has agreed to run a superb in house workshop for young researchers entitled :Keys to Success in a Research Career: Tales from a Survivor

-  102 oral and poster submissions

-  cocktail party – refining details

-  Two plenary have assigned chairs. Chairs meeting with the presenters to be clear on the presentations

-  Conference on track – no issues

-  Insurance – should we insure?

-  Based in high rates of paper submissions, concerns about low attendance is hopefully unwarranted. Insurance for cancellations causing loss of profit premium is estimated by Lloyds at $1,000. The following data is from

Long-term forecasts

The expected probabilities (below) of further earthquakes cover the entire Canterbury region aftershock zone. The figures are based on the behaviour of aftershock sequences worldwide and the specific knowledge that scientists have of the Canterbury aftershock sequence since September 2010 (earthquake at magnitude 7.1+).. Issued on 24 March 2016 for the coming year.
Aftershock probabilities:
·  Within the next year, there is a 57% probability of one or more earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 to 5.9 occurring in the region
·  It is very unlikely (8%) that there will be a magnitude 6.0-6.9 earthquake.
·  It is extremely unlikely (less than 1%) that there will be an earthquake of magnitude 7 or greater.

Rachel advised that the conference timeline is on track – we were oversubscribed with 17 workshop submissions, and have added an extra one: Cindy Bulik has agreed to run an in-house researcher workshop. (A research career - tales of a survivor)

100 Oral/Poster abstract submissions (vs GC 118)

The Plenaries topics have been finalised and the Preliminary program is finalised on the website.

Earthquake risk/ need for insurance

-  Rachel noted that the hotel was built post-conference with high building standards.

-  Based on the above stats, there is a remote risk of a major earthquake which could disrupt the conference. One possible risk may be if the airport closes to check for cracks on runway.

-  Susan noted that unexpected things could happen and result in a cancellation, eg SARS, and perhaps it would be prudent to take out insurance.

-  Gabbi noted that we have our own funds to “self-insure”.


-  If we cancel are we responsible for people’s expenses legally?

-  Should we have a disclaimer. It would be useful to get legal advice.


-  Beth to ask her lawyer sister.

-  Jeremy to ask insurance co.

-  Agreed to not take out loss-off-profit insurance

5.  2017 Conference (Jo)

-  Kate Carnell as keynote 2 proposed

6.  2018 Conference (Randall/Gabbi/Jeremy)
- carried over

7.  Webinars (Rachel)

-  Wednesday 1stJune – Sloane Madden

-  September- Finn Skarderud Mentalisation & EDs

-  October - Laura Lock (OT) (TBC confirmed by LL in April)

-  Thursday 10thNovember: 10 things patients and consumers want you to know about treatment Chairs: Anthea and Claire D with two consumers

The above was noted

8.  DD report (Jeremy)

-  Finalising March Canberra meeting ,minutes & AWS wrap-up

-  Christchurch conference abstract processing & registration portal setup

-  Membership portal setup for 2016-7

-  Committee meetings: continuing attendance for now

-  Tidy up of website home page ahead of redesign

-  Getting annual & conference insurance quotes

-  Members: 302


9.  Autumn workshop series’ (Gabbi)

i.  Evaluations show AWS Canberra was well received, small profit made

ii.  Future recommendation to have target audience clearly listed on all promotional material/advertising

iii.  Noosa venue decision – Sheraton (recommended) vs Peppers

See Kim’s analysis & shortlist

iv.  Workshop ideas for Noosa included:

a.  Intro focus for new service (eg. CBT-E? FBT?) – liaise with new service

b.  An adolescent focus – FBT & Beyond – adaptions of FBT, adolescent focused therapy?

c.  Advanced case-based learning workshop

v.  Future locations to be decided once 2018 Conference location confirmed

a.  If EDRS in Sydney in 2018, and no co-convenor (eg. Tracey Wade) for Adelaide, could move Adelaide to 2019, and have Perth or Melbourne in 2018?

Kim visited 3 venues and shortlisted Peppers and Sheraton – preferred as they are right in Noosa, good infrastructure.

Peppers: conference rooms dark without lighting and possibly noisy – outside the main dining room.

Sheraton rooms lovely, airy. Right on Hastings St, with cheaper accom options within walking distance. $1-2k more with the Sheraton.

Outcome: The Sheraton was supported

-  Kim noted Suzi Scholey has agreed to co-chair. She is a member of the Social media committee and was the volunteer co-ordinator at the GC conference.

-  Will seek suggestions for keynotes – to email around

10.  Collaborations

11.  Other business

12.  Upcoming meeting

Wed 25 May, 1pm EST