Application Process: Preschool and Kindergarten

Almaden Country School 6835 Trinidad Drive, San Jose, CA 95120 408.997.0424 fax 408.997.6823 by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Member of CAIS

1.Enrollment Application & Fee. Complete an Enrollment Application on-line through our website along with a non-refundable $100 application fee. Applications are accepted beginning November 1. We encourage families to apply toward the beginning of the school year to ensure more availability for interview and assessmentdates.Tobeconsideredinthefirstroundofdecisions,yourapplicationis due no later than Feb. 2. After that date, applications will be accepted and processed after the first round of admissions iscomplete.

2.Required Forms. To complete the application file, we will need a photo of your child and any educational assessments, if applicable. For students applying to Pre- Kindergarten2orKindergarten,wewillneedcompletedGesellParentandTeacher Questionnaires along with a completed Confidential Student Evaluation form from your child’s current teacher. All of these files are available on our website. Please note that both the required evaluation form and questionnaire must be signed by a parent and then handed to your child’s current teacher with a stamped envelope, addressed to ACS. Once completed, the teacher should send them directly to our office via mail oremail.

3.Class Schedule. PreKindergarten-1 (PreK-1), for 4-year-old children, and PreKindergarten-2 (PreK-2), for young 5-year-old children, programs and/or combinedprogramsarefrom8:15a.m.–noon.TheKindergartendayisfrom8:15

a.m. – 2 p.m. Also included in basic tuition for kindergarten is an optional supervised, student-directed program from 2-3 p.m. in the Apple Orchard. All classes meet Monday through Friday and classroom doors open at 8 a.m. each day. Extended programs are available for all three classes until 6 p.m.

4.KindergartenReadinessAssessment.StudentsenteringPreK-2andKindergarten will participate in a Gesell Institute assessment administered by a member of our Early Childhood staff. NOTE: Students entering PreK-1 do not participate in an assessment. Please contact Mary Jo Heindel or Amber White in the Admissions Office to schedule your child’sassessment.

a.Shouldmychildstudyfortheassessment?No.Theassessmentisdesignedto determine developmental readiness for PreK-2 and Kindergarten (i.e. fine & gross motor skills; logic & sequencing; auditory, visual and verbal development; and socializationskills).


PreK-1:4 years old by December31

PreK-2:5 years old by December31

Kindergarten:5 years old by September1

5.Family Interview. We interview every family applying to the school. Once the developmentalassessmentiscomplete,youwillparticipateinashortinterviewwith a member of the admissionsteam.

a.What happens in the family interview? We will discuss why you’ve chosen ACS, what your goals are for your child, and how you plan on being involved as parents. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions about ACS. Bothparentsandtheapplicantareexpectedtoattendtheinterview.Siblings are also welcome toattend.

b.What other information should I bring? If your child has been in a school setting before, we ask that you bring any relevant assessments or reports if applicable.Ifthiswillbethefirsttimeyourchildisattendingaschoolorno assessment was completed in preschool, you do not need to bring any additionalinformation.

6.DecisionLetters/Emails.AtACSwelooktoacceptstudentswhowillbeagoodfitfor our program while considering the preferences and needs of the family. We do not enroll on a first-come, first-served basis. Students are accepted based on available spaces and on the results of the developmental assessment and family interview. Where space is not available, students who would otherwise have been accepted will be placed in a wait pool. To be considered in the first round of acceptances, applications must be received no later than Feb. 2. Decision letters will be emailed on March 11. If you apply after Feb. 2, your decision letter will be emailed within two weeks of the familyinterview.

7.Enrollment.Onceyourchildisaccepted,youcansecureyourstudent’sspaceby paying the non-refundable enrollment fee within seven days of the date of your acceptanceletter.

Almaden Country School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, or national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and athletic and other school-administered programs.