Application Instructions and Informationfor the Genuardi Family Foundation Scholarship
(In Honor of the Genuardi Brothers)
2018/2019 Academic Year
1. On January 30, 2018, (in case of inclement weather, the alternate date will be February 6, 2018) attend 11:00 AM initial introductory presentation by Genuardi Family Foundation representatives explaining the Genuardi Brothers Scholarship program. (It is encouraged, but not mandatory, to attend.)
2. This year’s application form is a writable Word file that will be submitted by email. On/after January 30, 2018, eligible students may access scholarship materials by:
· Emailing Patty Smith at SJU’s Academy of Food Marketing ()to request application materials.
3. On or before Wednesday, February 28, 2018, (or Friday, March 2, 2018, if the alternate date for the presentation is necessary because of inclement weather) submit completed application, including the required essay response, via email to one email addresses: .
Representatives from both the Genuardi Family Foundation and St. Joseph’s University’s Academy of Food Marketing will review all applications.
All successful application submissions will be confirmed by email. If you do not receive a confirmation email within a few days, please call the Academy at 610-660-1603. Please note that the deadline for submission is firm, and late submissions will not be accepted.
4. Finalists will be requested to attend a personal interview on SJU’s campus on Tuesday, April 10, 2018, with the Genuardi Family Foundation’s Scholarship Committee.
5. On or before April 18, 2018, two of the finalists will be notified of their selection as Genuardi Brothers Scholarship Recipients.
6. Recipients and their parents will be invited to a reception at a local restaurant on Thursday, April 26, 2018, in honor of the recipients, attended by the Genuardi Brothers, members of the Genuardi Family Foundation, St. Joseph’s University officials and past scholarship recipients.
7. On or before May 15, 2018, the Scholarship funds will be disbursed to St. Joseph’s University on behalf of the Scholarship recipients for the upcoming 2018/2019 academic year.