Do you know a learner who participated in a pre-accredited program in 2017?
Have they gone on to achieve more since completion? Then nominate them for The Ro Allen Award – Recognising Pre-accredited Learner Excellence.
The winner of this award will receive $5,000 and two finalists will each receive $1,000.
Application form: The Ro Allen Award – Recognising Pre-accredited Learner Excellence
Submit nominations by email to
Nominations for the 2018 Victorian Learn Local Awards close 5pm Friday 8 June 2018.
Applicant’s details:
Nominator’s Name: ______
Organisation: ______
Email: ______
Phone: ______
Postal Address:
Learner’s details (if different from applicant):
Nominee’s Name: ______
Email: ______
Phone: ______
Postal Address: ______
Program details:
Pre-accredited Program(s) Name: ______
Learn Local provider(s) at which above Pre-accredited Program(s) was/were delivered: ______
Nomination questions:
- Briefly describe the pre-accredited program(s) that the nominee (ie. the learner) participated in during 2017.
- Was the learner aged between 25 and 65 years at the time that they undertook the above pre-accredited program(s)? YES / NO
Section 1: Learning achievements and engagement
- What skills has the learner gained as a result of participating in the pre-accredited program(s)?
- What education and/or employment pathways are available for or have been achieved by the learner as a result of their participation in the pre-accredited program(s)?
- How does the learner demonstrate a high level of engagement with their learning?
- What plans does the learner have for the next 12 months in relation to further training, employment, volunteering?
Section 2: Enhancement of personal skills and attributes and other achievements
- What did you or others observe in the learner’s interpersonal skills and attributes that can be attributed to their participation in the pre-accredited program(s)?
- What community connections has the learner developed as a result of their participation in the pre-accredited program(s)?
- Describe any leadership or mentoring roles that the nominee has taken up since their participation in the pre-accredited program(s) (This question is not mandatory).
Conditions of Entry
A nominee and nominator must read and agree to the conditions of entry prior to a nomination being submitted. A nominee must sign the Nomination Declaration form and a scanned copy must be attached with the nomination. Refer to the Conditions of Entry document located on the Learn Local Awards website for more details (
I, the nominator, have read and accept the Conditions of Entry for the 2018 Victorian Learn Local Awards.
I have notified the nominee that I have submitted this nomination.
Signature: ______Date: ______