Unilever Internship Academy
Guidance for filling in the application form

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in Unilever Internship Program!

We assume that our application form is time consuming and quite complex, so it is important that you prepare well before filling it in.

First, please, save this form in your documents and title it with your surname and name (for example, «ApplicationForm_Internship_Ivanov_Ivan.doc»).

Keep in mind, that your application form is the only way for us to meet you, so be accurate and attentive in order to present yourself successfully. Your form will be read initially by one of our trained assessors.

Please, send the filled application form to and write only «Winter Internship 2011» in the subject area of your letter.

We wish you every success in our selection process!

Unilever HR Team

Unilever Internship Program

Application Form for the Internship Program

Surname / Forenames
Male / Female
Date of birth / Citizenship

Permanent address Term address (if different)

Address / Address
Town or City / Town or City
Postcode / Postcode
Street, house / Street, house
Telephone number / Telephone number
E-mail address / Mobile phone number
Dates not available for interview

Please refer to our graduate brochure or website (www.Unilever.ru) for details of the functions.

Function Choice: / Marketing and Sales
Supply Chain
Marketing and Sales
First Degree
Course Title
Year of Graduation
Further Education

Examination record. Indicate fully with dates all subjects taken whether passed or not, with grades.

From / To / University, College, title of course and final qualification / Principal subjects.
Please state results of any examinations
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year (if applicable)

Please record your non-academic interests and activities stating whether at school, college, university or elsewhere. Record any positions of responsibility held.


Please give details of any work you have undertaken, indicating whether full-time, part-time, vacation work or industrial training etc.

From / To / Name of organisation and location / Description of work and responsibilities

This question tells us something about how you respond in challenging situations. Please answer it using examples from your experiences in academic, social or working life.

Tell us about a demanding assignment or activity that you have had to plan and put into action? What did you do and what was the outcome?

7. How did you learn about Unilever?
1. Internet:
·  e-graduate.ru
·  career.ru
·  hh.ru
·  futuretoday.ru
·  careerstart.ru
·  jobfair.ru
·  rabota.ru
·  other (please specify)
2. Printed publications (please specify)
3. Your University
4. Friends
5. Site www.unilever.ru
Other (please indicate the source)

The information contained in this application form is true. I understand that withholding or misrepresenting information may lead to an offer of employment being withdrawn. Information collected on this form may be used for recruitment and selection purposes by Unilever Group Companies in the UK, and other companies retained by the Unilever Group Companies to assist in the recruitment process. By signing this form you agree that the information provided by you may be used in this way.

Signature Date

Please send your completed application form to: