Application FormIf you are applying for more than one post you mustuse a different form for each application
Type in the white boxes only
Post applied for: / A2 Humanitarian Adviser - ~DFID Somalia
Full name (with family or last name in capitals):
Title (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr)
How did you find out about this vacancy?
Nationality, residency, mobility andsecurity clearance– read this note before answering the questions below
1. The successful applicant will need to have the right to live and work in Kenya – is legally free to work in Kenya and able to provide proof of nationality / residency.
2. The successful candidate will need to undertake a basic security check which will include background checks - confirmation of identity; nationality and immigration status, confirmation of employment history provision of references from previous employers over past 3 years plus a criminal record check.
I can demonstrate my eligibility for this post and am prepared to meet the additional requirements laid out above. Please indicate yes/no. Please indicate passport and I.D or Resident’s Permit Reference Number
Personal Details
Permanent address, including postcode:
Mailing address, if different:
National Identification Card Number; or Passport & Residency Permit Details
Email (this will be our main form of communication):
Daytime telephone/mobile number:
Evening telephone number/ mobile (if different from above):
Qualifications – Educational
Qualifications-Educational 1
Qualification Titles:
Grade or Level:
Examining Body:
Qualifications-Educational 2
Qualification Titles:
Grade or Level:
Examining Body:
Please provide details of any professional training or qualifications you have obtained which may be relevant for this position and any professional associations of which you are a member.
Career HistoryPlease describe your career to date, starting with your most recent employment first and work in reverse order. Please account for any intervals, and complete the details, if necessary, on a separate sheet of paper. Please indicate clearly any service or work overseas and state the country.
Current employment
1. Employer’s name and address / 1.
2. Your position / Job title / 2.
3. Dates employed / 3.From: / To:
4. Briefly outline the role you were performing, reporting relationships, skills and achievements / 4.
Previous employment
1. Employer’s name and address / 1.
2. Your position / Job title / 2.
3. Dates employed / 3. From: / To:
4. Briefly outline the role you were performing, reporting relationships, skills and achievements / 4.
5. Reason for leaving / 5.
Previous employment
1. Employer’s name and address / 1.
2. Your position / Job title / 2.
3. Dates employed / 3. From: / To:
4. Briefly outline the role you were performing. reporting relationships, skills and achievements / 4.
5. Reason for leaving / 5..
Previous employment
1. Employer’s name and address / 1.
2. Your position / Job title / 2.
3. Dates employed / 3. From: / To:
4. Briefly outline the role you were performing, reporting relationships, skills and achievements / 4. .
5. Reason for leaving / 5.
Time unaccounted for:
Please state any periods unaccounted for e.g. career breaks, unemployment etc
Please indicate your level of fluency against each of the following:1 = fluent 2 = moderate 3 = basic
Language / Read / Write / Speak / Understand
Please refer to the job description essential/desirable skills/experienceand say in no more than 1500 words how your skills, abilities, knowledge and experience demonstrate your suitability for this post. Please provide evidence against each of the competencies listed in the job description.
Please say in no more than 500 words why you are applying for this post.
Technical Competencies
Please refer to the vacancy information for details of technical competences and/or professional skills required for this post and in no more than 1500 words say how you have demonstrated these competencies/skills.
DECLARATIONWhen you are satisfied you have completed all the questions fully, please sign below to affirm that the information you have provided is to the best of your knowledge true and complete. If you provide any information which you know is false, or if you withhold relevant information, this may lead to your application being rejected or, if you have already been appointed, to your dismissal.
All completed applications, should be returned to:
The closing date is: 12:00 Midday on Friday, 15 July 2016
Please complete the application form electronically.
Enter text by clicking in the appropriate box. We are happy to receive applications electronically to the e-mail address given in the advert. In so doing there will be a presumption that the information you have provided is true and complete.
The text boxes are expandable but please do not exceed the word count where it is specified.
Education and Professional Qualifications–We are primarily interested in the highest educational level you have achieved, as well as whether you have basic numeracy and literacy skills in English, which is the language in which we work.
Career History - list achievements rather than tasks or responsibilities. We want to know what you can do that is relevant to the job you are applying for – please address the job description requirements, person specification and competence requirements.
BHC is an equal opportunities employer and appoints on merit by open competition.
The short listing process has two stages:
Stage 1 – initial sift to ensure that you meet the employment criteria.
Stage 2 – your capability of doing the advertised job, based on your qualifications and experience, will be considered.
If short listed, we will invite you to an interview/assessment workshop and we will ask you to state any special arrangements we should make on account of disability.
At the interview/assessment centre we will ask you to provide proof of nationality, identity and the right to work in Kenya.
If you are provisionally selected, we will ask you to provide proof of qualifications, complete a medical clearance, security clearance and confirm details of referees who we will contact for references. An offer of appointment is dependent on our receiving satisfactory references, medical and security clearance.
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