Completing your application

  1. Read the instructions on the form carefully as you complete your application.
  2. Please provide the documents in the checklist below.
  3. Please return completed application form with all documents in the CHK list below to our officeby emailbefore July31, 2015

Eco-Peace Leadership Center

College of Forest & Environmental Science 1sr Building #109

Kangwon National University

Hyojadong, Chuncheonsi

Kangwondo(zip code 200-701), Republic of Korea

Tel: 82-33-257-7129

Fax: 82-33-257-7130



※If you require assistance please feel free to contact us via email:

Document Checklist (Please pick if provided)

1. Application Form / 
2. Project Plan Form / 
3. Project Manager’s Information Form / 
4. Registration / 
Note: * Electronic/scanned copies of documents are sufficient for the application
* Please try to merge all files into one when submitting

For inquiries and further information, please feel free to contact us or visit the following URL:

  1. Application Form for9thEPLC Leadership Program

Name of
Organization / Representative’s Name
Project Title
Field to Apply / Education & Training / Campaign
& Raising Awareness / Direct work / Research
Climate Change
Disasters and Conflicts
Ecosystem Management
Environmental Governance
Harmful Substances
& Hazardous Waste
Resource Efficiency-SustainableConsumption
& Production
Please Check (○) Inside of Brackets
Address / Country
Phone / (National Code) / Mobile Phone
Email / Fax / (National Code)
Website /
Project Manager / Position / Name
Number of
Membership / Number of staff / Executives:
Organization’s Bank Account Information
I here affirm that all the information in this form is true and correct.
Representative's signature:
  1. Project Plan Form

Project Title
Location / Area /

Where is the projectsite? (Nation/ City / etc.)

Target Group /

(how many people to join)

I. Introduction

1. Background:

Explain why youcarry out yourproject

2. Objectives:

Describe the objective clearly

II. Contents:

Describe in detail what to do in yourproject


Explain in detail how to do for your project.

IV.Expected Effects:

What Kind of effects is expected from your project in terms of economic, political orsocial effects?

V. Beneficiary:

Who will get the benefit from your project? Andhow?

VI.Detailed Project Plan

Activities / Time / Place / Indicators / Mean of Verification

VII. ProjectTime Schedule

Activities / Schedule / Remarks
Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug

VIII. Budget in USD

No / Description/Activities / Unit / Unit Price(USD) / Amount(USD)
Total / USD

※Total Budget cannot exceed 2,000 USD and overhead cannot exceed 10% of total budget either. Please write down carefully and in detail according to the particulars above, since the evaluation will be deeply affected on how clear and intensive are your activity plan and budget plan also.

Note:Project plan form need to be filled out within 10 pages.

  1. Project Manager’s InformationForm for EPLC Leadership Program

Passport sized photo / Name:
Nationality: / Sex: Female  Male
Passport No.:
Date of Birth: / Place of Birth:
TEL(Home) : / E-mail:
Mobile :
Correspondent Address : / Permanent Address :
Main Educational Background
Main Career
Proficiency of English
Please present the evidence for your English ability, like TOEFL or TOEIC score, etc.
I here affirm that all the information in this form is true and correct.
I shall abide by the Korean laws and the regulations of Eco-PeaceLeadershipCenter.
Project Manager’s Signature: