Investing in Action 2015

Supporting ICBL-CMC members to campaign against landmines and cluster munitions

Administered by the International Campaign to Ban Landmines –

Cluster Munition Coalition (ICBL-CMC)

Application deadline: 17 May 2015


Your final application should be submitted to:

1. Organisation details
Name of organisation
Address of organisation
What is your organisation’s mandate, objective or purpose?
What is yourorganisation’s anticipated overall budget for 2015? (please specify in USD$)
Is your organisation a member of the ICBL-CMC?
NOTE: If your organization is not a member of the ICBL-CMC, you are not eligible to apply for this grant.
2. Your details
Your name
Your email address
Your phone & fax number
Your Skype address /ID (optional)
3. Government position
Please explain what your government’s status or position is with regards to both treaties in 2015.
Government’s status with regards to the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM).
  • Does your country still need to accede to or ratify the CCM?
  • What issues do you see as preventing the government from acceding or ratifying?

  • Where did you find this information? Please reference any public statements.

  • If your country is a State Party to the CCM – is it on track with its implementation obligations?

Government’s status with regards to the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty (MBT).
  • Does your country still need to accede to the MBT?
  • What issues do you see as preventing the government from acceding?

  • Where did you find this information? Please reference any public statements.

  • If your country is a State Party to the MBT – is it on track with its implementation obligations, in particular in implementing Article 5 (clearance) and Article 6.3 (victim assistance)?
  • Is your country on track with achieving the goals of the 2014 Maputo Action Plan?

4. Campaign and advocacy objectives
Clearly state the objectives for your campaigning work under this grant e.g. government to ratify/accede to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) by the Dubrovnik Review Conference.Make sure your objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely). / 5. Project activities
Refer to the Grant Application Guidelines to help you complete this section. Clearly describe what activities you will undertake to achieve your objectives mentioned above and what impact they will have.Indicate when you describe your activities what the predicted outputs are and who the intended target audience is. Also state how other stakeholders will be involved and how gender, age, participation of survivors and diversity issues will be taken into account in your activities.
Objectives / Activities and target audience
(explain what activities you plan to carry out in connection to your objectives and show who your activity is targeting) / Time
(indicate when your activity will take place)
6. Media and communications strategy
Briefly describe what your media strategy is for this project, including social media.
7. Funding
How much are you requesting for your project? Have you or will you apply to other organisations or donors to contribute to the cost of this project? If so, please state who and how much. Is your organisation financially contributing to this project? You must also complete the Budget Template and submit it with this application.
Total amount requested (up to $4,000) / USD $
Other confirmed or anticipated funding?
Did you receive an Investing in Action and/or Survivors Network Project 2014 grant? / If yes, how much?
8. Monitoring and evaluation
Describe how your organisation will monitor progress of the project towards its objectives.
How will you assess whether you are meeting project objectives? What indicators will you use?
What realistic ‘impacts’ do you expect by December 2015?
9. Bank details
Bank details must be provided for an organisation, we will not transfer any funds to individuals (exceptions outlined in the Application Guidelines, under ‘Criteria for awarding grants’).
Name of bank account holder
Name of bank
Account number
SWIFT code
Bank’s address
If there is any intermediary bank needed, please provide the same information as for the beneficiary bank.
10. Project timeframe
For what time period are you applying for a grant? It should fit within the grant period (1 June– 31 December 2015)
Start date
End date
11. Authorisation signature
Name of above person

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