CrossFit Certification Seminar:

Application for level 2/3 Trainer

We must receive your application at least 3 weeks in advance of the Cert you would like to attend. We will contact you via e-mail to let you know if you have been accepted.



E-mail address:

Phone #:


What was the last Cert you attended?

Ø  Location -

Ø  Date -

Ø  Level attended as -

Which Cert are you applying for?

Ø  Location -

Ø  Date -

What level of Certification are you applying for? Level II, level III, or Continuing Education toward the Coach’s Certificate?

Are you an Affiliate?

Ø  Which one?

Do you train with an Affiliate?

Ø  Which one?

Ø  Who is your trainer/coach?

Do you train others?

Ø  Where?

For how long have you been training people?

How long have you been training yourself using CrossFit methods?

How long have you been training others using CrossFit methods?

Do you have any other Certifications (ACE, NASM, etc.)?

Have you been to any other “specialty” seminars or workshops (i.e., Olympic lifting, kettlebell training, slow lifts etc.)? Which ones? Who was the primary instructor? When?

Do you subscribe to the CrossFit Journal?

What have you done as a trainer since your last seminar (one-on-one training, small group classes, large group, etc.)?

Why do you want to attend this seminar as a trainer?

Please list 3 fundamental cues and 3 common faults for the following exercises:

Squat –

Deadlift –

Shoulder Press –

Front Squat –

Push Press –

Sumo Deadlift High Pull –

Over Head Squat –

Push Jerk –

Med Ball Clean –

Send completed applications to .

Thank you.