1. CORE CURRICULUM (38-40Credits)………………………………………………………………38-40

Minimum grade of ‘C’ is required.

UNIV 110 The First Year Experience…………………………………………………………………0-3

UNIV 110 is required for all new entering freshman and for new transfer students with fewer than 12 transfer credit hours unless the transfer student has satisfactorily completed a college transition course.


Minimum grade of ‘C’ is required.

General Content

Choose from one of the following (3 Credits)

GEOG 120 * Cultures and Environments3

GEOG 121* World Regional Geography3

Mathematical Concepts

MATH 201* Mathematics for Early Childhood/Elementary Education

Majors I3

MATH 202 Mathematics for Early Childhood/Elementary Education

Majors II3

Scientific Concepts

Any BIOL/Lab* (i.e. BIOL 101/101L*, BIOL 121/121L*, etc.)4

Humanistic Concepts and Structure and Development of U.S.

Choose from one of the following (3 Credits)

HIST 105 * Pre-Modern World3

HIST 106* Modern World3

Complete the following (6 credits)

HIST 201 History of the U.S./Discovery-Reconstruction**3

POLI 201 Introduction to American Government**3

Education Concepts

EDUC 111 Exploring Teaching as a Profession3

EDUC 204 Computer Technology and Instructional Media3

EDUC 215 Schools and Diversity3

EDUC 335 Introduction to Educational Psychology3

EDUC 336 Introduction to Human Growth and Development3

Choose from one of the following (3 Credits)

EDEC 270 Health, Safety, and Motor Development3

PUBH 331 Health Education for Primary and Elementary School3

Choose from one of the following (3 Credits)

MUED 354 Music for Young Children * 3

EDPE 226 Developing Motor Behavior in Children


*Courses taken may be used to meet core curriculum requirements.

  1. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS (48 Credits)

Minimum grade of ‘C’ is required.

EDEL 341 Elementary School Curriculum and Organization3

EDEL 343 Instructional Theory and Practice – Elementary Education3

EDEL 385 Teaching English Language Arts3

EDEL 467 Internship in Elementary Education9

EDEL 472 Classroom Management for Diverse Settings3

EDEL 481 Teaching Elementary Mathematics3

EDEL 486 Teaching Social Studies3

EDEL 488 Teaching Elementary Science3

EDEL 496 Internship Seminar3

EDLL 314 Foundations in Reading and Emergent Literacy Development 3

EDLL 414 Instructional Practices for Intermediate Literacy Development3

EDLL 471 Assessment and Evaluation of Intermediate Literacy Development3

EDLL 484 Content Area Reading and Writing: Integrating Children’s

Literature across Curriculum3

EDSP 200 Foundations of Special Education3

  1. Electives (0-4) (0-4)


**Course is a university graduation requirement