Application for the Professor Ida Martinson Project Fund

Project Title

Team Members

Title (Prof.,
Dr, Mr, Ms) / Surname / Other Names / Membership country / Affiliation / Position / Email
Project Leader (PL)
Team Member 1
Team Member 2
Team Member 3
  1. Details of the Project
  1. Abstract of Project comprehensible to a non-specialist ( a maximum of 400 words)
  1. Impact and objectives

(a maximum of 800 words for the long-term impact and project objectives)

  1. Originality and Long-term impact
  1. How this proposal will help your longer-term plans
  1. Objectives

[Please list the objectives in point form]

  1. Project details:

[A maximum of seven A-4 pages in total for items (a) and (b).

Standard Format is: Times New Roman; 12 pt Font Size; 1-inch all round in Margin; and Single-line spacing]

  1. Background of project
  2. Project plan and methodology
  3. A maximum of two non-text pages of attached diagrams, photos, charts, and table etc, if any.
  4. Reference (a maximum of three pages for references is allowed for listing the publications cited. All references should be provided in full and include all authors.)
  1. Key words

Please provide up to 4 key words for your project:

First / Second
Third / Fourth
  1. Total Funding Requested for this Application:

Total budget: $ ______

Cost breakdown and list of items of expenditure:

Salary/ / $ / for / ($ / x / months)
Stipends* / (position) / (no.)

(* Please delete as appropriate)

Employer’s MPF contributions
(5% of the employee’s monthly income or $1,250, whichever is less) / $
Equipment / $
Please itemise / ($)
General Expenses $
Please itemise / ($)
Conference Attendance / $
  1. Duration of Project

Duration: ______months

Start Date: / Expected Completion Date:
  1. Particulars of PL and Team members

Curriculum vitae (CV) of applicant(s) [For the PI and each Co-I, please attach ONE A-4 page CV (with a maximum of 400 words) per person in the following format.]

  1. Name
  2. Academic qualifications
  3. Previous academic positions held (with dates)
  4. Present academic position
  5. Previous relevant work
  6. Publication records (Five most representative publications in recent five years and five representative publications beyond the recent five)
  7. Others (please specify):
  1. Plan(s) for collaboration in this application:

[Indicate the role and the specific task(s) the PL and each team member, if any, is responsible for.]

  1. Research Ethics/Safety Approval (if applicable)

[Please read the policy and procedures for safety approval available at the Health, Safety & Environment Office website. For projects involving human subjects, ethical approval must be obtained. Please refer to the Guidelines for Ethics Review for Research/Teaching Projects Involving Human Subjects in Appendix 6(g) of Research Handbook for details.]

I/We confirm that approval (* Please tick as appropriate):

*has been obtained / *is not required / *will be obtained before the start of the project
Human Research Ethics /  /  / 
Animal Research Ethics /  /  / 
Biological Safety /  /  / 
Ionizing Radiation Safety /  /  / 
Non-ionizing Radiation Safety /  /  / 
Chemical Safety /  /  / 
Signature / Date
(Project Leader)
Signature / Date
(Team Member 1)
Signature / Date
(Team Member 2)
Signature / Date
(Team Member 3)