Application for the Professor Ida Martinson Project Fund
Project TitleTeam Members
Title (Prof.,Dr, Mr, Ms) / Surname / Other Names / Membership country / Affiliation / Position / Email
Project Leader (PL)
Team Member 1
Team Member 2
Team Member 3
- Details of the Project
- Abstract of Project comprehensible to a non-specialist ( a maximum of 400 words)
- Impact and objectives
(a maximum of 800 words for the long-term impact and project objectives)
- Originality and Long-term impact
- How this proposal will help your longer-term plans
- Objectives
[Please list the objectives in point form]
- Project details:
[A maximum of seven A-4 pages in total for items (a) and (b).
Standard Format is: Times New Roman; 12 pt Font Size; 1-inch all round in Margin; and Single-line spacing]
- Background of project
- Project plan and methodology
- A maximum of two non-text pages of attached diagrams, photos, charts, and table etc, if any.
- Reference (a maximum of three pages for references is allowed for listing the publications cited. All references should be provided in full and include all authors.)
- Key words
Please provide up to 4 key words for your project:
First / SecondThird / Fourth
- Total Funding Requested for this Application:
Total budget: $ ______
Cost breakdown and list of items of expenditure:
Salary/ / $ / for / ($ / x / months)Stipends* / (position) / (no.)
(* Please delete as appropriate)
Employer’s MPF contributions(5% of the employee’s monthly income or $1,250, whichever is less) / $
Equipment / $
Please itemise / ($)
General Expenses $
Please itemise / ($)
Conference Attendance / $
- Duration of Project
Duration: ______months
Start Date: / Expected Completion Date:- Particulars of PL and Team members
Curriculum vitae (CV) of applicant(s) [For the PI and each Co-I, please attach ONE A-4 page CV (with a maximum of 400 words) per person in the following format.]
- Name
- Academic qualifications
- Previous academic positions held (with dates)
- Present academic position
- Previous relevant work
- Publication records (Five most representative publications in recent five years and five representative publications beyond the recent five)
- Others (please specify):
- Plan(s) for collaboration in this application:
[Indicate the role and the specific task(s) the PL and each team member, if any, is responsible for.]
- Research Ethics/Safety Approval (if applicable)
[Please read the policy and procedures for safety approval available at the Health, Safety & Environment Office website. For projects involving human subjects, ethical approval must be obtained. Please refer to the Guidelines for Ethics Review for Research/Teaching Projects Involving Human Subjects in Appendix 6(g) of Research Handbook for details.]
I/We confirm that approval (* Please tick as appropriate):
*has been obtained / *is not required / *will be obtained before the start of the projectHuman Research Ethics / / /
Animal Research Ethics / / /
Biological Safety / / /
Ionizing Radiation Safety / / /
Non-ionizing Radiation Safety / / /
Chemical Safety / / /
Signature / Date
(Project Leader)
Signature / Date
(Team Member 1)
Signature / Date
(Team Member 2)
Signature / Date
(Team Member 3)