2007 – 2008 Volcanic Transformation Year
Year for becoming BapSaman through fast self-transformation and volcanic yoga
Topic 5: Being Brahmachari and Brahmacharya – Practicing Purity
Amrit Vela Points and Classes
6th August – 2nd September 2007
- Outline of aims and approach for the year of transformation
- Invitation to joint the Volcanic Linkup: Transformation Bhatti - 2007-8
- The Blessings of Purity
- Practices to Develop Purity
- World Volcano Meditation Commentaries: HOLY SWAN
- Preparation for Rakhi: Pure dharna - Dadi Janki: GCH – 24/7/ 2001
- Purity – The practice of staying viceless by being in the incorporeal stage - Dadi Prakashmani -(January 1997)
- Developing and keeping celibacy - Dadi Janki (no date)
- What is Purity - Didi Nirmala Indraprusth (No date)
- Pure Spiritual Vision – The First Lesson - Celibacy of the body and mind. - BK Surya – Gyan Sarovar – (no date)
- Chart of Brahmin Efforts for Creating a Pure Life - Adapted from the chart for “Fixing my Role from the Beginning of Golden Age”
An invitation to join the Year of Volcanic Transformation
Making double efforts for fast self-transformation and volcanic yoga
Dear souls,
As you know, Baba has signaled this year as the year for achieving volcanic or intense transformation. Last year we developed the practice of intense stage of volcanic yoga that can bring deep transformation in the self. This year we will make double efforts by practicing both intense transformations on a daily basis and on the first Sunday of each month having an intense volcanic yoga bhatti.
Have a great year VT Team
Outline of aims and approach for the year of transformation
VT Year 2007-8
Aim: Self-transformation, transformation in the BK family and then world transformation
How: Use the power of the gathering. Create a wave of transformation amongst ourselves (BKs) around the world by having a unity of purpose and making intense efforts using the creative images, ideas, commentaries and powerful slogans from the 2006-7 season’s Murlis and Senior’s classes and commentaries.
Beginning the Year of Volcanic Transformation: A month of Deep Checking of our Chart and Aims
The first month will be a month to check our aims for the New Year. There is a list of questions developed by Didi Nirmala in her class given for this New Year. This will help us to do deep checking of our present stage of transformation and formulate new aims for this coming year of transformation.
Yuktis for the year:
- download an inspiring image, connected with a powerful slogan from the VT web site
- join the self transformation club
- study amrit vela and yoga bhatti points, commentaries and reflective class material
- use the months image as a screen saver on the computer
- print the image and slogan and put it up on the bulletin board of the centre
- down load classes and points with the murli batch of that month and print out for study
- have deep yoga first Sunday of every month focused on attaining fiery or volcanic remembrance
- read for inspiration for the bhatti :World Volcano Manual 2006, also on VT web site
- listen during yoga bhatti to yoga commentaries of audio CDs or mp3 available from VT web site
- have daily yoga on volcanic transformation: 4.45 – 5.00 or at the end amrit vela
New Resources:
World Volcano Manual 2006 on volcanic remembrance, has some new but mostly last year’s material that have been re-organised and edited. It’s available through NCOs (available on the VT web site).
World Volcano Meditation Commentaries are a new series of audio CDs produced in Madhuban, in 2007. They are a co-operative effort of the sound department and art department of Gyan Sarovar, senior yogis, and the Australian WVB Team. These are for sale in Madhuban or will be available as MP3s for download from the web site, topic wise each month.
New Ideas for this year: Self Transformation Club:
- A new idea for the year is the formation of a Self-Transformation Club for those wanting to email directly to other BKs and share their ongoing process of transformation.
- A short text for reflection goes out to club members monthly together with monthly mansa seva drills.
- Aims are to go deep into the realization of the role of transformer.
- Members will write down personal experiences share them by email.
- Centres will create spaces for dialogue among club members.
- These ideas were developed by BK Gopi Elton – Australia, BK Corinna Alicante – Spain, BK Mathias – Switzerland, BK Aloisio and BK Brigida of Brazil, BK Will Gonzalez – Philippines, BK Laura – Israel together with some members of the World Volcano committee of Australia.
- The transformation club will be co-ordinated by BK Brigida of Brazil together with the group.
- To join please email BK Brigida:
New: Topics and Contributors for the year:
Each month a different region will take responsibility for contributing classes, points and art work for that month.
New: Volcanic Transformation Year web site address
2007-8 VT Year: web site address: (valid April 07)
2006-7 World Volcano Year: web site address:
2007-8 Year of Volcanic Transformation (VT Team)
The organizing of the web page and materials is done from Australia by the team listed below.
Chair – Didi Nirmala,
RCO contact point – BK Charles Hogg,
Co-ordinator of VT team – BK Wendy Sargent;
Amrit vela points – BK Sally Segal and BK Khem (Trinidad);
Senior’s Classes – BK Jacqueline Russell and BK Caroline Minto;
Topic Research of murlis and classes - BK Warren Pitkin;
Contact for all of the above is through the Australian co-ordinating office, Indraprusth, Sydney, Australia
Any queries or concerns please write to VT Team:
VT web site address:
Invitation to joint the Volcanic Linkup: Transformation Bhatti - 2007-8
Every first Sunday of the Month:
Linking up the Brahmin World in concentrated yoga for 24 hours every month
Part of the Year of Volcanic Transformation
Focused rays of light and might, golden beams from Baba,
Will transform us into master suns, active transformers, combined, BapSaman,
Activating a linkup of fiery yoga for self and world transformation.
Dear Yogis,
Didi Nirmala and the VT team invite you to join in the volcanic linkup on every first Sunday of the month, from May 2007- May 2008. This takes place to help intensify our efforts for self-transformation. The bhatti seeks to link the fiery yoga and intense efforts of all Brahmins globally. The practice of volcanic yoga creates a 24-hour active link-up of light between Brahmin households and centres. There is a deep focus on a particular yoga stage each month. Classes and commentaries from the volcanic manual (available on the website) will develop the global concentration and focus for meditation during those 24 hours.
Activating the links of the chain of yoga power: Small teams of yogis will gather in different households and centres in their city, so the whole BK family of that region is activated into generating a powerful fire of yoga. The bhatti becomes a combining with God through mind and heart creating an intense fire of love and transformation. Those linked to the global chain of yoga create an environment for Baba's power and magic to work wonders.
There are 8 hours for each region. Within each region, countries or areas will link in to the bhatti for 2 hours minimum and up to 8 hours if they are free. Please read the following schedule carefully and look for the name of your country or region. Please confirm your participation to us by email.
-Best wishes from the Volcanic Transformation Team
Activating the Links in the bhatti of Volcanic transformation – 2007- 8 Linkup Schedule
Each 'link' when active in the bhatti will act as a lighthouse for transformation
Below are listed times and places for the global volcanic linkup. Listed is the two-hour minimum time of yoga. If you are free then link in and contribute more hours.
Sunday daytime linkup
South American, African and European Regions 8am-4pm local time
Western countries in your region e.g. Congo, France–8am-10am
Southern countries of your region e.g. Italy, Brazil
– 10am-12am
Eastern countries and central countries
– 12pm-2pm
Northern countries of your region
– 2pm-4pm
Sunday daytime linkup
Asian and Middle Eastern regions: 8am-4pm local time
NE Asian countries and all of the Middle East
– 8am-10am
India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
– 10am-12am
SE Asian countries
– 2pm-4pm
China and Hong Kong
– 12am -2pm
Sunday morning linkup
Central American regions 5am-10am local time
- 5am-8am
Central America
Sunday afternoon and evening linkup
North and Central American Regions 1pm-9pm local time
Southern and Central USA
- 1pm-3pm
Canada and Alaska
- 3pm-5pm
Eastern USA
- 5pm-7pm
Western USA and Hawaii
-7pm -9pm
Sunday afternoon and evening linkup
Australia and the Pacific regions 1pm-9pm local time
-1pm -3pm
New Zealand
-3pm -5pm
NSW and QLD in Australia
- 5 pm-7pm
WA, VICT, TAS, SA in Australia
- 7pm-9pm
Sunday afternoon and evening linkup
Russian region 1pm-9pm local time
To be co-ordinated by Moscow main centre
The Blessings of Purity
- Purity is the greatness of Brahmin Life in the Confluence Age
- Purity is the decoration of Brahmin Life
- Purity is the breath of a Brahmin life just as breathing is essential for the living body
- Purity of the intellect is the basis of achievement for 21 births
- Purity is the basis of all achievements of the Confluence Age
- Purity is the foundation for becoming worthy of worship
- Purity is the eternal form of the soul
- Purity is new life for a Brahmin
- Pure thoughts are food for the intellect of Brahmins
- Pure vision of Brahmins, pure drishti is the light of Brahmin eyes
- Pure action is the special business of Brahmins
- Pure relationship and connection is the code of conduct of Brahmin life
- Purity is the speciality of Brahmin life
- Purity means there is a canopy of purity from the Almighty
- Purity is the original and eternal nature of I, the soul.
- Purity means that Brahmin life is an easy yogi life, a constantly pure life
- Purity is my religion
- Purity is the quality of My Home, my original land, the land of purity
- Purity is also the memorial of the self, pure and worship worthy
- Purity is the natural state of the sense organs when doing pure karma yoga
- Purity is the state of my kingdom, the pure kingdom of the Golden Age
Practices to Develop Purity
- I remain aware that I chose to follow this path of purity
- I work and live with the understanding that by following purity my spiritual life becomes effortless, purity will give all attainments.
- I accept the gift of purity from Baba at birth and I keep it safe.
- Like Baba, I have come to establish purity on this earth. I have to give support to all souls while in relationship through my stage of purity.
- I am an ancestor soul, an elder of all humanity. My responsibility is to others, to co-operate with them through my power of purity and good wishes.
- Baba is the Ocean of Purity and He is offering me His friendship. So I must remain worthy of such a Friend. Any impurity in the soul means I am deceiving Him.
- I revise this promise I have made to Baba at amrit vela and take power to serve the world by spreading rays of purity into the world.
- Everyday when I write to Baba I develop my understanding of the significance of purity.
World Volcano Meditation Commentaries
Purity in consciousness, drishti, vritti, words and actions.
Letting go of the consciousness of the body…I step into silence…turning my attention within. I stabilize my mind…and prepare to spend the next few minutes understanding and experiencing the stage of being a holy swan.
The holy swan symbolizes the very special…original virtue of the soul…Purity. Without the foundation of purity…I cannot experience real and permanent peace and happiness. Purity is the mother…and all the other virtues are automatically present where there is purity.
The speciality of the holy swan is its power to discriminate…to discriminate between pearls and pebbles…and imbibe only the pearls. To be a holy swan…is to be clean.
A holy swan never adopts an impure or ordinary attitude towards any soul. With the power of discrimination…I understand souls’ intentions…and don’t become influenced by anyone’s ordinary or wasteful nature.
As I imbibe these qualities and become a living holy swan…the decoration of purity becomes visible in my features. The sparkle of purity is visible in my drishti…the smile of purity is on my lips…and my attitude…words…and actions are filled with purity. This spiritual attraction draws souls close…even against their wish. It is the wonder of pure love…that even those who are like stone…melt.
The personality of purity…has the power to transform souls…vibrations…and the atmosphere. It means greatness…and speciality in every action. I imbibe this personality…and become special.
Even BapDada is drawn to the beauty of my purity. In the subtle regions…BapDada is seeing me decorated with the trimurti lights…the light of purity…the light of completely pure and divine drishti…and the light of the jewel on the forehead.
I see myself as BapDada sees me…an image that grants a vision…and brings transformation close. I remain in this intoxication.
Om shanti.
Topic 5: Being Brahmachari and Brahmacharya – Practicing Purity
Seniors Classes
6th August – 2nd September 2007
- Preparation for Rakhi: Pure dharna - Dadi Janki: GCH – 24/7/ 2001
- Purity – The practice of staying viceless by being in the incorporeal stage - Dadi Prakashmani - January 1997
- Developing and keeping celibacy - Dadi Janki (no date)
- What is Purity - Didi Nirmala Indraprusth (No date)
- Pure Spiritual Vision – The First Lesson - Celibacy of the body and mind. - BK Surya – Gyan Sarovar – (no date)
- Chart of Brahmin Efforts for Creating a Pure Life - Adapted from the chart for “Fixing my Role from the Beginning of Golden Age”
Preparation for Rakhi: Pure dharna
Dadi Janki: GCH – 24/7/ 2001
Now that Rakhi is coming, each one of us should practice in advance to adopt the final stage. Between now and Rakhi we will be able to accomplish a lot if we use all the powers of knowledge and go into silence. The powers will take us into silence. It is not that I can have these powers when I go into silence. Use the powers with understanding and common sense,. When these powers are not working, it is because I lack understanding. For example, to have the power to merge in a second is very useful. When you let go of the habit of going into expansion, you can become free of so many complications.
Each one has his or her own speciality, virtue and proficiency as a gift from God. This gift is received from God as a fortune when you please Him. First, we receive His vision of mercy on us. We don't ask for this, but Baba casts His vision of mercy on us and then uplifts us from the dirt and takes us in His lap. He then gives us blessings. He has a treasure-store of mercy for us. No one else can have as much mercy as He does.
Have all values active in life to such an extent that others are able to learn them just by seeing me. Virtues are not taught, but are visible through relationships, karma, and through one's face. Speak sweetly, speak softly, speak less. Speak the truth. If there is even a small lie mixed in my words, people say ‘I am honestly telling the truth’. However, one who speaks the truth will never mix in anything. What I speak should be simple, clear and sweet. Truthful words and actions donate a vision of my virtues.
In today's world, people are pulled to extremes. They are either delicate or harsh. Either they cannot tolerate others or they are stone hearted. With Baba's vision of mercy, our heart becomes strong and filled with His mercy. Rather than a harsh heart have a strong and big heart. God has given us happiness, peace and love and this is why it is strong, this is why it is able to tolerate everything.
Why do people find it difficult to transform in today's world? They find it difficult to remain happy and peaceful and find it easy to remain peaceless and in sorrow. Shall we let our hearts become delicate or harsh? No, let my heart become open, clean, big, merciful; then it would give so much happiness. Let it become like Baba's heart. He offers to make our heart the same as His. He has made us strong so we are able to listen to the sorrow of others without becoming affected by them.
Does the sorrow of other people penetrate me?
Keep the self protected. In one second, I cure the sorrow of others like magic. That can only be done with the power of silence that I have attained from Baba. The knowledge I have received from the Father only works when I also have the power of silence. Then although there is pain in the heart it feels as though there was no pain at all, and the soul feels great comfort.