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Application for the Johnson Scholarship for Excellence
in the Visual Arts2016/17

The Edwina Graff Hughes Johnston Art Scholarship was established by James William Johnson to help make the unique opportunities of an Elon education available to a greater number of gifted young scholars. The Johnson Scholarship shall be awarded to rising seniors in the Studio Art program who currently have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and will be enrolled full-time at Elon during the 2017/18academic year.

Applicant Name ______

Please type LastFirst Middle

Address ______City ______

State ______Zip Code ______Telephone ______Email ______

Semester hours of ART completed by May 2017(not including Art History)

Art major Art minor

Additional majors and/or minors

Current overall grade point average

Highlight the type of work that BEST describes your scholarship exhibit:

 Two-dimensional work that can be hung on the wall

 Three-dimensional work that can rest on a pedestal

 Work that requires a digital or video environment

 Other (please specify)

ESSAY Write a cohesive essay that addresses the following questions:

  1. Please describe any financial need or hardship that this scholarship may address.
  2. How you have been actively engaged in your art-making practice, participated in the visiting artist and art history lecture programs, and/or lead through engagement in critiques and discussions within your classes?
  3. With regard to your artwork and growth as an artist, outline your goals for the coming year.
  4. Clarify how this scholarship would help you realize those goals.


Following the submission of your application, each current Elon student will exhibit a minimum of SIX and maximum of TWELVE works as part of the scholarship application process. On April 1styou will receive an e-mail notification designating your exhibition site in Arts West. Artwork for this exhibition must have been completed sometime during your enrollment at Elon University, though they need not have been completed as a part of class assignment. You may consult with your mentor and/or professor about work selection. You are responsible for acquiring and installing ALL technology related accessories and/or pedestals for your exhibit. Please speak with your professor to make these arrangements. First year students: scholarship decisions will be based on your submitted portfolio.

Artworks will be evaluated on:

  • The quality of the work, especially as it demonstrates your ability to effectively combine ideas/concepts with the skillful manipulation of media.
  • Evidence of innovation, independent thinking, and creative problem-solving as a visual artist.
  • Presentation; arrangement/organization of the exhibit; effective use of title cards/signage, explanation of processes, etc.
  • Works need not be framed.


  • Applications Accepted March 10th – 31th / Final Deadline: Friday, March 31h by 5:00 p.m.
  • Submit your application electronically in Microsoft word format to Dr. Shawn Tucker at: application should be sent with the file name using the following format: yourname_warrenscholar16_17.doc. Please do not send it as a PAGES document.
  • Exhibition Space Assignment: Saturday, April 1st.Applicants will receive an email designating their exhibition space in Arts West.
  • Exhibition Installation Deadline: Tuesday, April 4th by 5:00 p.m.Students will have until this time to install an exhibition of their work. The exhibition must adhere to the guidelines described above.
  • Retrieve Work Deadline: Tuesday, April 11th –Friday, April 14th by 5:00 p.m.Students must retrieve their work by this date/time.
  • Scholarship Notification: By letter from the department chair.
  • Award recognition at the year-end department picnic Tuesday, May 9th


If you have additional questions please contact any of the studio art faculty or Associate Professor Shawn Tucker, Scholarship Coordinator at: