TOT Membership Requirements, Application Guidelines, Rules and Bylaws

Team On Target (TOT) Scenario Paintball Team is always looking for members who are willing to contribute to the success of our team. We are a close knit group of players who enjoy the sport of scenario paintball – We are a great team that enjoys a strong camaraderie among the members. Much happens behind the scenes to prepare for battle and commitment goes far beyond showing up and squeezing the trigger. Countless hours are spent in planning and coordination, staging and training.

Team Goal:

· Promote the sport of paintball through fair play, good sportsmanship and a friendly attitude on and off the field.

· Provide an organization where diverse individuals can share their love of the sport in a positive way.

· To recruit new players to the sport and provide support and guidance to all players.

Membership Requirements:

· All members must be actively involved in the team, participate and meet game attendance requirements.

· All members may be required to pay dues to be used for staging area, transportation and communal team items.

· All members are required to adhere to the bylaws and rules/regulations of the team including those pertaining to sponsors, uniform code, and representation.

· All members and applicants are required to show the utmost professionalism, respect, and adherence to the game rules, staff, and players at all paintball events.

· All new applicants must be sponsored by an active team member.

· Applicants must attend a minimum of two (2) team approved events before they are offered membership in the team.

Application Guidelines:

· Paintball is an expensive game, thus all applicants are expected to have the financial capability to participate.

· All applicants must have access to the internet as our team forum is the primary form of communication we use.

· You must have your own equipment.

· You need to possess good communication skills, radio and fire discipline.

· You perform as a team player with a “can do” attitude. We play to win as a unit, no loners.

· You demonstrate enthusiasm about scenario paintball.

· You must be able to make the majority of our scheduled games. We are only interested in members who are active and engaged in the team.

· Must be 18 or older and have your own means of transportation.


· Discounted group registration and paint purchases at scenario events.

· Use of team staging area, tables and tents, common/shared team equipment.

· Benefits of team sponsorship deals and applicable promotions.

· Participate in large team group-buys for gear and equipment.

· Access to team forum for team/game planning and related paintball discussion.

· Opportunity for social networking - makes new friendships and is part of the on-field and off-field camaraderie.

· Membership in one of the largest and well-known scenario teams in the US!

Member Obligations:

· Dues are to be paid to the team treasurer by the due date.

· Members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional, safe and sportsman-like manner at all times, on or off the field.

· Members are required to stay in touch with the team via the team forum by posting at least once bi-weekly.

· Except where not practical, members are to purchase all event equipment and supplies through the team and their sponsors.

· Members are required to keep their emergency contact information updated and any other forms the team may require.

· Members are required to keep and monitor a valid e-mail address as we use this as an alternate method of communication.

· Members will purchase an approved team jersey.

· Members are required to help with camp set up and take down at each event.

· Members are expected to attend team events and work days. A minimum of 50% attendance at both events and work days are required. Special circumstances may be granted by the Leadership Team (LT).

· Members are expected to play as part of the team, not play as an individual.

· Members are expected to follow the instructions of LT and/or officers, stay in communication with the officers and assist fellow teammates.


The following are items that the team does not condone. Any infractions of the following will result in review by the LT and appropriate disciplinary action may result including dismissal from the team:

· Illegal drug use

· Blatant cheating

· Fighting

· Intentionally trying to harm someone

· Stealing

· Intentionally causing property damage

· Arguing or fighting with referees

· Insubordination towards LT, team officers, field owners, event producers

· Defamation towards the team’s sponsors

The following are circumstances that may result in dismissal from the team (pending LT review):

· Criminal arrest or conviction

· Failing to stay current with your dues, as determined by the LT.

· Failing to attend a min of 50% of team’s yearly events.

· Failure to attend a min of 50% of required work days (LT will assign required work days based on member’s location and availability).

· Failure to stay in communication with the team via the team forum.

· Failure to adhere to sponsor contractual agreements as communicated to the team by the LT.

· Members being a member of another team while an active member of TOT.

· Poor conduct or unsportsmanlike conduct, or other issue brought to the attention of LT.


· Dues will be required from all members.

· Dues will be used for team equipment, transportation of team equipment, supplies and advertising/promotions.

· Financial reports will be posted to the team annually, with periodic reviews by the LT.

· LT may modify or change any rule, bylaw or member requirement at any time by simple majority of LT vote. The changes will be communicated to the members via the forum, e-mail or direct contact.

· LT will vote on all applicants seeking membership using a simple majority to grant membership.

· LT will meet periodically. Information from these meetings will be posted on the forum under “meeting notes” shortly thereafter.

· LT will be responsible for negotiating sponsor contracts, setting event schedules and promoting the team.

· Team roster will be divided up among the LT for quick dissemination of information. However, team members may contact any LT member or officer at any time for information or comment.

My signature below signifies my understanding of these Obligations, Rules and Bylaws. Furthermore, I agree to adhere to these rules and I willfully submit myself to the leadership and disciplinary action of the Leadership Team.

Member Signature: ______________________________________________

Member Name (Print): ______________________________________________

Date Signed: ______________________________________________

Revision date: 6/6/2012