University of ColoradoDenver

Department of English

Downtown Denver

1015 9th St. Park

Campus Box 175, P.O. Box 173364

Denver, Colorado80217-3364

Application for Teaching Assistantship, Department of English

What are the responsibilities and salary of a TA in the English Department?

New TAs teach a vital component of The Composition Program, English 1020 (Core Composition I). This course provides students opportunities to write for different purposes and audiences, with an emphasis on responding to various rhetorical situations; on improving critical thinking, reading, and writing abilities;on understanding various writing processes; and on gaining a deeper knowledge of language conventions. English 2030 (Core Composition II) builds on these skills and further engages research, and some TAs will have the opportunity to teach this course after their first year of teaching.

All new TAs begin their teaching appointments in the Fall semester. In the first semester of teaching, we recommend that TAs take no more than two courses, and the weekly time commitment for being a new TA is at least 20 hours per week. To maintain the assistantship, TAs must enroll in at least one credit hour of study per semester, maintain “regular” status in the graduate program, and make satisfactory progress toward the degree.

All new TAs are required to enroll in English 5913: Practicum in Language and Rhetoric during the Fall semester when they teach their first English 1020 class. This graduate course focuses on rhetorical theory and practical applications in the classroom. This course “counts” toward all Masters degrees in the English Department (Teaching of Writing, Literature, and Applied Linguistics). TAs are also required to attend a paid ($400), five-day orientation session during the week before fall classes begin, and all TAs are observed in their first semester of teaching. New TAs receive significant assistance as they go about teaching their first English 1020 class at UCD.

Those teaching one 3-credit course will receive a stipend of $3,069 (’08-‘09) per course, per semester. (Pay rate information is updated at: Usually new TAs teach only one course in their first semester.

Who can apply?

All incoming and current UCD graduate students are welcome to apply. Most TA positions are awarded to English graduate students, but UCD students from other disciplines are also welcome to apply.

How are TAs chosen?

The Director of Composition screens applicants by examining their application and academic records, speaking to their professors about their performance, and reviewing samples of their writing. Selected applicants are invited to campus for interviews. (Telephone interviews may be arranged for out-of-state candidates.)

How and when do I apply?

To apply, electronically submit the following materials to Dr. Amy Vidali, Director of Composition, at , and Nancy Ciccone at .

  • a cover letter that explains your interest and qualifications
  • a resume or CV
  • a brief writing sample (you may send the one from your graduate application)

You may apply at the same time you apply for graduate admission to the UCD English Department, or you can apply after you are admitted to the English Department. Only admitted students will be interviewed and hired for TA positions. Because UCD English Department has a rolling admissions policy, TA applications are considered between February and May of each academic year for positions that begin the following Fall semester.

Questions can be directed to Dr. Amy Vidali, Director of Composition, at or 303.556.4765. Please cc Nancy Ciccone at when sending in applications.