Application for Standard Ethical Approval


Please note that we are able to review an application only when all documentation is submitted alongside this application form. Should any necessary appendices not be attached, this could delay the submission until the following month. Please use this checklist below to ensure that the application is complete. Many thanks.

Yes / No / N/A / Comment
Recruitment advertisement or email(s)
Participant information sheet(s)
Consent form(s)
Debrief sheet(s)
Interview or Focus Group schedule(s)/questions
Workshop schedule(s)/questions
Written consent from public or private body
Supervisor signature
(hand-written applications will not be considered)
Principal Investigator
E-mail address
Title of Proposed Research
Type of
(please tick) / Undergraduate student
Postgraduate student
Member of staff
Other, please state:
Name of course & supervisor
Supervisor e-mail address
Qualifications and professional background
  1. Briefly describe the rationale and the main aims of the research you wish to undertake, including a statement of the intended benefits of the research. Please use non-technical language wherever possible.

  1. Briefly describe the overall design of the project including dates and/or the proposed period of investigation

  1. Briefly describe the methods of data collection and analysis. Please describe all measures to be employed. If questionnaire or interviews are to be used, please provide the questionnaire / interview questions and schedule.

  1. Location of the proposed research (i.e., Departmental labs, schools, etc)

  1. Describe the participants: give the age range, gender, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and any particular characteristics pertinent to the research project.

  1. How will the participants be selected and recruited? Please describe in detail the process of recruitment, including how and by whom initial contact is made with participants (e.g. advertisement, e-mail).

  1. What procedures (e.g., interviews, computer-based learning tasks, etc.) will be used to gather information from participants?

  1. What potential risks to the participants do you foresee and how do you propose to ameliorate/deal with potential risks? Declare any relationship with the participants.

  1. What potential risks to the interests of the researchers do you foresee and how will you ameliorate/deal with potential risks?

  1. How will you brief and debrief participants? (Please attach copy of participant information sheets and relevant debrief information)

  1. Will informed consent be sought from participants?
/ Yes (Please attach a copy of the consent form and participant information sheet )
If no, please explain below:
  1. If there are doubts about participants’ abilities to give informed consent, what steps have you taken to ensure that they are willing/competent to participate?

  1. If participants are under 18 years of age, please describe how you will seek informed consent.

  1. How will consent be recorded?

  1. Will participants be informed of the right to withdraw from your study without penalty? If no, please explain why.

  1. How do you propose to ensure participants’ confidentiality and anonymity?

  1. Please describe the arrangements for storing and disposal of data:

Please explain, for each of the above, the arrangements you will make for the security of the data
  1. Does your research require the written consent of a public or private body, e.g. school, local authority or company? If so, please attach letter of consent.

  1. If your proposed research is with ‘vulnerable’ groups (e.g., children, people with a disability etc.), has an up-to-date Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check (previously CRB check) if UK, or equivalent non-UK clearance been requested and/or obtained for all researchers?

  1. Does your research involve the collection of Human Tissue? E.g. saliva, urine
/ Yes

Applicant’s signature: ______Date: ______

Supervisor’s signature: ______Date: ______

(if appropriate)

Upon completion, please forward an electronic copy (as a single document, Word or PDF) by e-mail and a signed hard copy to the Chair of the Committee, Dr Deyarina Gonzalez.

Administrative Support

Research Ethics Sub- Committee,


Swansea University

Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP.

Dr Deyarina Gonzalez

Research Ethics Sub-Committee,


Swansea University

Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP.


Chairperson REG



Ethical Approval

Ethics Committee Use Only
Principal Investigator
Title of Proposed Research
Application approved / Yes / No / Pending
Conflict of interest / Yes / No
If yes, please supply details
(please state if a member or Chair of ethics committee and name of committee)
This application has not been granted ethical approval in its current form. Please ensure that you take account of the comments and feedback provided below and prepare a revised submission:
Time limit for applicant to respond / (two months from receipt of email from ethics panel)

Version: 204/07/17