Application Deadline: November 21, 2016

Name of fellowship (check all applicable): □Anderson □ Brown □ Fellowship in the Biological Sciences □ Seessel

(see next page for eligibility)

This form is to be used to apply for a new Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowship. The awards allow faculty members to recruit new postdoctoral appointees to Yale. Postdoctoral fellows/associates who are already at Yale are also eligible. Additional information is presented on the following page.

Name of Faculty member:______

Department: ______Office Address______

Office Phone #:______

Present Rank: ______Length of Time at YaleUniversity: ______

Do you currently have a postdoctoral appointee that is supported by an endowed fellowship? □ Yes □ No

If yes, provide name of current awardee and end date of their fellowship support:______

Please attach:

-A standard NIH biosketch of the faculty applicant (or comparable short bio if not NIH-funded)

-A document that addresses each of the following items:

1)Current sources of support:

- For each, please provide starting dates, durations, total direct costs, and current year direct costs. If support is

shared, direct costs to your laboratory should be indicated.

- Institutional start-up packages should NOT be included in this summary.

- Important:Please also include a total for current year direct costs and total direct costsfor all of your current sources of support

2)All pending applications for support, with earliest possible starting dates.

3)The number of current laboratory personnel, in each of the following categories:

- Postdoctoral Fellows/Associates

- Graduate Students

- Undergraduates

- Visiting Faculty or Students

- Lab Technicians/Other

4)Briefly summarize the aims of the proposed research (no more than 2 pages).

5)A list of all Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowships that you have previously received, including names of postdocs who were supported, dates, and which fellowship(s) were received. Please also include the total number of months of endowed fellowship support that you have received at Yale.

6)If you have a specific candidate for the award, please include their name, current institution, and current position (i.e., graduate student, postdoc, etc.).

Signature: ______Date: ______

please return completed application via email as a single PDF document to

Application Guidelines

New Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowships

Fellowships Available

Theresa Seessel Fund

Eligible Departments: All FAS

Eligible Research: “Original research in biological studies”

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Biological Sciences

Eligible Departments: All FAS

Eligible Research: “the fields of zoology, botany, biophysics or systematic studies”

Forest B. H. and Elizabeth D. W. Brown Fund

Eligible Departments: All FAS

Eligible Research: Botany, Plant Science

Rudolph J. Anderson Postdoctoral Fellowship

Eligible Departments: All FAS and YSM

Eligible Research: “… research and investigation in biochemistry…”


  • Fellowships will be awarded to individuals that have received the Ph.D.
  • Faculty members may be awarded a maximum of one endowed postdoctoral fellowship per year.
  • All proposed research must occur at Yale, and awarded funds must not be used in conjunction with studies at any other institution.


  • Fellowships currently provide a stipend of $47,484/year, plus fringe. Please note: For postdocs beyond their first year, the faculty PI is expected to provide any necessary additional funding in order to meet the required Yale minimum postdoc salary for the candidate’s level of experience.
  • Awardees will be appointed as Post-Doctoral Associates.
  • The term of the fellowship is typically one year, although shorter terms may be awarded at the committee’s discretion.
  • A fellow must be identified and start work in the faculty member’s laboratory within one year of the “slot” being awarded or the award will be reassigned.

Application & Award

  • Junior ladder faculty without tenure may apply for funding by submission of the completed application form and supplementary materials as a single PDF document to . Please note that tenured faculty with qualifying research interests may apply for the Brown Fellowship.
  • Applications will typically be accepted during the month ofNovember; however, additional application periods may be announced if additional funds become available.
  • Faculty members may, but are not required to, submit credentials of a postdoctoral nominee at the time of application.
  • There are two steps in the award process:

1)A fellowship “slot” is promised to a faculty applicant. The faculty member is expected to actively recruit potential postdocs after being promised a “slot”.

2)The faculty member submits the credentials of a postdoctoral nominee to the Postdoctoral office, and the award is then finalized.


  • Applications are reviewed and fellows selected by the Selection Committee for Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowships. This committee consists of the following individuals:

- Chairs (or their representatives) of the Departments ofChemistry, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

- Associate Dean of the FAS

- Assistant Provost for Research

- Ad hoc members with special expertise

10/31/16 RB