Application for Project Funding
/About the Organization
1.1 / General Information1.1.1 / Name of the Organization / BUDDHA OUTCAST SOCIAL SOCIETY – (BOSS)
1.1.2 / Postal address and telephone numbers in India / 72-B,Ambedkar Street, Adaiyur Village and Post,
Tiruvannamalai Taluk, Tamil Nadu – India – 606604
Telephone: 91+4175+233234.
1.1.3 / Postal address and telephone numbers in U.S (if applicable) / Not applicable
1.1.4 / Tax Id / Not applicable, But we got Income tax Exception on Indian Act 1965 under 80G and 12AA and Permanent Account Number (PAN). No.AAATB7890H.
1.1.5 / FCRA Registration No / 076030237/1999
1.1.6 / Society Registration No: (if applicable) / 135/ 1995
1.1.7 / Mission and Vision of the organization / Vision statement:
“ An egalitarian society with no caste distinctions”
Mission statement:
“Dalit EmPowerment through organization, education and struggles
1.1.8 / Organization WWW address / Nil
1.1.9 / Names and profiles of Directors/Core people involved in the organization / Mr. R.Balu, B.Com,D.G.T (from Gandhigram rural univeristy) Chief functionary. He is 10 years experience in this social work field and dedicated sociologist. He had put lot of effort to build the organization structure. He is a committed men who has won the support of the poorest among the poor for his selfless service and dutifulness. Boss started the organization as Ambedkar Youth Association in 1992 and informally run it. Struggling for general amenities for the village was the routine activity till 1995. A vigorous campaign to abolish illicit arrack ( which sometimes contained methanol) was also under taken. Due to tack of funds the chief functionary made efforts to convert this informal association into formal one and register it. Boss has a registered body. General body member are 35 and executive committee members 7.
1.1.10 / Major Focus Area / Basic Health Child Labor Eradication
Primary Education Non-formal Education
Children with special needs Disaster relief
Other (please specify)
Organizing Self Help groups
Skills trainings
1.2 / Background/History
1.2.1 / Please explain briefly your organization’s history, how and when it was formed etc.
In our societal context, even after 58 years of Indian Independence, the plight of Dalit, Dalit women & child and Poor people is in peril. They are continuously being forced into violence Their rights are being continuously violated knowingly and un-knowingly. They are not being included in the mainstream community affairs and are barred from development process. In most of their life cycle they live below poverty line. Still they are being treated as outcast and secondary citizen, though there were/are many attempts at micro and macro level, the state and status of women, Dalit people have not changed expectedly. The essence of oppression and backwardness remains un-changed and un-altered. This is fact, In this situation Boss was founded to work and abolish the above said problems and to give education for all Dalit children’s. BOSS was commenced in 1995. The precursor was an informally constituted “Ambedkar Youth Association” initially the organization was managed by local funds. Boss was founded in 1995 by a body of like minded committed men and women who had the trust and vision for empowering the rural poor Dalit peoples.
Boss is a NGO working among Dalit, Women, Children and poor people in Tiruvannamalai Block. We work for ensuring the poverty eradication through peoples collective action. Since Boss has been operating for last10 years in the locality, the proposed target people will be more cooperative to the implementation of the project.
1.2.2 / Briefly explain projects that have been implemented by your organization in the past. Also, include details of any organization that funded the organization for these projects. Highlight the achievements of these projects
The rooting of the Organization is in SHG’s. As we have mentioned earlier the Just trust of England supported our earliest training for young women. As a followup of this programme 20 women were supported with tailoring training. In two village we have centres of Non-Formal education. Later “Stchting over all of Nederland’s supported formation and training of SHG’s in assertiveness and capacity building.
Child labour being our focus area, we made a survey of our district to identity child labourers in the district. Joining the National Network CALL (Campaign against Child Labour) We Participated in many campaigns to eradicate the menace of child labour.
Our very constitution of an organization is to defend Dalit rights (Rights of the out cost). Hence, we intervence when ever there are atrocities committed on Dalits. We systematically Document it and collaborate with “ People’s watch” a state level Human Rights Organization to disseminate it. Recently 40 Dalit families who built their houses on common land and inhabiting if for many decades were evicted by the dominant castes, we intervened the Dalits do not own any means of production except their own physical bodies. They do not have access to any common property resources. When ever they claim access or ownership to any resources they are driven out by the dominant landowning communities and misappropriate those landswith the connivance of corrupt government officials.
Depressed class land is a category of land created by the Brittish rulers in India for the benefit of the Dalits. These lands were given with entitlement to the poor land less dalits so that they could use the land and pay taxes directly to the collector or the revenue authority concerned. The decree was created with the binding that these lands cann’t be baught by a Non-Dalit. Any appropriation of these lands by the Non-Dalit. Any appropriation of these lands by the Non-Dalits were deemed to be illegal. But, in course of time they were coveted by the rich dominant castes by all the foulmeans.
Boss takes periodical measures to redeem such lands and reorient with the families of the Original owners recently 2 owner were settle with 3 Acres totally.
Schedule caste and scheduled Tribes (Dalits) Prevention of atrocities Act of 1989 is very basic act that prevents lot of atrocities against Dalits. By the efforts of Boss 5 cases were registered against the violators recently.
Success is not always the reward. Sometimes we suffer ricochets also. Our Chief functionary was affected and booked in criminal case when we campaigned against illicit arrack. We took legal and paralegal measures so that finally the cases were withdrawn and the Police constable and the sub inspector Who were instrumental for filing false cases were transferred as department punishment.
Highlights of the achievements:
When the landrights, are restored or protected it builds confidence within Dalits and motivates them for further struggles. As a result they come into grip with the reality and start to take responsibility of their own lives. The struggles season not only the community but also the organization . Registering cases under prevention of atrocities Act has reduced the occurance considerably. Though Dr. Ambedkar had given a democratic and pro poor penal codes, it needs lot of legal activism to get benefits out of it.
Later by the support of “Just Trust” of England 40 young girls were trained in Tailoring
Self help groups are the basic units of our community organization. And these self help Groups are constituted by women. Though economic programmes are their main concern they also take issues that would get them basic amenities and services. Some of these groups are 10 years old.
1.2.3 / Please explain your interaction/relationship with other non-profit organization, government agencies, schools, universities etc.
We work closely together with the government when working for Dalit rights like land and other amenities, since these are the state subjects. The Panchayat Union with its Block development office is the basic welfare unit of the government. To demand basic amenities like drinking water, road and pathways, streetlight, electricity, Public distribution units, schools etc we have to make our pleas with this office. Some times with corrupt officials we make our way through demonstrations or appeals high above.
Boss organized the village Rotary community corps (RCC) through International Rotary club. We conducted general health camp, literally Programme, Environmental awayeress programme with the support of District Rotary Club.
Boss selected as District corrdination NGO through District collector by the scheme of RSVY, this is Government of India ministry of Rural development scheme. This major focus on Total sanitation, SHG training, wasteland development and health etc., We have working together the District Government Collector for this purpose.
Then Boss conducted awareness generation programme (AGP) for 25 rural SHG Women with the support of Tamil Nadu State Government.
Boss conducted Installation of Bio-Gas plant programme in 10 villages with the support of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore
1.3 / Financial Information (Please attach a copy of last two years Auditor’s Report)
1.3.1 / Annual Budget / Rs. 4,01,508
1.3.2 / Current funding sources of the organization. / Rs. 1,18,130
From Stichting Overal- The Netharland.
Rs. 1,55,984
From Just Trust – England.
1.3.3 / Bank/Branch/Account Details (Indian) / A/C No. 6190 (Indian)
Corporation Bank,
Vengikal Branch,
Tiruvannamalai – 606 604
Tamil Nadu – India.
1.3.4 / Bank/Branch/Account Details (Foreign) / A/C 4895 (Foreign)
Corporation Bank
Vengikal Branch
Tiruvannamalai – 606 604
Tamil Nadu – India.
/About the Project
2.1 / General Information2.1.1 / Title of the project. Give a brief description of project / Project Title:
“Integrated rural children development programme”
A. rehabilitating the school dropouts and least cared children within the families. For those who can still be stabilised or re oriented to the mainstream educational process it would be arranged after a crash course. For those who cannot be re-oriented would be provided with skills trainings and settled with either self-employed or facilitated to become employed.
B. Non formal education contres would be set to educate the adults especially parents on the essentials of educating their children, providing health care to their girl children and children’s rights in general, so that they would become active partners in this project.
2.1.2 / Vision and Mission of Project / Vision: Development of children with all their rights
Mission: Supporting the education, health and leisure of the children by intervening with children and their parents.
2.1.3 / Name of contact person / Mr. Balu, B.Com, D.G.T,
Executive Secretary,
2.1.4 / Address of contact person / 72-B Ambedkar Street,
Adaiyur Village & Post,
Tiruvannamalai – 606 604
Tamil Nadu – India.
2.2 / Short Term Goals: Please explain in detail, what you expect to achieve through this project in the next 6 months through 1 year. (Add additional sheets if necessary)
· To reduce the number of school drop outs
· To provide re-orientation or skills training for employment to the school drop outs
· To organize Training of motivation to the Parents
· To Promote overall knowledge of children
· To development abilities and Personal skill of children in rural areas through non formal Education.
2.3 / Long Term Goal: Please explain in detail what are your long term goals from this project? (Add additional sheets if necessary)
· Children to be provided with integrated development which would benefit their bodies, minds and self actualization.
· We work closely with beneficiaries. We have to make our works with this beneficiaries for their betterment.
· To Promote children development and it is the primary responsibility according by their appearances.
· leading to enhanced capacity for parents and care gives to support development of children
· To improve community development mutually understanding the importance of Girl child education.
· The permanent source of income in obtained through skill training
· The self reliance and self confidence leads to stand on their own legs for their basic needs as well as raise their socio-economic status.
· Hence we achieve our aims mostly within the 6 month through one year
2.4 / Project Activities: Please describe in detail the various activities that need to be carried out to successfully complete the project. This should include but not limited to the following.
Roles and responsibilities of various people in the project.
Please include any infrastructure costs that need to be incurred. Also include their purpose, location etc.
If any infrastructure costs (land, vehicles etc.) to be incurred, please include details such as the location, purpose etc.
Description of various awareness methods used (print material, projection slides etc.)
Miscellaneous Materials that needs to be procured.
a) Non-formal education
Non-formal education to adults and parents especially in 10 centers, in 10 disadvantaged Rural villages. This would capacitate them to under stand the local problems and larger problems with a socio-political analysis,
b) Training of motivation to the parents
Training of motivation to the parents so that they send their children to the school especially the girl children (who are usually kept at home to look after the young ones) Girl children are usually neglected in food, bisurs, health care, play, education and as adults in their reproductive rights. The gender sensitization workshop would be conducted for the both men and women
c) Crash courses
Crash courses would be conducted to re-orient the school dropouts so that they rejoin their regular schools and continue formal academic pursuit.
d) On the job skill trainings programme
For those dropouts who have no possibility of getting back to academic schools skills training would be provided. The participation with the dropouts and their parents we have identified the following trades.
· Two wheeler (Automobile) mechanism
· Four wheeler (Automobile) mechanism
· Tailoring
· Electrical Working of Houses and other buildings
· Cycle Machanism
· Masonary
· Electrician Trade
· T V and Electronics Service Centres.
· Toys Making
· Screen printing
Since all these trades need heavy infrastructure and many masters, Boss will send the beneficiaries to spot of the industry to training and gathering direct experiences will be availability. Two beneficiaries from each village (Total 10 Villages 20 benificiaries) selected to the above said skil Training as like that on the job Oriented skil training programme. The youth (below 18 both girl and boys) would be sent for on the Job skill training programme in respective industries and paid a supporting stipend (as they will not get any pay for One year). The youth would be insured for Rs. 1,00,000/- to meet any accidental damage for themselves. In this way the youth would be exposed both to the skill and management of the trade from day one. The industries would be happy as they get unpaid apprentices for One year.