Connectional Ministries
New Ministries Essential Ministry Team
California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
110 South Euclid Avenue — P.O. Box 6006 — Pasadena, California 91102-6006
Telephone: 626-568-7300 or 800-244-8622 (Southern California only) FAX: 626-796-7297
Bishop Minerva Carcaño, Resident Bishop
Rev. Joy A. Price – Chairperson
Rev. Nicole Reilley – Director
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20 NRSV)
Dear Friends,
The work of the New Ministries EMT of the California-Pacific Annual Conference is guided by these words from the Gospel of Matthew. We are called to support local churches, districts and the Cal-Pac Annual Conference with the resources to “make disciples of the Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” through the creation of new, exciting ministries that speak to the hearts and minds of 21st Century seekers and followers of Jesus.
As Christians, God calls each of us to touch the lives of others and we do that by providing opportunities to meet Christ in the ministries of the Church. God has obviously placed a new ministry on your heart, one that will change your life and others.
As you fill out the following application we ask you to consider the following:
- Have you discussed this new ministry with your District Superintendent? If not, do so prior to completing this application. Starting a new ministry requires the support of others, your District Superintendent will introduce you to the members of the District Planning and Strategy Committee whose job it is to advise and guide you through this process.
- Have you sought support and resources from your local church, district, or other sources? If not, then we encourage you to start there. Most often New Ministries EMT resources will come in the form of a matching grant. We want to see others invested in the outcome of your new ministry. As stated earlier, starting a new ministry requires a significant support system, New Ministries EMT will be just one of those resources. The more supporters you have the more likely you will succeed in your new ministry. Remember, assets from other sources include financial support, administrative support, AND, people/leadership support, along with prayer and the sharing of wisdom.
- Have you considered the importance of a coach in this process? If not, please do. New Ministries EMT believes that the support of coaches plays a vital role in the success of new ministries. You will be required to work with one if you receive New Ministries funding. Please add the cost of a coach to your budget.
- Have you read the directions on how to fill out this application? The instructions to this application are important. Please review them carefully before beginning to write.
We are excited to learn about God’s call on your life in this new ministry and look forward to reading your application. If you have questions about this form, please contact Nicole Reilley, Director of New Ministries at . May God richly bless your new ministry.
Your Servant in Christ,
Rev. Joy Price, Chair
Application for Ministry Funding 2015-2016
California-Pacific Annual Conference, United Methodist Church
New Ministries Essential Ministry Team (NM EMT)
Part 1: Basic Information
Name of Ministry: / District:Ministry Leader: / Phone #:
Address: / E-Mail:
City, State, Zip:
Type of Ministry: (check one)
New Church Start (either first year or continued funding)Church Revitalization
New Ministry Context (Ministry setting different from current church site)
Check also if applying for continued funding: Annual Funding Renewal (__ year of funding)
Is your church/host on Equitable Compensation: Yes No
{note: If yes, please carefully read the attached instructions. You may not be eligible for NM EMT funds.}
Please identify the ethnic group(s) served: ______
Has your ministry undergone SAFE SANCTUARIES and/or Sexual Abuse Prevention Training:
Yes NoWhen was your most recent certification? ______
Total Funding Requestedfrom NM EMT Grant for 2015/2016: ______
Whatadditional sources of funding have your received (or do you anticipated receiving) from the District, other ministries or organizations?______
Contact Information:
Involvement / Name / Address / Phone / E-mailMinistry Leader
Sr. Pastor
District Contact
Part 2: Approvals
Local Church: Administrative Council or Council on MinistriesApproval date: ______
Signatures: Recording Secretary ______Council Chairperson ______
District Office (Due to your district office by August 28, 2014 or earlier*)
*Please check with your District for the due date as each District can set their own deadlines.
Date received by District Superintendent: ______Date reviewed by DPAS and D.S. ______
Recommended for $ ______Amended: __ Disapproved: __
Signatures: District Superintendent ______DPAS Chairperson ______
Conference Office –New Ministries EMT (Due to the NM EMT by September 22, 2014 or earlier)
Send email copy to and
Send original with all signatures to Preciosa Cordero, Cal-Pac Annual Conference, P.O. Box 6006, Pasadena, CA 91102
Date Received: ____ Date Reviewed: ____ Approved for $ ______Amended: __ Disapproved: __
Signatures: Recording Secretary ______NM EMT Chairperson ______
Part 3: Succinct Executive Summary
(Maximum 1 page in length)
- Name of MinistryType of ministry (New Church Start, Revitalization, New Ministry Context)
- Give a “snapshot” of what this ministry will look like in 12, 18 & 24 months. (Use three means of measurement to describe each time frame, [i.e., number in worship attendance, number in small groups, financial status, etc.])
- What is your current stewardship plan? How long until full sustainability?
Part 4: The Ministry
(For Parts 4, 5, and 6, please limit your total response to 8 to 12 pages.)
MissionInsite Reports are not necessary as a part of the application.
Describe, in narrative form, your understanding of the following aspects of your ministry proposal: (see Instructions for expanded requirements and details)
- Ministry Vision: Describe what this ministry will look like.
- Discipleship Plan: What is your disciple-making process? How many are currently involved in this process?
- Demographic analysis: Provide supportive demographic data for this ministry.
- Contributing Factors:(Revitalization Only) Describe what happened to the existing ministry and the dynamics that make this church ready for revitalization now.
Part 5: The Strategic Plan
- Ministry Plan: Describe the type of plan or model you will follow to implement your ministry.
- Budget: Include a detailed annual budget for this ministry.
- Stewardship: Describe your plan for this new congregation/ministry to become self-sustaining (expand on your answer to 3C).
- Leadership Development and Training: Outline your plan to identify, recruit, train, and mentor ministry leaders.
- Professional Staffing: Describe the professional staffing needs for this ministry.
- Benchmark Chart: Describe, in detail, the various benchmarks that can be used to measure the progress of this ministry (Use attachment).
- Other Resources:Describe all other resources that have been secured for this project. (Include funding, leadership, and other support from all sources.)
NOTE FOR CONTINUING PROJECTS: Benchmark Reports – Copies of the updated “Benchmark Chart” are due to the New Ministries Essential Ministry Team (NM EMT) by currently funded projects on October 15, 2013 and February 1, 2014. In addition, please include up-to-date benchmark reports with this application and explain any changes and/or progress (or lack of progress) made thus far.
Part 6: Continuing Applications
12. Required Items: All Applications for continued funding must complete all sections plus updated benchmarks.
13. Benchmark Reports: Include copies of the “Benchmark Reports” as outlined in Number 10, above.
14. Ministry Plan: How has your understanding of your original plans for this ministry changed in the last 12 months?
Application for Ministry Funding Page 1
(rev. 2/28/2014)
Application for Ministry Funding 2015-2016(rev. 2/28/2014)
California-Pacific Annual Conference, United Methodist Church, New Ministries Essential Ministry Team (NM EMT)
(All applications must be resubmitted annually)
Application Calendar:
July 15, 20142014-2015 Application Available.
August 28, 2014 (or earlier*)Application due to District Office.
(*NOTE: check with your District for the deadline)
September 22, 2014Cabinet input/vision re: all applications
October 1, 2014Application forwarded to Annual Conference NM EMT for review.
Oct. 23, 2014Clarifying questions (if any) e-mailed to applicant.
November 2, 2014Answers to above questions due back to Conference.
November 7-8, 2014New Ministries EMT reviews application.
December 2014Decision letter is sent to the Applicant. (3-4 weeks after the BCD meeting)
April 2015Cabinet approves and appoints clergy (if necessary)
July 1, 2015First check is mailed
Oct. 1, 2015Benchmark report due to New Ministries EMT.
Feb. 1, 2016Benchmark report due to New Ministries EMT.
General Instructions:
This application is to be used by persons requesting funding for new Church Starts or Existing Church Revitalizations. It can be initiated by a local church in need of revitalization, by a local church wanting to start a new ministry, and/or by a District wanting to plant a new church. The application must be resubmitted annually to request funding for a multi-year ministry project. The attached application is in a Microsoft, Word for Windows format. Download the application to your computer and fill in the information as necessary. The application must be typewritten. Add to or expand the existing tables as your situation dictates. Be complete, clear, and concise.
Please note thatyou, as the Applicant, are responsible to make sure all submission deadlines are met! This includes submission of application to your District Office by August 28thor earlier (as designated by your District) and responses to the follow-up questions by Nov. 2nd.
Equitable Compensation Question
If the requesting church or the host church for this project is on or is applying for Equitable Compensation funding, this project is NOT eligible for funding from the New Ministries EMT. For further clarification, please read and understand the Standards for Conference Compensation Assistance Funding for Local Churches and Ministries of the California-Pacific Annual Conference(See Conference Journal – Policies: page I-60 to I-62 in the 2004 Journal) *****
Specific Instructions:
Part 1: Basic Information
Name of Ministry: Provide a short name for this ministry proposal. Examples could be; St. Paul’s Revitalization, or Los Angeles new Church Start.
District: Name the District within the California-Pacific Conference where this ministry will be located: East, West, North, South, or Hawaii.
Type of Ministry: Check the box that applies to your ministry. Even if this ministry was funded by the New Ministries EMT last year, you must check one of the boxes.
Annual Funding Renewal: In addition to checking one of the above boxes, check this box if you are requesting continued funding for a ministry that was funded last year by the New Ministries EMT. Additionally, please note what year of annual funding that this proposal requests.
Safe Sanctuaries: Please list the date of your most recent Safe Sanctuaries training. If you have not undergone training, indicate your plan for making that happen.
Total Funding Request: How much money are you asking NMENT for?
Additional Funding Sources: Please list other sources of funding that you anticipate receiving (or applying for). The committee is looking for realistic financial expectations here.
Contact Information: Provide the requested information for the various persons involved with this ministry proposal.
- Ministry Leader… is the person ultimately responsible for the ministry. Examples include: the pastor of the ministry, Sr. pastor of the church, local pastor, or layperson.
- Sr. Pastor… is the pastor that heads the sponsoring/hosting church if in fact that person is different than the Ministry Leader... if it is the same person, please enter “same” in the box.
- Financial… is the person responsible for the financial bookkeeping for this ministry. This is the person who writes the checks or maintains financial records who could be contacted regarding the status of the ministry budget.
- District Contact… is the person from the respective District that would be most directly knowledgeable and responsible for this ministry.
- Laity… means those laypersons that are directly involved with the ministry at the local level. Examples would include laypersons on the “core team”, “lay leader”, or other key laity.
- Applicant… means the name of the person who completed the application. This is the person to whom clarifying questions will be directed.
- Other… This line offers the opportunity to include the names of other persons who would be likely contacts for this ministry. Add as many names as you might need. This is a Word for Windows Chart and can be expanded or modified as needed.
Part 2: Approvals
All proposals for New Start ministries or Revitalization projects must receive the appropriate approvals before consideration by the New Ministries EMT.
Local Administrative Board or Council on Ministries: If this is a new Church Start from within an existing congregation or a church Revitalization project, then the existing church must approve this ministry project proposal through the Administrative Council or Council on Ministries as appropriate. A copy of the approved minutes from the appropriate body citing the resolution or motion of approval must be attached. If more than one church joins together for financial support of this ministry project then a copy of the approval minutes from ALL of the involved churches must be attached to this application. All necessary signatures must be obtained.
District Office: Upon completion of this application and all additional materials, the entire package must be submitted to the District Superintendent and the District Committee on Planning and Strategy (or its equivalent) for review and approval by the date listed at the top of the Application and Instructions. The Superintendent will submit the approved requests to the Conference New Ministries EMT and the Cabinet for final consideration. You are responsible to make sure all submission deadlines are met!
California-Pacific Conference Office, New Ministries EMT: Whenthe ministry application has been approved by the District Superintendent and the District Committee on Planning and Strategy (or its equivalent), it will be forwarded to the New Ministries Essential Ministry Team (NMEMT) office at address provided above. The application should be submitted in a pdf format titled as “DISTRICT_ NAME_OF_PROJECT 2014-2015” AND mailed to the address listed above. Each application will be reviewed to determine if there are issues that need further clarification before the full NMEMT meets in November. In mid-October, applicants can expect to receive via e-mail or telephone a list of questions aimed at clarifying any discrepancies or concerns identified by the Core Team. The applicant will have until November 2ndto respond to the questions. During the fall meeting (in November), the full New Ministries EMT will meet to determine which applications to fund. Applicants can expect to be notified of the funding decision in 3 to 4 weeks after the NMEMT meeting depending on when the Cabinet is in session. Once the NMEMT reaches a decision, the Chair communicates with the Cabinet. Upon acknowledgement from the Cabinet, the letter stating the award decision is forwarded to each ministry.
Part 3: Executive Summary
(Maximum 1 page in length)
The Executive Summary is used as a snapshot of the ministry and its goals for the next 12 to 24 months. Please use three means of measurement such as worship attendance, number of small groups, and financial status to describe the goals for 12, 18, and 24 months. Also include a brief summary of your stewardship (financial sustainability) plan.
Part 4: The Ministry
(What we are doing)
For Parts 4, 5, and 6, please limit your total response to 8 to 12 pages. Mission Institute Reports are not necessary as a part of the application.
Describe, in narrative form, your understanding of the following aspects of this ministry proposal: This is the “what” and “why” of your ministry proposal. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Why did you decide to do this ministry project?
- Ministry Vision: Describe your vision of this ministry. Describe why there is such a compelling need to have this ministry. Explain what ministry opportunities will be missed if this project is not done. Describe what this ministry looks like once it has reached a level of maturity and self-sustainability, that is, when it is in a place where it no longer needs funds or assistance from others outside of its own ministry. Items to be considered should include (but not limited to): What is the missional goal of this ministry? How does this ministry meet the missional goals of the sponsoring church/s or this particular church (if it is revitalizing)? How does it address the missional goals of the District Planning and Strategy Committee, the Annual Conference Comprehensive Plan, and the United Methodist Church as described in the Book of Discipline? Describe (if any) how this ministry addresses broader UM issues such as multiculturalism and peace with justice issues, etc. What will be gained from this ministry project?
- Discipleship Plan: The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. How will you go about the disciple-making process in your ministry/church? Please be as specific as possible.
- Demographic analysis: Understanding the makeup of the community surrounding your ministry location is a critical component to a successful project. Provide very specific demographic data to support your ministry goals. Sign up for MissionInsite demographic information at Contact Rev. Nicole Reilley, Director of New Ministries at the current code needed. In narrative form, describe how the rationale for this ministry proposal is based on the demographic data. What demographic factors impact this ministry? How does the demographic data support your ministry target group/affinity? Do NOT submit copies of raw demographic data.
- Contributing Factors: (Revitalization Only) Describe what happened to the existing ministry that requires revitalization. What internal and external factors led to the decline of the previous ministry in this community? How have those same factors been addressed by the current ministry proposal? What are the spiritual characteristics of the existing congregation? Describe what factors make now the right time for revitalization.
Part 5: The Strategic Plan