Application for joint NKJ-SNS network for activities in 2017
Application for joint NKJ-SNS network for activities in 2017
Send the application to:
NKJ: Per Hansson;
The application should not exceed3500 words (including words in the template).
The aim of the joint call is to promote Nordic cross-sectorial collaboration among researchers and stakeholders from the forest and agricultural sectors by networking activities.
Collaborations should be with professionals and/or academia within the main sectors agriculture and forestry. The networks should cover topics emerging from the transition to a new bio-economy. The workshop of SNS and NKJ matchmaking day in 2016 highlighted the following themes as particularly interesting; plant disease and protection in a changing climate, the use of big data in a bio-economy and land use for biomass production in the Nordic countries.The topics could also be wider, including for example invasive species and pests, the energy sector, food security, mitigating climate change, horticulture, aquaculture, apiculture or promoting of agroforestry systems.
2.a Main applicant*
Name / Title / Sector / Organisation- Address (Country) / Email
* The main applicant should be supplemented by additional co-applicants from at least two other Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Finland, includingthe Åland islands, Faroe Islands, and Greenland).
Note that gender mixed applications are preferred.
Name / Title / Sector / Organisation- Address (Country) / Email
Background of the network
3. The aim of the joint NKJ-SNS network call is to increase Nordic synergy in research and innovation between the Agro-food-forest-energy sectors by networking, workshops, seminars and joint utilization of research facilities.a)Describe the long-term aim for your network, and the goal for the period of the application.
b)If the network has been funded previously, state if the aim has changed. What are the new goals of this funding period?
4. Present a preliminary schedule and location of planned activities within your network.
5. How and within which areas does the network plan to increase synergies within the Nordic region?
6. Briefly, how does the network relate to the strategies ofSNS and NKJ?
7. List the participators (stakeholders, research institutes or other groups)according to sector from:
a)Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Faroe Islands, Greenland or Åland Islands.
b)From other countries/regions.
8. SNS and NKJ encourage cross sectorial cooperation from outside of academia.
a)List the participating stakeholders from outside of academia
b)What is the networks’ plan for involving more stakeholders?
9. Gender equality is a key issue for social equality. The aim of SNS and NKJ is a gender balance of at least 40-60%.
a)How does the network plan to meet the 40-60% goal?
b)If the network has received funding previously and the 40-60% goal was not met, what are the new measures that will be taken to reach this goal?
10. How does the network plan to include and integrate young researchers’ / PhD students?
Expected outputs
11. Communication of the outcomes from the network is important, this can be done by aiming at academia and/or society at large.- Specifyexpected publishable outputs derived from the network activity in both academic and non-academic journals/papers/online.
12. Other outputs from the work group could be e.g. large-scale project applications, conferences or statistics using big data or other practical outputs.
- Does your network have any other outputs?
13. All networks are to deliver a news item, or ‘policy brief’ (download the templatehere), which will be used for publishing at Nordforsk, SNS - News & Views and at the SNS webpage.
- Indicate title or topic of the fact sheet/ brief, the network will produce.
14. Approximated number of participantsinvolved in the network activities
Women / MenYoung researchers / PhD students
Senior academics
Total number of participants
15. Budget in SEK. The applied amount should be approximately 100.000 – 250.000 SEK. A self-financing component of at least 50% of the total budget of the network is required. The funding cannot be used for salaries and the payment can only be made to Nordic countries.
Self-financed / Applied amount / Total / % of self-financingTravel costs
Hotel costs
Meeting costs
Layout and publishing
(Other costs (specify below))
Total SUM (SEK)
(Specify other costs):
Please attach documentation of how much financial support participants from outside of the Nordic region* will bring into the network budget.
* Nordic region: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland Islands.
I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge
Main applicant signature, place and date.…………………………………………………. .…………………………………………………. ……………………………
(Signature) (Institution) (Day / Month / Year)
Signature of the head of the research institution
.…………………………………………………. .…………………………………………………. ……………………………
(Signature) (Institution) (Day / Month / Year)
(Printed name, function)
I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge.
Second applicant signature, place and date.…………………………………………………. .…………………………………………………. ……………………………
(Signature) (Institution) (Day / Month / Year)
Third applicant signature, place and date
.…………………………………………………. .…………………………………………………. ……………………………
(Signature) (Institution) (Day / Month / Year)