Tulane Alumni Association Board of Directors Nomination Form
The Nominations Committee of the Tulane Alumni Association (TAA) Board of Directors is seeking input and assistance in identifying qualified alumni as nominees for a Board of Director’s position beginning with the fiscal year on July 1, 2017. Those selected will serve a two year term. The ideal candidate is one who has an interest and ability to serve and support Tulane University in various capacities, such as attendance at board meetings, serving on committees, making a financial contribution, and being an ambassador for the University. The Committee will review those individuals proposed with all the documentation and prepare a slate using recommendations and experience, diversity, geographic status, and the needs of the TAA as criteria. The Board will vote on the slate of nominees at its annual meeting in March.
Prior to submitting your nomination, please advise your candidate that they might not be chosen. If your nominee is not chosen for this year’s slate, please note that we will keep their nomination on file as a potential future candidate for the board.
In order to complete your nomination, fill out this form completely, sign your name, attach the nominee’s resume, and send back to James Stofan at or fax it to his attention at (504) 865- 6764.
The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. CT, December 9, 2016
Nominee’s Name Nominee’s Class Year (if known)
Phone ( ) E-mail address
City State Zip
Employer Name Title
Nominator’s Name Nominator’s Class Year (if applicable)
Phone ( ) E-mail address
Reason for Nomination: A brief description of the nominee’s qualities and characteristics and what makes him/her a good nominee.
Please include as much of the following information as possible:
Undergraduate/Graduate Activities (clubs, honors, offices held)
University or club involvement since graduation
Personal activities
Community activities
Honors, achievements, awards
Areas of expertise (check all that apply)
Administration Marketing/Sales Volunteer Engagement Fund raising Strategic Planning Human Resources
Other (Please specify: )
Nominator’s Signature
Nominee’s Signature Date
Email a completed application by December 9, 2016 to:
or send via fax to: (504) 865-6764
Nominees may be asked to provide additional information and materials to facilitate the selection process.