Application for Initial Approval of Undergraduate Degrees in Food Science/Technology
(Application format should conform to the following headings, sequence, and page limitations, using 12 point font. Any additional material should be attached as appendices.)
I. Date of application submission ______
II. Name of person completing this application ______
Professional title______
Mail address______
E-mail address______
Office phone number______
Fax number ______
III. Description of administrative unit
A. Name of Institution ______
B. Name of College______
C. Name of Department (or other administrative unit) ________
D. Name of Department Head/Chair of unit______
E. E-mail of Department Head/Chair of unit______
F. All undergraduate degrees (including emphases) granted by the Department (e.g., BSA in Food Science, BS in Food Technology with Food Industry Emphasis, BS in Nutritional Science)
G. Of those above, degree(s) (including emphases) to be evaluated for IFT approval and the number of graduates for each program in the past year.
IV. Description of faculty(1-2 pages)
A. Food Science and other faculty members teaching in the program (place an asterisk by course numbers of required courses)
Name, Highest Degree, Discipline,and Institution Appointment§ Specialization(s)Courses Taught
Jane Doe, Ph.D., food science, Ohio State Univ. member, full timeFood Chemistry, FS 105, 215*, 450*Quality Assurance
B. Additional faculty (including those from other departments) teaching Food Science courses (place an asterisk by course numbers of required courses)
Name, Highest Degree, Discipline, and Institution Appointment§ Specialization(s)Courses Taught
C. Any extenuating circumstances regarding faculty that should be considered
§ Explain appointment status in the Department, e.g., assistant, associate, or full faculty member/professor, adjunct, courtesy, joint, full-time, part-time)
V. Description of facilities(1 page)
A. Website describing and providing pictures of Department facilities ______
B. Equipment available for teaching undergraduates in the program
C. Teaching laboratories (include food chemistry/analysis, food microbiology, food engineering)
D. Pilot plant/processing capabilities
E. Explanations of accessibility if above facilities are not in-department or on-campus
F. Any extenuating circumstances regarding facilities that should be considered
VI. Description of curriculum (2 pages)
(Repeat this section for each degree or emphasis to be evaluated)
A. Specific website containing course descriptions for both background and departmental courses ______(If not available online, include as an appendix or include a copy of the undergraduate catalog in application submission)
B. Required courses in each of the following background subjects:
Dept.Number CreditsLab included
(e.g. Chem103 4 creditsYes )
General Chemistry______
Organic Chemistry______
Other Chem courses ______
Biological Sciences
General micro______
General micro lab______
Other biology courses______
Human Nutrition______
General physics______
Other physics courses______
Other math courses______
Oral ______
C. Any extenuating circumstances regarding background courses that should be considered
VI. Description of curriculum – cont.
D. Required courses (excluding background courses), listed in numerical order
NumberHours Title
E. Elective courses offered, listed in numerical order
NumberHours Title
F. Road map of suggested student progress through the curriculum (one for each degree program under review). (SeeAPPENDIX C)
VII. Coverage of IFT Core Competencies (1 spreadsheet or checklist. See APPENDIX D)
(Repeat this section for each degree or emphasis to be evaluated)
A. Show on the template where each of the IFT Core Competencies is covered within the curriculum of required food science courses and indicate some level of depth or extent of coverage (Bloom’s taxonomy or similar scale).
VIII. Course learning outcomes and assessments (1-3 pages per required Food Science course)
(Repeat this section for each degree program or emphasis to be evaluated)
For each required food science course:
A. Please specify the student learning outcomes for this course (if not yet developed for all courses, describe plans in place to accomplish this).
B. Tools used to assess learning outcomes (portfolios, oral presentations, papers, reports, projects, academic journals, quiz or exam questions linked to specific learning outcomes, indicating level of assessment (e.g., Bloom’s taxonomy). Provide an example of a course learning outcome and the assessments planned to measure student mastery of that learning outcome.
C. Brief summary of assessment results to date
IX. Program outcomes and assessments (1-3 pages)
For the program as a whole:
A. List specific food science program outcomes
B. Tools used to assess program outcomes (exit interviews or examinations, alumni surveys, employer surveys, food industry advisory boards, etc.)Provide an example tool planned to assess one program outcome.
C. Brief summary of assessment results to date (if any)
X. Use of Results to Improve Learning (1-2 pages)
- Describea plan for using assessment results to improve student learning through curricular modifications
B. Brief summary of improvements, modifications, etc. to date (if any)
XI. Future Goals and Planning for Improvement.
This section is intended to aid a food science program in determining what improvements to the program and to specific courses will be made during the next approval cycle. Assessment of a subset of all outcomes for the food science academic program should have been occurring annually between initial approval and re-approval. Because all outcomes for a food science program should be assessed by the time of that program’s re-approval, each program should have completed and reported the assessment results of all its proposed course learning and program outcomes by the end of a five-year period.
Please provide a brief (1-2 pages)summary of plans for future assessment strategies and goals, and how curricular improvement will be maintained. There should be a short discussion of how results of the assessments will continue to be used to improve the food science program or student learning.
This section might address such questions as:
- What are the program’s assessment goals for the next five years?
- How will the program specifically address any weaknesses identified in previous assessments?
- How will the program build on existing strengths?
XII. Submission.
Submit an electronic copy (preferably PDF format) of this review document and supporting materials to the IFT headquarters office via submission portal by deadlines published on the IFT website.