And We Think The Winners Shall Be … ?
We’ve invited a crew to give their input as to who they think will emerge as event
champions this weekend. Here are there picks, along with the consensus choice. The
person with the most correct choices will win a pot of gold. Well, maybe not a full pot
.… and it may not be gold-colored. Enjoy!
Scott Steve Albert Jerry Keith Rich Joe Robert Mike David Hank Kirsten Doug Mitch
Abbott Brand Carauna Colman Conning Gonzal. Hartm. Jarvis Kennedy Keifer Lawson Leetch Speck Stephens
Boys 100 Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best
Boys 200 Best Nellum Best Nellum Best Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum
Boys 400 Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum Nellum
Boys 800 Primm Primm Primm Primm Primm Primm Primm Primm Primm Primm Primm Primm Primm Primm
Boys 1600Hall Jett Surh Hall Andrews Jett Hall Andrews Hall Surh Hall Andrews Hall Hall
Boys 3200Cybulski Cybulski Cybulski Gregg Hall Cybulski Gregg Hall Cybulski Hall Cybulski Hall Cybulski Cybulski
Boys HH Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice
Boys IH Anderson Anderson Anderson Wyatt Anderson Anderson Wyatt Anderson Anderson Anderson Hersey Wyatt Anderson Anderson
Boys 4x1 JW North JW North LB Poly LB Poly JW North LB Poly LB Poly LB Poly LB Poly LB Poly JW North JW North LB Poly JW North
Boys 4x4 LB Poly LB Poly JW North LB Poly LB Poly JW North LB Poly LB Poly LB Poly JW North LB Poly LB Poly LB Poly LB Poly
Boys HJ Clark Hicks Kirkpatr. Kirkpatr Hicks Clark Hicks Hicks Nizkat Hicks Hicks Hicks Clark Hicks
Boys PV Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler Weiler
Boys LJ Gray Rosario Prentice Gray Rosario Rosario Rosario Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice
Boys TJ Rivers Rivers Rivers Green Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Clark Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers
Boys SP Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan Canavan
Boys DT Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson
Girls 100 Purvis Purvis Purvis Purvis Purvis Tarmoh Garrett Purvis Tarmoh Purvis Tarmoh Purvis Tarmoh Purvis
Girls 200 Purvis Purvis Purvis Tarmoh Harris Tarmoh Purvis Purvis Tarmoh Tarmoh Purvis Purvis Tarmoh Tarmoh
Girls 400 Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Nguyen Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph
Girls 800 Robins. Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Robins. Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn
Girls 1600Babcock Buckley Babcock Babcock Buckley Babcock Murakami Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock
Girls 3200Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay Hasay
Girls HH Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Purvis Purvis Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas
Girls LH Youngbl. Profit Youngb. Youngb. Youngb. Youngb. Thomps Youngb. Youngb. Youngb. Youngb. Youngb. Youngb. Youngb.
Girls 4x1 LB Wils Ran Ver Ran Ver Mt Plea Ran Ver Mt. Plea LB Poly Ran Ver LB Wils Ran Ver Mt Plea Ran Ver Ran Ver LB Poly
Girls 4x4 Logan LB Poly LB Poly LB Wils LB Poly LB Poly LB Poly LB Poly LB Poly B ODowd LBPoly LB Poly LB Poly LB Poly
Girls HJ Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler
Girls PV Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Stocke Anthony Anthony
Girls LJ Youngbl. Youngbl Youngbl. Youngbl. Youngbl. Youngbl Youngbl. Youngb. Youngb. Youngb. Youngb. Youngb. Thomas Youngb.
Girls TJ Richard. Richard. Richard. Richard. Richard. Richard. Anderson Richard. Richard. Richard. Richard. Richard. Richard. Richard.
Girls SP Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez
Girls DT Fraser Fraser Guerrieri Wilson Fraser Fraser Gurrier Wilson Fraser Frazer Jelmini Fraser Fraser Wilson
Scott Abbott is Director of the Champions Camp cross-country camps in Mammoth each summer. Not to mention a Fantasy League nut!
Steve Brand is “the source” for prep track and field in the San Diego region as the longtime beat writer for the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Albert Caruana currently coaches at Crystal Springs Uplands HS and is an avid local XC/track local historian who hosts his own blogspot on the sports.
Jerry Colman is among the deans of NorCal track, past-chairman of the Pacific Assn of USATF, and is meet director for the Sacramento Meet of Champions.
Keith Conning is the “voice” of the state cross-country meet, the NorCal-based state track meets and is a true historian of North Coast Section track & XC.
Richard Gonzalez is co-editor of and is meet director for the Southern Caliornia-based Arcadia Invitational track meet.
Joe Hartman is “the man” on the scene in the Sac-Joaquin Section, covering the goings on and shooting great pix of SJS athletes.
Robert Jarvis has been among the driving forces on the very popular Golden West Invitational and is currently announcer for the meet.
Mike Kennedy is the resident expert on the U.S. girls scene and is a stats nut, not to mention Girls HS editor for Track & Field News and a reporter for the LA Times.
David Keifer is the prep sports beat writer for the San Jose Mercury News, providing coverage for this weekend’s extravaganza at Hughes Stadium.
Hank Lawson is the “guru” of track and field and cross-country in the Central Coast Section and hosts a fabulous website on the history of our two sports.
Kirsten Leetch is Business and Marketing manager for DyeStat & DyeStatCal and ranks among the nation’s all-time greats at 3200m while at Palos Verdes HS (CA)
Doug Speck is co-editor of DyeStatCal, hosts a blog at DyeStat, is a superb historian and is the voice of the Nike Outdoor Nationals and the Arcadia Invitational.
Mitch Stephens is beat writer for our sports with the San Francisco Chronicle and will be “on site”