Horse Heaven Hills Middle School
3500 S. Vancouver
Kennewick, WA 99337
509-222-6800 (Main Office)
509-222-6801 (Fax)
Our Mission
“Empowering each other with knowledge and skills to
achieve success today and tomorrow.”
Administrative Team:
Diana Burns, Principal,
James Tobery, Assistant Principal,
Tammy Hutchison, Assistant Principal,
Counseling Team
Kelley Hawkins, Counselor,
Patti Ostby, Counselor,
This planner belongs to:
Revised 09/14/2016
Regular Bell Schedule
Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade
Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday,Monday, Tuesday,
Friday FridayFriday
1st8:00-8:52 1st8:00-8:521st8:00-8:52
2nd8:56-9:43 2nd8:56-9:432nd8:56-9:43
3rd9:47-10:34 3rd9:47-10:343rd9:47-10:34
Lunch10:38-11:08 4th10:38-11:254th10:38-11:25
4th11:12-11:59 Lunch11:29-11:595th11:29-12:16
5th12:03-12:50 5th12:03-12:50Lunch12:20-12:50
6th12:54-1:41 6th12:54-1:416th12:54-1:41
7th1:45-2:35 7th1:45-2:357th1:45-2:35
Wednesday Bell Schedule
Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade
1st8:00-8:36 1st8:00-8:361st8:00-8:36
2nd8:40-9:16 2nd8:40-9:162nd8:40-9:16
3rd9:20-9:56 3rd9:20-9:563rd9:20-9:56
Lunch10:00-10:30 4th10:00-10:364th10:00-10:36
4th10:34-11:10 Lunch10:40-11:105th10:40-11:16
5th11:14-11:50 5th11:14-11:50Lunch11:20-11:50
6th11:54-12:30 6th11:54-12:306th11:54-12:30
7th12:34-1:10 7th12:34-1:107th12:34-1:10
Thursday Bell Schedule
Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade
Advisory 8:00-8:30 Advisory 8:00-8:30Advisory 8:00-8:30
1st8:34-9:17 1st8:34-9:171st8:34-9:17
2nd9:21–10:04 2nd9:21-10:042nd9:21-10:04
3rd10:08-10:51 3rd10:08-10:513rd10:08-10:51
Lunch10:54-11:24 4th10:55-11:384th10:55-11:38
4th11:28-12:11 Lunch11:41-12:115th11:42-12:25
5th12:15-12:58 5th12:15-12:58Lunch12:28-12:58
6th1:02-1:45 6th1:02-1:456th1:02-1:45
7th1:49-2:35 7th1:49-2:357th1:49-2:35
By logging onto parents and students can access the daily bulletin, school calendar and athletic calendar to keep up with all school events. There is a link to the PTO Facebook page.
Horse Heaven Hills offers parent access to student grades, homework assignments and attendance via PowerSchool by logging onto. Letters are sent home at the beginning of the school year containing instructions and passwords on how to access PowerSchool. Teachers update grades weekly. Please check our website for online help in content areas. Parents are encouraged to use the Holt Online and The Kahn Academy for math support.
School counselors provide many services for students, parents and school staff. Counselors facilitate groups to help students deal with common middle school problems. They also meet one-on-one with students to provide guidance and help. If a student needs to speak with a counselor, they can set up a time at lunch or during Exploratory to visit them.
Horse Heaven Hills has an outstanding library facility for students. The library may be used before or after school and during lunch (with an appropriate pass). Additionally, many classes visit the library during the school day. Student ID cards are required to check out materials.
Our main office staff is here to help you. Parents can call 509-222-6800 with questions or concerns. Please remember to be respectful and polite to our office staff. Celebrations for birthdays, holidays and other special occasions should be celebrated at home. The office will not accept or deliver individual gifts or any form of individual recognition to students.
If a child becomes sick or injured during the school day, the office personnel or your child will contact you. Students injured or feeling ill must check into the Health Room to determine if the school day can be continued. Students must check in with their teacher and get a pass before coming to the health room.
Socials are scheduled throughout the school year from 2:40-4:00 pm. Ticket sales are during grade level lunches. Prices are determined prior to each social. A discount is offered for students with an ASB. These activities are for eligible H3MS students only. Students not following rules at the activity will be asked to leave. Students leaving the activity early may not return. Students issued any suspension since the last socialwill not be eligible to attend.
Parent visitors are welcome and need to check in at the office. If a parent would like to visit a classroom, 24-hour notice must be given to the grade level principal and teacher in order for the teacher to make the necessary classroom arrangements.
All students are expected to be on time and in school each day. In the event of an absence, a parent or guardian needs to call the Attendance Office at 509-222-6596to excuse the absence. If unable to call, a note signed by a parent/guardian explaining the absence is required upon returning. Only absences due to illness, family emergencies and medical appointments will be excused. Sleeping late and missing the bus are not considered family emergencies. Absences for vacations must be pre-excused. In the event that absences become excessive, notification will be sent by mail and a conference may be requested. The attendance computer automatically generates calls when a student has an unexcused absence for one or more classes in a school day. If you receive a call and have questions, please call our attendance office.
If absent three or more days, a parent/guardian may request homework by calling before 9:00 a.m. Homework will be available for pick up between 2:30pm & 3:00pm. Homework packets will not be made for students with pre-planned absences. Upon returning, students must make arrangements with their teachers to complete any make-up work.
Whenever possible, student appointments should be made after school hours, however, we realize this may not always be possible. If a student needs to leave early for an appointment, a note can be delivered to the attendance office or a phone call made ahead of time to excuse the student. Students can wait in the front office until their parent/guardian arrives to sign them out. Students will not be allowed to leave school at any time without parent approval and checking out through the office. If a student returns to school from an appointment, they can check back in at the attendance window without a parent/guardian signature.
Truancy is an absence from a class or classes without a valid excuse. If repeated truancies occur,a conference with parents or guardians may be arranged. This may result in disciplinary steps in accordance with the Horse Heaven Hills discipline plan. Consequences for truancy may include in-school suspension, out of school suspension, or referral to the Benton County Truancy Board. Students who are truant lose the opportunity to make up work for credit.
Middle schools in Kennewick are closed campuses which means students are required to stay on campus for the entire school day. If a student needs to leave campus, the office must be contacted.Only parents or guardians are allowed to visit students on campus.
Harassment in school is UNWANTED ATTENTION from other students, and IS NOT TOLERATED. Harassment is clearly a disruption to the educational process. Harassment may include, but is not limited to, leering, pinching, grabbing, pushing, teasing, spreading gossip and rumors, expressing unwanted comments and jokes, and implied or expressed verbal or written threats. Harassment may carry the message that if the victim does not comply with the harasser’s demands, there may be retaliation. Harassment can cause physical or psychological damage to students, affecting grades, attendance, performance, and pride in one’s work.
Victims of harassment/bullying must report the problem to an adult in the school as soon as possible. The adult will then work with the student to see that appropriate action is taken. Depending on the severity of the offense, the range of discipline for harassment may include participation in counseling sessions on the problem of harassment in our culture and school, apology to the victim, suspension, and if appropriate, police intervention. (For more information, refer to board policy # 5150)
Altering notes or documents, copying another student’s work, or impersonating a parent on the phone or signing a note for a parent, school employee, or medical personnel are considered forgery and/or misrepresentation and will be dealt with accordingly. In order to encourage authentic learning, Horse Heaven Hills has adopted a strict academic integrity policy.
No student shall possess, use, or attempt to use, and/or threaten to use any weapons on school property. The safety of our students and staff are our top concern and a no tolerance policy is in effect with regard to weapons. Possession of weapons or look-alikes may result in suspension or expulsion. (See school board policy # 3314)
The use or possession of tobacco products and other drugs of abuse is not tolerated. Washington state laws require that a citation be filed on any student using or possessing illegal drugs on school grounds. AODA violations will be referred to the Kennewick Police Department; in addition, there will be school consequences. Possession of drug paraphernalia is also prohibited and is a violation of district policy. (See school board policy # 3418). E-cigarettes are not allowed.
Please contact our school nurse at 509-222-6803 regarding the use of over-the-counter medications. These medications are not allowed at school unless the proper procedure is followed.
Physical or verbal actions that distract the bus driver or interfere with the safety of others, or the safe operation of the bus are considered to be disruptive and unsafe. Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right. Use of the school bus may be in jeopardy if students choose not to act responsibly on the bus and at the bus stop.
Skateboards, scooters, roller blades and longboards may not be ridden on campus and are not allowed in the building or lockers. They must be chained and locked in the bike rack near the gym.
We expect our students to dress in a modest fashion. Appropriate dress will not disrupt the educational process. In an effort to help parents assist their middle school child in making good clothing decisions, we’ve established some clothing standards.
- Clothing or jewelry that refers to or insinuates alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substance use is not appropriate. In addition, clothing that refers to or insinuates sexual, lewd, or discriminatory messages are not appropriate.
- Gang-related attire and items will not be tolerated.
- Appropriate clothing fits the student and does not disrupt the school environment. Clothing that is too tight, creeps up when walking or exposes undergarments or a midriff is inappropriate for school.
- Tank tops, spaghetti straps or racer back tops are NOT allowed for any student. Armholes must not dip lower than the top of the bicep.
- Pants are to be worn in such a way that the student’s underwear is not exposed. Belts may not hang and must be in the belt loops of the pants. Coverall or suspenders must be completely fastened and worn on the shoulders.
- Students are welcome to wear hats to and from school, however caps and hats are not permitted during the school day (this includes lunch). Messages on hats are to be appropriate and not gang related.
- Jackets and coats are not to be worn in class. During the winter, it is recommended that students keep a sweater or sweatshirt at school in case of temperature fluctuations.
- Students wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to change. Students may change into P.E. clothing or clothing kept in the office. Calling home for a change of clothing will be allowed at the discretion of the administration.
- Students are not to write or draw on their bodies, nor those of their classmates.
- Skirts, dresses and shorts should be modest, covering the student at least to themid-thigh.
- Pajamas and/or slippers are not allowed to be worn at school.
The above standards are not meant to be inclusive of every clothing contingency. A good general policy regarding the dress code is: if there is ANY QUESTION about an item being inappropriate, DO NOT WEAR IT.
Students may use their cell phone and electronic devices before and after school outside the school building. Once inside the building, cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off and kept in a student’s locker. However, some teachers may allow students to use these devices for educational purposes in the classroom. This will be allowedwith teacher permission and direction. Students may not use their cell phone, wear earbuds or use other electronic devices in the hallways, locker rooms, bathrooms or during lunch.
The following events will lead to the electronic devices being taken to the office and a parent/guardian will be required to pick up the confiscated device during office hours (7:00 am to 3:00 pm). These incidents include, but are not limited to:
-An electronic device being used during class time without the teacher’s permission.
-A school staff member asks a student to put the electronic device away and the student refuses or argues.
-An electronic device being used by a student at any time of the school day or during any school sponsored activity for inappropriate purposes. Inappropriate uses include, but are not limited to:
- Making a video or audio recording without the permission of the person(s) being recorded.
- Taking vulgar or other types of inappropriate pictures.
- Viewing inappropriate pictures or websites.
- Using messages, videos, pictures or other forms of media to harass or bully another student or staff member.
Students who choose to bring electronic devices such as video games, CD players, iPods/MP3 players, cell phones, cameras, iPads/tablets and other electronic devices to school do so at their own risk. The school is not financially responsible for any electronic device that is lost, stolen or damaged. Parents will need to contact the police to investigate lost or stolen electronic devices.
Intellectual property is ideas of others that are documented in some format, such as, in a textbook or website.
Integrity is acting with honest intentions and actions; ethical.
Plagiarism is the process of copying another person's idea or written work and claiming it as original (your own). AKA: cheating.
It is expected at H3MS for students to use ideas and words of others ethically. When using resources in an assignment students will reference and record that work accurately. The resource information could include a summary, paraphrase or quotation. All use of another's work must be referenced in any type of assignment (writing, speech, or visual presentation). MLA format is the standard referencing guideline.
Plagiarism looks like:
Direct or paraphrase… without crediting the source.
-Copying another student’s answers or created work
-Copying work from another person, print source, internet source
-Documentation that does not prove verifiable
-Work that does not show process, only "finished" product
Consequences for plagiarism/cheatingmay result in:
-REDO assignment
-Disciplinary referral
-No credit for assignment
-Conference with student, teacher, parent administrator to determine final action
Repeat plagiarism will be tracked with further consequences.
Mustang Athletic Program
Welcome to our Mustang Athletic program. Listed are the requirements for 7th and 8th grade students to participate in school athletics.
-Sports physical exam
-Medical insurance (medical coupons accepted)
-Valid ASB - $15 ($5 Free/Reduced Lunch Program)
-Participation fee - $30 ($10 Free/Reduced Lunch Program)for each sport
-Completed HHH Athletic Packet or Middle School Athletic Clearance form
-Maintain a 2.0 GPA at all times
-Follow all school and athletic policies
Fall Sports – Soccer, Cross Country, Football, Volleyball
Winter I – Girls Dance, Boys Basketball
Winter II – Girls Basketball, Wrestling
Spring – Track, Girls Softball, Boys Baseball
Co-ed Intramural basketball (September) and volleyball (May) programs are available for 6th grade students. An ASB is required to participate.
We hope this information is helpful in the planning process. Please direct any questions to our main office at 509-222-6800.
Mr. Tobery, Assistant Principal
Mrs. M. Gebers/Mr. B. Gebers, Athletic Directors
Mrs. Toon, ASB Secretary
Students in 7th & 8th grade are encouraged to participate in the interscholastic athletic program. Students must have achieved at least a 2.0 GPA during the last reporting period (quarter). Students who have not earned a 2.0 GPA are ineligible to participate in athletics for the following quarter. Student athletes must maintain passing grades during each season. If a student is earning an “F” grade in any class, they will be suspended from game play. Students may practice with the team, but will not compete until the failing grades are brought up to a passing grade.
Prepared / Respectful / Independent / Dedicated / EmpatheticHallway / I walk quietly on the right side with purpose between classes. / I am courteous to others, their belongings, and personal space. / I travel directly to and from class without additional prompting. / I gather my supplies and take care of my personal business prior to class. / I am helpful to others who need assistance in the hallways.
Instructional Area / I come to class each day with all necessary materials, identification, and planner. / I add to, not take away from, the educational environment in the classroom. / I take responsibility for my own understanding by asking questions and participating. / I demonstrate my dedication to success by completing and submitting assignments and projects on time. / I help others understand the materials.
Cafeteria / I have my ID or lunch ready. / I follow the rules of the cafeteria and clean up after myself.
I am respectful and thankful of the staff and students who serve me. / I am able to eat my meals and clean up without additional prompting from staff. / I eat my meals and respect others rights to eat their own meals. / I respect the right of others to eat their meals and manage their own diet.
Entry and Exit / I walk quickly in and out of the doorways without creating traffic jams. / I enter and exit through appropriate doors. / I am on time and enter and exit in an orderly fashion. / I arrive and leave on time.
I only occupy the building during appropriate hours. / I help others by holding doors and providing assistance when needed.
Bathroom/locker room / I use the bathroom on my time. I only enter the bathroom during class time in emergency situations and I have a hall pass. / I keep my eyes and hands to myself. I have a kind heart and don’t comment on other students. / In the locker room I take care of myself and wait to be dismissed.
My electronics stay out of the bathrooms and locker room. / I dispose of trash in receptacles and maintain my own personal hygiene. / I honor the privacy of others and report any issues to a staff member immediately.
Buses / I am at the bus stop with my belongings on time waiting to load in an orderly manner. / I follow the directions of the bus driver and support personnel. / I keep my hands and feet to myself, stay seated, and use my inside voice. / I follow safety rules and stay seated. / I follow all safety rules and assist those who need assistance. I listen to music with my earbuds.
Courtyard / Breezeway / I bring appropriate clothing and gear to spend time outside. / I keep my hands to myself and follow the rules of the activities I choose to participate in. / I follow the school expectations without reminders. I am a good example for others. / I choose to spend my time outside wisely and in accordance with school rules. / I encourage others to participate and welcome all students.
H3MS Progressive Discipline Plan