Application for Final withdrawal of General Provident Fund. A compilation by a Retiring / Retired Government Servant.


The Accountant General,

Pakistan Revenues,



I have / will relinquish the charge of the office post ______on ______consequent upon retirement proceeding on LPR/Resignation/ Dismissal /Discharge. I, therefore, request that my General Provident Fund dues may please be paid to me. The requisite information is given below:-

1- Name with Father’s Name ______

2- Subscriber’s Account No(s) ______

3- Name of the Officer(s) in

whose audit jurisdiction served before transfer

to the jurisdiction of your office and Account No.2

allotted. ______

4- The amount and month of last

fund deduction ______

5- Name of Office (AG’s) DAO/Treasury/NBP Branch

where the payment is desired. ______

6- a) Specimen signatures

in triplicate. ______

b) Identity Card No. ______

c) In the absence (a) & (b) other marks/ particulars

of Identification may be furnished. ______

7- If any insurance policy was financed out of

GP Fund Account the following information

may be furnished. ______

a) Name of the Insurance Policy ______

b) No & Date of Insurance Policy ______c) Insurance Policy with the subscriber for the audit/

Account Advance(s) Office. ______


( 2 )

8- Particulars of GP Fund was drawn

during last 12 months ______

9- If no advance from GP Fund

was drawn during last 12 months Certified that No Advance

the certificate given opposite may from GP Fund was drawn

be signed by the head of office in by the subscriber during__

respect of Government servants last 12 months.

of BPS 1-15 while the Govt. servants

of BPS-16 and above may sign the

certificate themselves.


Yours Obediently







Application for Final withdrawal of General Provident Fund Accumulation By Legal Heir of a Deceased Government servant.

(PART-I ) (To be filled in by the Applicant)


The Accountant General,

Pakistan Revenues,



My ______(relationship with the deceased) expired while in Government service, and I being the legal heirs, therefore, requested that the G.P Fund dues of the deceased may please be paid to me.

The requisite information is given below:-

1. Name of Subscriber. ______

2. His Father’s Name. ______

3. Designation at the time of death. ______

4. Account Number. ______

5. Name of the offices/AG/DAO/ ______

Treasury) where the payment

is desired.

6. i] N. I. C. NO. ______

ii] Specimen Signatures 1.______2.______3.______

in triplicate.

7. If there is no nomination, the following documents be attached:-

i) List of Family members marital status, ages, names and relationship with the deceased, showing amount payable to each of them (duly attested).

ii) Guardianship /Succession Certificate from a civil court or Identity Bond if amount of each minor heir exceeds Rs.5000/-______

(Signature of Applicant)