Application for External Status
This form is used to apply and seek the approval of the Faculty for external candidature status. In order to ensure that external candidates receive the same quality of supervision as that provided to internal candidates, Academic Senate requires that each School address the guidelines set out below in relation to every application for admission as an external candidate or application to transfer to external status for existing students.
Please refer to Section 15 (iv) and the requirements outlined in Section 6.13 (viii) of the Research Higher Degrees Policies and Procedures in relation to external status:
Schools are asked to complete each question,taking into consideration the explanatory notes to ensure that each issue has been carefully considered. Submit the completed form either together with the Recommendation on Application for Higher Degree Candidature form, for new applications, or alone for current student applications, to the Faculty Office. Please note that the form will not be considered by the Faculty unless the relevant sections within A-E (and attachments, if necessary) have been completed.
Information relating to requirements for off-campus International Students can be found in The Code of Practice and Guidelines for Australian Universities, Provision of Education to International Students, in particular section 64. The code is available from:
If approved by the Faculty, a copy of this form will be supplied to the candidate.
Degree: Flinders Email address:
Discipline/School: Status:Full-timePart-time
Name of Principal Supervisor:
Name of Co-Supervisor(s):
Existing Student:YESNOIf NO, please go to Section C of this form.
Scholarship Holder:YESNO
Commencement Date: // Current Thesis Submission Date: //
Proposed Date of Transfer to External Status: //
B.CANDIDATE’SREASON FOR TRANSFER OF STATUS(please provide a brief but informative summary of the reason for your application – attach information if necessary).
Please outline the reasons for applying for external status:
This section is to be completed by the Principal Supervisorand student to outline how the following arrangements will be addressed:
1. Explain why you believe the specific research project can be undertaken externally with a reasonable expectation of success within the required timeframe.
Consider: Identify any practical difficulties of undertaking the research project without local supervision and how thesewill be overcome. Does the candidate have the capacity to carry the project through in reasonable time?
2.Detail the methods which will be used to carry out the supervision.
Consider: Detail your agreed plan for communicating with the student. This plan should encompass a variety of communication methodologies, which may include email, visits, web casts, regular meetings via phone or other medium etc. Detail how the contact will be maintained and recorded. If visits by or to the candidate are envisaged, these should be detailed as part of the overall plan of supervision including relevant costs associated.
3. Where the candidate will be undertaking study within an external institution, describe the suitability of the academic environment and standard of research activity within the host institution.
Consider: Provide relevant information about the research standing of the host institution and opportunities for the candidate to engage with research active staff at the host institution. Include any information about collaborative arrangements between Flinders and the host institution.
4. Confirm that appropriate resources are available for supervision, costings have been detailed in advance and funding is budgeted for the duration of candidacy.
Consider: Schools must take into consideration the differing cost structure for external supervision, and must calculate in detail what maintaining high quality external supervision will cost the School and the Faculty. The cost of travel, fax and telephone contact will need to be estimated, together with the provision of materials and any partnering arrangement costs. Particular care should be taken to examine the financial implications for other cost centres, e.g. the Library, and to liaise with such centres before this application is lodged.
5. Provide details of any proposed program of visits to the University for consultation, especially during the early phases of the project, and for participation in research seminars and similar activities, with the responsibility for funding clearly indicated.
Consider: The School must decide whether such contacts are required, the frequency, the costs associated with travel, living expenses, and who will bear each cost. A candidate cannot be expected to meet costs which were not forecast at the time of application for admission or transfer to external status.
6. Confirm that the integrity and security of any data generated as part of the research activity can be assured.
Consider:Detail the nature of the research and the nature of data collection and storage. If data are being collected without local supervision, the School will need to explain what controls are in place to ensure its integrity. The School must ensure that a copy of all data generated is lodged with the Principal Supervisor at Flinders. Any implications relating to the protection of Intellectual Property and Industry Agreements must be detailed and agreedto by all parties (attach documentation if required).
7. Library and related resources are available to the candidate at the external location such that there is a reasonable
prospect of the project being completed.
Consider:Detail the facilities and resources which will be available to the candidate, access to research-standard libraries, computer facilities, lab space, equipment, tele-conferencing facilities and assurance that the resources provided comply with the University’s Statement on Minimum Resources for Research Higher Degree Students, located at: . The School must have determined what level and form of assistance the University can provide, and how it will be paid for. Consultation with the University Librarian should occur before this application is lodged and any costs associated determined and agreedto by the relevant parties(attach documentation if required).
8. What agreement has been reached about the attribution of any papers published and presented by the candidate as a
result of his/her research.
Consider:Note - if the candidate is located at another institution there may be pressure to have publications or presentations credited to that institution. Provide detail of any agreedarrangements. Any implications relating to the protection of Intellectual Property and Industry Agreements must be detailed and agreed-to by all parties (attach documentation if required).
9. Please provide details of opportunities for the student to access support services.
Consider:how the student is able to access services such as: counselling services, social support, budgeting, accommodation and language support. If accessing services off campus, these services must be at a comparable level to Flinders University. If appropriate please provide contact details for personnel identified who can provide assistance in relation to support services, who are independent of the supervisory team and able to assist with follow-up if required (ie at host institution).
10. Arrangements are in place to provide an acceptable alternative to the required induction program.
Consider:Detail the arrangements for ensuring the student can access the information provided in the required induction program.
Signature: Date: //
This section is to be completed by the Principal Supervisor of the research higher degree candidate.
Will there be any change in supervision arrangements?YESNOIf yes, an Application for Change or Addition of Supervisor form (FHDC6) must be completed and submitted with this application. Available from the Faculty Office
I recommend that the Faculty approve the candidate's application for external candidature and confirm that:
- the student is aware of how to access the University's grievances procedures (Note: The Conciliation and Arbitration Procedures related to Research Higher Degree Students are available at:
- all aspects of the candidature have been explained to the candidate.
I certify that:
the School endorses this application for external status; and
the School is reasonably able to make available the resources required for this project (where applicable).
Name: (Associate Dean)
Signature: Date: //
The Faculty approvesdoes not approve this application
Name:(Chair, Higher Degrees Committee)
Signature: Date: //
Date of Transfer to External:______
Student TwoLetterCopy of Form to Candidate/IO