To: OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad (295400-W)

1. Drawee Name & Address
Drawee Code :
Contact Person: / Tel No: / Fax No:
2. Particulars of Export Bill/Invoice / 3. Exchange Rate Contracted (If applicable):
Export Bill Ref No / : / a) Currency / :
Usance of Export Bill / : / b) Exchange Rate / :
Destination of Export / : / c) Contract No / :
Export Order Value / : / 4. Financing Details :
Currency Code / : / Refinancing Date / :
Currency Rate / : / Maturity Date / :
RM Equivalent / : / Nominal Value (RM) / :
5. Original/Supporting Documents:
a) Invoice
b) Transport documents bearing the name of drawee
c) Customs export declaration form or Others (Please specify):
6. Instruction on Disbursement of Proceeds:
a) Please credit my/our account No: with you.
b) Kindly utilise proceeds from disbursement towards liquidation of OCBC Bills Ref:
7. For Export Related Transaction, Mandatory Information Required Under Strategic Trade Act 2010 (“STA”):
a)  The underlying goods (including technology) are are not Strategic Items / Unlisted Items.
b) Type of permit / document :
Single use Bulk Multiple Use Special Permit Others (please specify)______
NOTE : To enclose a copy of permit, if this has not been previously provided to the Bank.
8. Instruction on Charges and Payment:
Please debit my/our account no: with you for charges pertaining to this application.
I/We attach herewith a Cheque with details as follows:
9. Applicant’s Declaration and Authorisation:
a)  I/We have not obtained other financing means for the above transaction including leasing, hire purchase and factoring;
b)  I/We warrant that the above is a genuine export transaction and in full compliance with Export Credit Refinancing Facilities Guidelines from time to time;
c)  I/We represent and warrant to the Bank that :-
i)  my/our trade transactions, exports, transshipment or transit of goods (including technology) and related documents (such as LC, Drafts, shipping/transport documents, bills of lading or other document of title to goods) financed, discounted, purchased, collected by and/or endorsed to/by the Bank) does not infringe the Strategic Trade Act 2010, as amended or supplemented from time to time and the regulations/orders issued thereunder (“STA”); and
ii) all necessary permits, licences, registrations, and approvals required under the STA for my/our trade transactions, exports, transshipment or transit of goods (including technology) and the related documents have been obtained and are in full force and effect. A copy of the relevant permit, registration or approval shall be produced to the Bank as and when any transaction involving strategic items or restricted activity is submitted to the Bank.
The above representations and warranties shall be deemed to be repeated each time an application is submitted by me/us to the Bank for my/our trade transactions, exports, transshipment or transit of goods (including technology) and will be true and correct and fully observed at all times by reference to the then existing circumstances.
d)  This Application is subjected to the letter of offer and OCBC Product Terms, including all supplements and amendments from time to time. The letter of offer shall prevail if there is any conflict between any applicable terms; and
e)  I/We shall indemnify you for any damages, losses, costs and/or expenses (including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis and any tax payable) which you may incur or suffer arising from or in connection with this Application.
Authorised Signature(s) :
Date : JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC 20122013201420152016201720182019