Safety Institute of Australia

Safety In Action 2007

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Southbank

March 21, 2007

Michael W. Thompson, CSP

ASSE President-Elect

Thank you Dr. Dell. On behalf of the nearly 33,000 members located in 64

countries around the globe, we the American Society of Safety Engineers

bring you fraternal greetings. This is my second visit to Australia in four

months and my first visit to Melbourne. It is a remarkable and beautiful city.

Attending this years Safety In Action Conference and having the oppottunity

to meet so many of you it is my observation that we SH&E professionals

share much in common and most importantly we can share a common vision

for our respective workplaces; incident and injury-free.

This is the 10th conference for SIA, Victoria Division, and it allows all of us

to reflect upon our past successes, learn from our failures and always look to

the future. Your principal sponsor, WorkSafe, through Mr. John Merritt is

promoting a lifestyle that makes health and safety a 24/7 experience in every

aspect of life.

For 96 years, ASSE, its members have worked to make protecting people,

property and the environment a value. Likewise I see SIA and its members

surely seeking a similar aspiration. Our work world continues to change

before our very eyes and we are challenged to use technology to achieve our

aspirations for an incident and injury-free workplace.

Together our two organizations can work to promote SH&E, the profession

and bring focus to our members careers and potential. In recent times the

formation of INSHPO is a means to reach agreement on actions that will

achieve these stated aspirations. I believe active and meaningful exchanges

of views allow us to understand and to find common ground for action.

I look forward to this year to further enhancements to our two societies

exchanges and to continuing the better definition of INSHPO, its strategic

goals and objectives.

On a professional basis; attendance at your excellent conference offers me

an opportunity to listen, learn and network. My participation here has

allowed me to gain new insights.

For that I am honored to be here. On a personal basis, please look to your

left and to your right. Very likely you have someone of significance that

helps you to go out each day and do what you do. As for me, I’d like to

recognize my wife, Judith who has always been there for me; and please

welcome Mr. Fred Fortman, our executive Director. Be sure to

celebrate your hero at home and work; thank them for supporting you.

10 years of “Safety In Action” is proof that the content and delivery model

of this conference works to allow you and I to recharge and bring new tools

to our employers and workforces.

In closing, I’d like to extend my thanks to Dr. Geoff Dell, Mr. Phil

Lovelock, and Mr. Neil Dine for your leadership in delivering this

successful conference and for your gracious hospitality. Ladies and

Gentlemen, thank you your kind attention and please continue to enjoy this

wonderful conference.