Application for consideration to be appointed as an Educational Agent for MGIT

Third Party Detail
Legal Name:
Trading Name:
Is the Third party an Australian Business: / Yes.□ No.□
RTO Code:
Given Name:
Services Provided: / Recruitment of Prospective Learners Domestic Students (Students Referral) / □ / □ / Recruitment of Prospective Learners International Students (Students Referral)

MARA (Migration Agent Registration Authority) Number (if applicable):
Company Details
Business Registration Certificate
(if located offshore)
Year founded
Years as an educational agent
Number of employees
Number/location of offices
Associations / affiliations with other organizations
Any associations with local authorities / governments / councils/etc. / (please list)
Strategic Plan for MGIT / Number of students you would like to refer to MGIT and your strategy to reach that number (please attach)
Has the company, or have any of its employees, been involved in administrative and/or legal disputes in the past or present?
EATC Training (PIER Online)
Please list the geographical areas targeted
Description of planned target market, demographics, trends, etc.
Proposal for executing this marketing in the aforementioned areas / (please attach)
Performance & Operation
Estimate number of students recruited so far (per year)
Proposed number of students allocated to MGIT (per month) / Domestic
Service Fees and Charges
Please list the services you are able to provide for students and MGIT
Please list and describe any fees you the company charge to students
Expected commission rate
(per student or group) / Domestic:
Professional Development & Legislative/Regulatory Updates
How do you and your team keep up breast with changes, revision or information about legislation and regulation
Can you please explain in a paragraph how you recruit, select and induct your marketing and sales staff?
Educational References
1) Name of Institution
Point of contact:
Position of contact:
Company Address:
Best Contact: / (email/phone/mobile)
2) Name of Institution
Point of contact:
Position of contact:
Company Address:
Best Contact: / (email/phone/mobile)


I am interested in representing MGIT as an educational representative and agree to do so in a professional and ethical manner.

When working for MGIT, I agree to:

  • Regularly monitor policies and amend changes accordingly as reported on the DIBP website (for International Third Party Provider only)
  • Regularly monitor policies and amend changes accordingly as reported on the DIBP website (for International Third Party Provider only)
  • Regularly update the relevant point of contact at MGIT with progress and any changes to regulations
  • Upon submitting the signed document to MGIT, I declared I have read and understand the purpose of the following legislation/regulation in my conduct as an Agent or Third Party Provider for Student.

□ National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students (2007) and agree to adhere to the relevant standards- International or CRICOS Third Party Provider only

□ ESOS Act 2007- International or CRICOS Third Party Provider only and agree to adhere to the relevant standards.

□ National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011-for International and Domestic Third Party Provider– and agree to adhere to the relevant standard.

□ VET Fee Help Reform- for Domestic Third Party Provider

□ Standard for RTO 2015- for International and Domestic Third Party Provider

□ As an Agent, I will cooperate with MGIT with any ASQA or other relevant Regulator request to provide information in a timely manner.

□ Fair Trading Act - for International and Domestic Third Party Provider-agree to adhere to the relevant standard

□ Competition and Consumer Act 2010- agree to adhere to the relevant standard

□ Privacy Act 1988-agree to adhere to the relevant standard

□ I am also aware that I have to make sure that I am aware about the relevant legislation/regulatory Act that is equivalent to the list above in other Australian states if I intend to operate in those areas

Note: MGIT will ask for the organization to provide evidence of how the above legislative/regulatory instruments understanding had been undertaken.

Name: Position:


Signature: Date:


Outcome of the reference check: Please write below the outcome of the reference check

Question to ask

  • How do you find knowledge and skills of the educational agent?
  • Does the educational agent understand, commit and follow the legislative and regulatory requirements in recruiting students?
  • Was there an instance when you received a complaint or feedback about in relation to ethical and honest recruitment of student

Name and signature of MGIT Staff Conducting Referee Check

