Psalter:431:1,4 - 386:4 - 388:1,2,3,4,5 - 157:1,2 - 147:4,5 - 426:1,7. Scripture: Mat. 26:1-16
1. Its motivation
- Jesus is in Bethany; at dinner in the house of Simon the Leper.Blessed mealtimes where Christ is in the midst.
- Mary pours ointment on His head, body (Mk 14:12) and feet (Jn 12:3); extraordinary act!
- Reason 1: Her heart is filled to overflowing with love to Jesus.
- Reason 2: Mary has been lead by Christ to a deeper knowledge of Who He is.
- Consider previous encounters
- Mary deliberately chose to sit at Jesus’ feet (Lk 10). Do you?
- Deep trial of death of her brother.
Revealed the great reverence she had for Christ.
Showed her immature faith.
Caused her to learn to know Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life.
2. Its rejection
- Judas and disciples unjustly condemn her as being a waster and depriving the poor.
- Lesson:We ought to be careful with our words!
- The devil will do whatever he can to divide the children of God.
3. Its acceptance
- Mary is distressed and feels helpless.
- Jesus takes up her cause (Matt. 26:10-13):
- He knows her heart, her faith and her love.
- He praises Mary openly (cf.Mk 14:8).
- Jesus shows here His humanity: the eternal Son of God had to assume the human nature to satisfy all God’s offended attributes.
- There is a righteousness outside of ourselves, with God: Christ our righteousness (Phil 3:9).
- Mary’s deed must have been a great comfort in Christ’s suffering here upon earth.
- Jesus accepts Mary’s deed: this anointing was done as a preparation for His imminent death.
4. Its effect
- Jesus’ words contain a two-fold prophecy:
- the spreading of the gospel to the whole world (cf. Acts 2:21);
- that wherever the gospel message is preached in the world Mary’s deed will be mentioned.
- In a deeper sense, it is a memorial of the work of Christ in her heart.
- The contrast: A memorial of disgrace to Judas
- An earnest warning to us! (Lk 8:18)
- Observe Jesus’ willingness to die.
- He despises the shame for the glory that is set before Him.