Application for approval of a second track JI project activity - page 1 of 4

Application for approval of a second track JI project activity
National Climate Commission
Permanent Secretariat
Koning Albert II-laan 20 bus 8
1000 Brussel
Tel.+32 2 553 11 21 - Fax: +32 2 553 11 45
/ To be completed by the National Climate Commission
date of receipt
What is a second track JI project activity?
A second track JI project activity is a JI project activity to which the procedure mentioned under section E of the annex to decision 9/CMP.1 on guidelines for the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol applies.
What is the purpose of this form?
The participant in a second track JI project activity uses this form to apply with the National Climate Commission for written approval of that JI project activity and for authorisation to participate in that project activity.
By means of this form the participant in a second track JI project activity confirms that his participation fully complies with the relevant guidelines, conditions of implementation and procedures of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, and with the relevant European and national regulations.
Who completes this form?
This form is completed by a mandated representative of the entity submitting an application for approval of a second track JI project activity with the National Climate Commission.

Applicant Data

1 /

Enter the applicant data below.

Enter the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (Kruispuntbank voor Ondernemingen – KBO) identification number only if the applicant has such an identification number.
street and number
postal code and municipality
KBO identification number

Project activity data

2 /

Enter the project activity data below.

host country
3 /

Enter below the name of the independent entity appointed by the project participants for the project activity determination.

Supporting documents to be enclosed

4 / Please enclose the following documents with this form:
the project design document (PDD) as made publicly available through the UNFCCC secretariat
the letter of approval issued by the focal point of the host country
the determination report of the project activity, as made publicly available through the UNFCCC secretariat or, if the report is not yet publicly available, a provisional version thereof
if the applicant is a natural person, a copy of a valid proof of identification
if the applicant is a legal person, a document showing that the person signing this declaration is authorised to represent the legal person
if the applicant is a legal person and does not have a Crossroads Bank for Enterprises identification number, an extract from a trade register or an equivalent document
if the applicant is not included as a project participant in the project design document, a written declaration by all project participants confirming that the applicant will be added to the list of project participants in the project design document
5 /

Please mark the supporting documents which you are enclosing with this declaration.

letter of approval from the host country

determination report

a copy of a valid proof of identification of a natural person

a document proving the authorisation of the mandated representative of the legal person

an extract from a trade register or an equivalent document,


a written declaration by all project participants confirming that the applicant will be added to the list of project participants in the project design document

Signature by the mandated representative

6 /

Please complete the declaration below on behalf of the applicant.

I confirm and guarantee that the data in this declaration and in the enclosed project design document have been truthfully completed.

I declare that participation in the project activity fully complies with the relevant guidelines, conditions of implementation and procedures of the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and the relevant national regulation.

I declare that the project activity has no impact on Belgium’s ability to meet its commitments, made in the framework of other international agreements, in particular for the preservation of biodiversity1, the fight against desertification2 and the depletion of the ozone layer3.

I declare that the project activity does not harm Belgium’s interests in the framework of its diplomatic or military interventions.

I declare that the project activity does not significantly harm, neither directly nor indirectly, the environment or the health of the population of another State than the country in which its implementation is planned.

I declare that the intended project activity is not financed by means of official development aid.

I declare that the applicant will inform the National Climate Commission of the publication of the JI project activity determination report through the UNFCCC secretariat.

I declare that, in the case that the host country has signed a treaty of accession with the European Union, the baselines for the project activity fully comply with the acquis communautaire, including temporary exemptions set out in the treaty of accession.

I declare that, in the case of a hydroelectric power production project activity with a generating capacity exceeding 20 MW, the applicant shall ensure that the criteria and guidelines contained in the 2000 World Commission on Dams report "Dams and Development – A New Framework for Decision-Making", are respected during the development of the project activity.

I declare that the applicant agrees that he is fully responsible for executing all tasks which the Marrakesh Agreements and all additional requirements of the host country impose on him as a project participant.

I understand that, for the purpose of evaluating an application for approval of a project activity, the National Climate Commission does not consider the following elements:

-the elements falling within the competence of the project activity host country and within the responsibility of the host country focal point

-the elements falling within the competence of the independent entity appointed by the project participants for this project activity

-the elements falling within the competence of the Supervising Committee for JI.

date / day / month / year
first and last names

For more information, visit and

2For more information, visit and

3For more information, visit