Application for approval as an Accredited work place Training Centre

This form must be completed. Additional information and documentation may also be provided in support of the application.

Section 1 : This section covers factual information about the Training Provider .

1. Training Centre Details

Name of Training Centre ______

Address ______

Town ______

Country ______

Post Code______

Tel No. ______

Fax No.______


Website address ______

Contact Name ______

Legal Status ______

Years Trading______

Registration Number______

Registration Year______

SARS Number______

SDL Number______

SETA to which centre belongs______

Is your organisation able to accommodate disabled learners?

Yes No

2. Type of Organisation (tick as appropriate)

Further Education Higher Education Other – please state ______

Distance education provider “Face-to-face” provider Learnership provider

3. Accreditation Status

3.1Has your organisation been accredited by another body, or are you in the process of applying for accreditation from another body?


3.2If yes, please indicate: (please attach copies of your accreditation application)

  • the name/s of the accrediting/professional body/ies
  • Date of accreditation, and the date of the application for accreditation.

4. List the number of courses to be offered at each stage (as appropriate) giving expected student

numbers and tick the relevant mode(s) of study.

List of Learnerships, qualifications and short courses / No. of courses / No. of learners
Certificate for Registered Accounting Clerk NQF 3
Certificate for Registered Bookkeeper NQF 4
National Certificate Small Business Financial Management NQF 4
National Diploma Technical Financial Accounting NQF 5
Payroll Administration

5. Does the application for approval cover more than one site?


If yes, please attach to this form the contact names, telephone, email, website and addresses of sites and/or regional offices covered by this application.

  1. Please attach your organisations mission, vision and objectives.
  1. What policies and procedures does your organisation have in place to ensure that your organisation advances the objectives of the NQF? (Please attach the “polices and procedures”.)
Section 2

This Section covers the Training Centre’s detailed proposal for becoming an Accredited Training Centre.

Please answer each question as fully as possible using the space provided. Separate sheets can be attached if necessary.

  1. What steps have been taken to ensure that your organisation has sufficient funding to deliver the courses/s effectively”

Please provide supporting documentation to show financial viability

2. What facilities are available for ICB learners?

Please give details of the number and type of rooms (e.g. Computer room, model office, lecture theatre or other), textbooks, manuals, worksheets. etc.

3. What computer facilities are available to ICB learners?

Please give details of the number of computer terminals per ICB learner and the type of computer hardware and software packages used by the Training Centre. How often these facilities are made available to learners?

4. Do learners have access to a library and/or resource centre?

Please give details.

5. Do learners have access to an area for private study?


If yes, what sort of facility is available?

6. What other support and/or learning material and equipment is available for the use of the learners?

(e.g. text books, audio tapes, videos, manuals, worksheets, specimen documents such as dummy cheques, petty cash vouchers or invoices, office equipment such as photocopier or fax)

7. Any other information about your organisation that you would like to divulge.

Section 3: Personnel

  1. How many staff are involved in either preparing or assessing learners at each stage of the course:

Full Time

Part Time

  1. Please give details of the experience and qualifications of each member of the team involved in preparing or assessing the learners. Please attach copies of Curriculum Vitae.
  1. Does your organisation has registered assessors with the relevant subject matter expertise. If yes, please attach assessor registration certificates.


  1. Describe your organisational structure (including management and administrative structures).

Please attach your organisational structure.

  1. What plans (long and short) are there for members of the teaching team to receive relevant staff training and development in the areas covered by this course?
  1. Please attach policies and procedures for the selection, appointment, promotion and termination of staff.

Section 4: Quality Assurance

  1. Does your organisation have a quality assurance policy?


If yes, please attach a copy of your policy document. If no, please provide reasons.
  1. Does your organisation have a documented quality management system?


If yes, please attach a copy of your policy document. If no, please provide reasons.

  1. Please state how the quality and standard of training and assessment by your organisation will be guaranteed. If this is managed under the auspices of a professional body/institute please give details of this relationship.
  1. Describe the procedures in place for the accurate capturing, maintenance and updating of information regarding learner records, including assessment results.
  1. Describe the reporting mechanisms with regard to learner records and assessment results between provider (your organisation) and the professional Institute (The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers).

Section 5: General information

  1. Is your organisation registered for SDL?


If yes, please indicate to which SETA your SDL is being paid. If no, please indicate reasons.

  1. Business Classification.

Please indicate relevant SIC Code.

  1. Is your organisation associated to any professional Institute? If yes, please attach documentation


  1. What mechanisms does your organisation have for dealing with complaints about the quality of training and/or the outcome of the assessments? Please give details of your organisations/professional institute’s appeals procedure.

Section 6: Examination Administration

  1. Is the Training Centre able to offer facilities for learners to complete examinations?

Yes (If yes, please answer 2 – 4 below)No

If no, please give reasons.
  1. Describe the types of rooms or halls available for examinations (including seating capacity)

3. What arrangements will be made for the security of the examination papers?

4. What arrangements will be made for the invigilation for the examination?

Section 7: Signatures

We declare that the content of this application form and any attached documents are correct. We hereby apply for accreditation.

1st Signature (contact name overleaf)



2nd Signature (contact name overleaf)



We enclose our payment made payable to The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers

Fees payable:

Work-place providers (Employers for Learnerships) – R 1 000.00

The above fees are inclusive of VAT at 14% and a Tax Invoice is available upon request.

Application and fees should be returned to:

The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers

P O Box 2237, Cape Town, 8000

Tel: 021 – 421 1110

Fax: 021 – 421 1136



Accreditation of Training Centres Application FormPage 1 of 11

Effective date: 1 April 2005Approved by: Andrew Carlsson