The Application Form will expand when completed electronically. Please stick to the requested word limits per section. Feel free to use diagrams etc. if they express your points best, so long as they are presentable in this Word file.
Section 1 - Description of BusinessThis section should provide a brief description of the business, it’s current status (whether trading).
Max 50 words.
Section 2 – Products and/or services offered by the Business
This section should provide details of the product or service supplied by the business.
Max 200 words.
Section 3 – Target Market
The market section will need to clearly define the target market served by the business and include details of the size of market, growth and main trends and competition.
Max 300 words.
Section 4 – Competitive Advantages and Unique Proposition
This section should provide summary information about the competitive environment and where your business sits within it. Max 300 words.
Section 5 – Business and Revenue Model
This section should describe how the business operates, including supply chains and routes to market. Max 200 words.
Section 6 – Pricing
This section should provide pricing information for your products/services. Max 50 words.
Section 7 – Strategy to build Business
This section should provide details of financial and non-financial goals of the business and strategy to deliver those goals. Max 200 words.
Section 8 – Sources of finance
This section should provide summary information on financing to date and how the business will be financed going forward. Max 50 words.
Section 9 – Financial ambitions
What is the financial ambition of the business for the next 12 months? Max 50 words.
Section 10 – Management
This section should list the managers, provide some biographical information and identify roles in the business as well identifying the size of the business’ team upon application.
Max 100 words per team member.
Section 11 – Contacts
This section should provide contact details (email and telephone) for the key personnel.
Section 12 – Basis for Incubation
This section should explain why and how the business would benefit from being accepted into the EBS Incubator at Heriot-Watt for 12 months and summarise ideas for post incubation destination.
Max 200 words.
Your name:______
Email address:______
Contact phone:______
Please return the completed Application Form by email attachment to by Monday 30th April
For office useApplication reviewed
Signature on behalf of Committee: