• Complete Application
  • Complete IRS Taxpayer Identification Number Form W-9
  • Copy of the organization's not-for-profit approval letter
  • Cost Allocation Plan


  • Applicants are subject to a Pre-Award Survey to be conducted by DCEO Fiscal Monitors. The survey will be completed prior to the grant being issued. The purpose of the review is to establish confidence that the organization has a sound fiscal system established.



  • All applications must be sent electronically to DCEO by close of business onApril 25 30, 2014 in order to be considered for funding. Proposals must be submitted to the following address: . Applications received after the submittal date will be considered for funding and reviewed only if funding remains available after review and grant award of timely submittals.
  • All applications must be submitted in the format prescribed by the department. A template, (Organization Name - 2014 Summer Youth Program Application.doc), is provided to complete the application. Instructions for completing each section are included at the end of the file. When completed rename the document by replacing "Organization Name" with the name of the applying organization. Proposals not prepared in this format may not be considered for funding.
  • All applicants must be in compliance, or agree to comply, with applicable federal and state laws and related regulations in order to be considered for an award. Standard grant terms and conditions and the RFA can be found at the following link:

5-30-13 PAGE: 1

Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity

Grant Application Cover Page

Youth Employment Program

Section 1: Applicant Information
1.1 / Legal Name of Applicant: (Attach copy of W-9)
1.2 / Address of Applicant:
(Include your extended 9-digit zip code):
1.3 / Chief Officer:
(If more than one, attach a list with all Officers) / Name:
1.4 / Description of Applicant:
(200 Character maximum)
1.5 / NAICS Code: / (6-digit Industry Classification Code)
1.6 / Applicant Website:
1.7 / Applicant FEIN:
1.8 / Applicant SSN:
(Enter only if applicant is individual and does not have a FEIN
1.9 / Applicant’s DUNS Number:
1.10 / Applicant Fiscal Year: / From: / To:
1.11 / If applicable, indicate the following. / Female-Owned Minority-Owned
If minority-owned, then check the appropriate race/ethnic group box. / Black/AfricanAmericans
Hispanic Americans
Native Americans
Asian-Pacific Americans
Asian-Indian Americans
1.12 / Indicate the number of peopleexpected to be served by the grant in the appropriate race/ethnic group box below.
Race/Ethnic Group / # People Served by Grant
Hispanic Americans
Native Americans
Asian-Pacific Americans
Asian-Indian Americans
Section 2: Applicant History
2.1 / Have you received a grant from the State of Illinois within the last 3 years? / Yes No
Provide total number of grants received from the State of Illinois within the last 3 years.
If yes, provide the followingfor each grant received in last 3 years: / Agency:
Grant #:
Grant Amount:
Grant Term:
General Description:
2.2 / If applicable, list all Names and FEINs that are registered to your organization or have been registered during the past 3 years.
Name / FEIN
2.3 / In the past twelve months, have there been any changes in the following key staff? Check all that apply. Provide detail for any boxes checked including names of the person who left the position and the name of their replacement. Indicate the number of months the position has been vacant if the position is currently vacant.
CEO/Executive Director/Chief Elected Official
Grant Administrator
Grant Administrative Support Staff (i.e. Reporting, correspondence, document control)
Bookkeeper/Accountant for Grant
No Changes
Provide detail for any checked boxes:
2.4 / If your proposed budget includes any staff costs for this grant, please indicate the type of documentation that will be maintained and used to allocate staff costs to the DCEO grant.
Time sheets
Cost allocation plans
Certifications of time spent
Other, please describe:
2.5 / Has the applicant or any principal formed a business that existed for less than two years? / Yes No
If yes, provide name(s) of the business and reason(s) that it existed for less than two years.
2.6 / Has the applicant or any principal experienced foreclosure, repossession, civil judgment or criminal penalty (or been a party to a consent decree) within the past seven yearsas a result of any violation of federal, state or local law applicable to its business? / Yes No
If yes, identify the nature (including case number and venue) of the action and the disposition. If the action/proceeding is still pending or unresolved, provide a status identifying the unresolved issues.
2.7 / Is the applicant or any principal the subject of any proceedings that are pending, or to the best of applicant’s knowledge, threatened against applicant and/or any principal that may result in any adverse change in applicant’s financial condition or materially and adversely affect applicant’s operations? / Yes No
If yes, provide requested information.
2.8 / Does the applicant or any principal owe any debt to the State? / Yes No
If yes, list reason and amount:
Section 3: Proposal Information
3.1 / Submittal Date:
3.2 / Project Title:
3.3 / Brief Project Description: (Complete attached Scope of Work)
(550 Character maximum)
3.4 / Project Location: / Street Address:
City: / County:
Chicago Communities: / (if applicable)
3.5 / Areas Served (Narrative Description):
3.6 / Project Contact: / Name:
3.7 / Project Period: / Start Date: / End Date:
3.8 / Project Costs:
(Complete attached Budget) / Funding provided by the applicant:
Secured funding from other sources:
Funding requested from DCEO:
Total Project Cost / $0.00

Section 4: Scope of Work

Project Scope of Work and Implementation Schedule

The Description of Tasks to be listed in the tables below identified the key tasks to be performed and the Deliverables and Outcomes at a high level. The narrative in Section 8 should describe the tasks, deliverables and outcomes in greater detail as well as provide a detailed discussion of the ensure planning and implementation process.

DESCRIPTION OF TASKS / Estimated Completion Date
Task 1.
Task 2.
Task 3.
Task 4.
Task 5.
Task 6.
Task 7.
Task 8.
Section 5: Performance Measures
Performance Measure / Target
Number of youth served & placed in a work experience
Work Readiness improvement (minimum 70%)
Percent of youth fully completing work experience (minimum 70%)
Section 6A: Current Employment Level
Number of permanent full-time individuals currently employed by applicant
Number of permanent part-time individuals currently employed by applicant
Section 6B: Projected Employment Impact (FTE Value Table)
Created Positions in FTE Categories: / Retained Positions in FTE Categories:
Column A / Column B / Column C / Column D / Column E / Column F / Column G / Column H
Permanent Full Time / Permanent Part Time / Temporary Full Time / Temporary Part Time / Permanent Full Time / Permanent Part Time / Temporary Full Time / Temporary Part Time
Row 1
(To be completed by applicant) / # of positions in each FTE category
(A - H)
Row 2 / Auto calculation of FTE subtotals / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Row 3 / Auto Calculation:
Created FTEs: / 0.00
Row 4 / Auto Calculation:
Retained FTEs: / 0.00
Row 5 / Auto Calculation:
Permanent Full Time Jobs Created: / 0.00
Row 6 / Auto Calculation:
Permanent Full Time Jobs Retained: / 0.00
Row 7 (cell to be completed by applicant) / Manual Calculation:
Average of Annualized Salaries for Permanent Full Time Jobs Created: / $
Row 8 (cell to be completed by applicant) / Manual Calculation:
Average of Annualized Salaries for Permanent Full Time Jobs Retained: / $
Row 9 (cell to be completed by applicant) / Other anticipated employment impacts of DCEO grant:
Section 6C: Projected Construction Jobs Impact
Projected number of construction labor hours for project
Projected number of construction FTE’s for project (FTE’s = total hours in row above divided by 2,080 hours)
Section 7: Budget
Line Item or Cost Category Description / Requested Grant Budget Amount / Proposed Match Budget Amount
Youth Wages (minimum 70% of total)
Program Services $0.00
-Case Management
-Employer Outreach & Recruitment
-Supportive Services
Administrative (maximum 10% of total)
Total Cost / $0.00 / $0.00
Section 7B: Budget Narrative
(The reasonableness and necessity of the costs must be detailed.)
1. Youth--Wages & Benefits:
(min. 70% of total)
Wages and benefits (FICA and Worker's Comp.) paid to youth. Show detail as to how calculated--number of youth, hourly wages of $9 per hour, number of hours per week, number of weeks. Detail benefit calculation for FICA and Worker's Comp.
2. Program Services:
Includes, but is not limited to, the delivery of services related to youth employment that provides direct linkages to academic and occupational learning, employer coordination & recruitment and youth supportive service that may include transportation, child care, work-related attire, physicals, & background checks. No more than 20% of the total grant funds may be budgeted for program services.
3. Contractual:
Costs to be incurred via contract or sub-grant. List and describe purpose of each contract/subgrant and how you will follow your procurement guidelines. Explain how each item is needed for the achievement of project objectives.
4. Other Costs:
Use for all direct costs not clearly covered by lines above. Include a detailed list describing all other costs not included in the above lines including the amount for each item.
5. Administrative Cost:
(max. 10% of total)
Includes, but is not limited to the grant management, accounting; budgeting; financial and cash management; procurement and purchasing; property management; payroll; and audit costs. No more than 10% of the total grant funds may be budgeted for administrative costs.
Section 8: Program Specific Information
1. Executive Summary
Provide an executive summary of your organization’s overall mission, history operating youth and job training programs, summary of the proposed use of funds and highlight the benefits/outcomes of the project, and fiscal capacity. (Not to exceed one pages)
2. Agency Experience

1. Describe your organization’s executive management structure and experience. Identify the number of years providing summer youthservices.

2. Provide information regarding your organization’s capacity and experience in managing a participant payroll system for summer youth employment programs.

3. Identify the main person responsible for this project and explain his or her experience and provide contact information (attach resume).

3. Program Experience

1. Provide information regarding recent state grants (within the last 4 years) awarded to administer a summer youth employment program. Inlude the year, grant amount, and number of youth served.

2. Does your organization target a specific population, geographical area or industry sector? If yes, which ones?

3. For youth programs you have administered how do you measure success, and by thosemeasurements, how successful have the youth programs been? Provide specific data.

4. Project Plan
Provide detail of the proposed summer youth employment and training program design. What targeted population(s) (in-school youth 16-21, or out of school youth 16-24) that will be served through this grant?
Complete the Below Chart for each project type:
Project Type / Anticipated Number of Youth to be Served / Average Number of weeks in Project / Average Number of hours worked per week / Total Number of hours on work readiness
Work Experience Projects for In-School Youth (16-21)
Work Experience Projects for Out-of School Youth (16-24)
Community Gardens Eligible Youth (16-24)
5. Target Population and Youth Recruiting

1. Explain your outreach activities and how you identify the youth to be served. Describe your recruitment activities and initial determination process for each targeted program population. When, how, and where will you recruit and who are your partners for recruitment? Also describe any plans to recruit hard-to-serve populations (i.e., offenders, at-risk youth, disabled youth, out-of- school youth, migrant worker youth, etc.).

2. Explain your eligibility determination process to include how you will obtain documentation and what will be included in each of the youth’s files (ie, family income determination form, food stamp/SNAP letter, ect.) NO YOUTH SHALL BE SERVED UNTIL ELIGIBILITY HAS BEEN DETERMINED AND DOCUMENTED.

3. How will you retain youth who may have multiple barriers to employment in your programs?

4.Explain how your 2014 program issupported by other grants and funding sources andprovide information to verify thatyou have the capacity to serve additional youth (if applicable).

6. Employer Recruitment and Placement
1. What will be your strategy for recruiting worksites and ensuring proper levels and quality of supervision?
2. Describe your strategies for identifying and placing participants in appropriate employment. Include strategy for placement of clients with disabilities in ADA compliant worksites. Be specific.
3. List below the employers that will be a job site or those that you will reach out to for job placements; include your organization if it will be a placement site. Provide the number of jobs by employer you plan to secure. (If your list of employers exceeds the space provide below, include the additional employers in an attached document with the below format. )
Name of Employer / Sector / Secured Placements (Y/N) / Contact Name and Number / Number of Jobs
4. Does the physical location of the worksites have access to public transportation? If not how will you address transportation needs?
5. Are the worksites accessible and compliant with American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements? Explain the organization’s plans to continually assess and comply with ADA requirements?
7. Provider Selection (complete this part only if applicable)
1. If services will be provided by a sub-contracted provider, how will the provider(s) be selected and what is your timeframe for the selection process?
2. Provide a list below of all the youth providers you currently work with:
8. Supportive Services
1. Describe what supportive services your agency is capable of providing or coordinating for youth (for example childcare, transportation, clothing or uniform needs) and how these services have been or will be funded.
2. What kinds of relevant youth career education training and/or credential or certification training (outside of the required training)will your organization provide? Please list the type of training, credential (if applicable), duration and instructor qualifications.
9. Program Implementation and Monitoring
1.What strategies will you implement to assure that your program will stay on schedule and meet the program objectives? What is your strategy for monitoring sub-contracted providers and assuring they are meeting program timelines and requirements (if applicable)?
2.What is your strategy for monitoring work sites (Site visits, phone contact, desk audits, reports, etc. include frequency)?
3. How will you resolve disputes, address complaints, and provide overall program support to ensure that the worksites provide a high quality youth employment experience that includes proper supervision?
Provide the following information for Community Garden Projects:

1. Discuss plans to provide a qualified, experienced agricultural professional to assist with the program through staffing or formal partnerships.

2.Describe your garden plan to include the growing season(s) projected start and end dates and examples of the produce that will be tendered.
3. Identify and describe the land that will be used for operating at least one community garden (location, size, current use and condition, any special approvals needed, when it will be available for project, adequacy of size based on the number of youth working in the garden).
4. Discuss plans to provide required educational enrichment as part of your garden program, including instructor knowledge/experience, curriculum, schedule, etc
5. Discussplans to distribute food free to organizations that serve low-income populations in the community (to who, when, how, youth role, etc.).
6. If produce will also be sold to local Farmers' Markets or other revenue generating markets, describe the market and indicate the learning experience the youth will receive in the entrepreneurial, business development and marketing aspects of selling products. (Note: All revenue earned from this grant must be spent on allowable program activities by the end of the grant period.)
7. Describe how the community garden(s) will be sustained upon the conclusion of this project— discuss plans for the garden’s future growing seasons.
10. Program Administration
1. It is anticipated that this program will beginJune 1, 2014. Priority will be given to those projects that can begin upon grant execution. Provide a detailed narrative of the project implementation plan including the key activities, outcomesand corresponding timeframes.
2. Describe the program’s staffing plan. Include positions and resumes for supervisory and line staff that would work in the proposed activities (including Business Services), staff to youth ratios, and staff areas of responsibility as related to the outlined program.
3. The applicant must demonstrate that they have the administrative capacity to be the employer of record forthis project. Assure below by checking the appropriate box that the applicant can administerthe following program requirements and worksite agreements:
Grantees must have the the technical capacity (computers and broadband connection) to provide
the required work-readiness component of this program to all youth.
The worksite(s) must prepare timesheets in a customary businesslike fashion, ensuring accuracy as to the hours worked.
FICA and workers compensation is provided for the participants. These are only charges other than youth wages to the youth wage line item.
Payments to the participants are provided timely and in accordance with the worksite agreement.
Worksites comply with all applicable labor laws and working conditions are safe and sanitary (see: and)
Worksites are adequately supervised, safeand have procedures in place to address accidents.
The worksites provide job experience, skill acquisition and meaningful work to the youth.
Worksite supervisors will mentor and supervise youth to ensureskill and experience
acquisition is adequate to pursue employment.
Individual(s) were not laid off from the same or substantially equivalent job as a result of any youth’s job.
11. Fiscal Capabilities
1. Does your agency currently or intend to sub-contract the payroll portion of this program to a third party? If yes, who and what qualifications will you use to determine their ability to meet payroll?
2. Describe your organization’s accounting procedures and system of oversight. Please identify what journals are maintained, frequency of trial balances and bank reconciliations, person(s) responsible for completing key tasks and method for disbursements.
3. What is the name of the accounting system you use? Does the chart of accounts allow for segregation of revenues, and expenses, by program year, grant, and cost category (fund accounting)?
4. If staff or other costs charged to this budget will be shared between one or more funding sources, please detail the overall cost allocation plan for sharing costs, including the method of allocating shared costs. Provide a copy of your Cost Allocation Plan (CAP).
Section 9: Applicant Certification
Applicant Certification
Under penalty of perjury, I certify that I have examined this application and the document(s), schedule(s), and statement(s) submitted in conjunction herewith, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted herewith is true, correct, and complete. I represent that I am the person authorized to submit this application on behalf of the applicant, and that I am authorized to execute a legally binding grant agreement on behalf of the applicant if this application is approved for funding.
I hereby release to DCEO the rights to and use of photographs and/or any written statements or information, regardless of format (whether they are direct quotes or paraphrased by DCEO), contained in or provided afterthe grant application for the purpose of publication on DCEO's website. I hereby also release any and all claims against DCEO, its officers, agents, employees and/or affiliates arising out of, or in connection with, the usage of photographs and/or written statements or information, regardless of format (whether they are direct quotes or paraphrased by DCEO), for the purpose of publication on DCEO's website.
Signature / Name & Title / Date
