Appendix to One-Year Progress Update Poole Partnership S Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy 2007-10

Appendix to One-Year Progress Update Poole Partnership S Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy 2007-10

Person Centred Priorities for Action – Updates 2007/08 - Prevention

Action / From / Who / Reporting / Update to 31st March 2008
1.1 / Set up ‘good practice’ screening and record keeping protocols for alcohol across primary and secondary healthcare – via training, inductions and a re-launch of screening tools. / April 2007 / Training commissioned by Drug & Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) / Joanne Kiff / Ann Maguire
(Mindi Crespi and Barry Webb to feed up) / Part of the BIT service will pilot this in a selected number of GP surgeries across Poole. Service due to commence in July 2008
1.2 / Increased dissemination of a clear directory of substance misuse / treatment services in a variety of formats for signposting to services within the statutory and non statutory/voluntary sectors. / April 2007 / Drug & Alcohol Action Team / Joanne Kiff / Ann Maguire / Substance misuse service directory widely available. Treatment pathway booklet published and circulated
New updated treatment pathway booklet developed in conjunction with service users and all providers available for circulation by 14 July 2008
1.3 / Provide a consistent, co-ordinated & evidence based Partnership approach to alcohol awareness campaigns. / Ongoing / DAAT / PSTP
Primary Care Trust / Joanne Kiff / Ann Maguire / Anthi Stylianou / New alcohol campaigns developed across Poole and Bournemouth. New joint alcohol initiative developed for commencement in July and linked to current national alcohol ‘unit’ awareness campaign
1.4 / Review approaches to alcohol awareness /publicity campaigns in light of NICE guidance / March 2008 / DAAT
PCT / Joanne Kiff / Ann Maguire / NICE guidelines considered as part of all new awareness campaigns
1.5 / Increasing alcohol education for younger pupils in Years Six and Seven, and for older pupils in post 16 education. / April 2007 / CYP Strategy, Quality, and Improvement
Youth Services
Parenting Support Partnership / Jan Sayers
(Chris White and Jan Lever to feed up) / Nick Wyer providing inputs from Poole Police to pupils in years 6, 7 and 9.
A pilot project focussing on alcohol and risk, using drama, was carried out at one Combined school with year 6 and 7 pupils. This was positively evaluated at the time, but has not been rolled out to other schools through lack of funding
All schools with KS1/ 2 pupils now receive an annual visit from the Life Education Centre mobile classroom and the LEC educators have built in more explicit work on alcohol for Year 6 pupils. The LEC new education programme is being trialled. Poole will opt for the updated alcohol education module for 08/09
Continued funding has been agreed for the schools' drug education programme enabling all schools with Year 7 pupils to be offered the interactive drama presentation "Time in a bottle" which focuses on alcohol issues. This recently agreed funding may also enable some post-16 work to commence Autumn 08
Applied for LPSA stretch funding for a new programme, which was not agreed. Reconsidering.
Action / From / Who / Reporting / Update to 31st March 2008
1.6 / Guidance for parents’ on how to approach alcohol issues, open up conversations, the ‘norm’ for teenagers & the impact of their own attitudes to condoning or supplying alcohol to their children. / April 2007 / Parenting Support Partnership
Young Peoples DAAT
Youth Services / Jan Sayers
Ann Maguire / Parenting Strategy being updated, alcohol issues being included in parenting programmes. Rules, responsibilities and household limits plus communicating with young people are covered in Webster-Stratton 8-13 programme.
Relate teenage parenting programmes should also address this.
1.7 / Audit existing information for parents about alcohol issues & Develop strategy for improving parents information through Health Promotion support for Healthy Schools and Children’s Information Service & other targeted approaches / September 2007 / Parenting Support Partnership
Healthy Schools Programme
Young Peoples DAAT / Jan Sayers
(Ruth Angel and Jan Lever to feed up) / A development plan for a wider Families Information Services is currently being drafted and a more strategic approach to information service delivery will be undertaken through establishment of a steering group and introduction of the ISPP project.
All teachers undertaking the National PSHE CPD accreditation programme have to provide evidence of how they offer support to parents and children/young people relating to drug/alcohol issues
1.8 / Provide access to educational and recreational activities for young people in the Borough as part of the new integrated youth support service. / September 2007 / Children and Young People’s (CYP) Integrated Services
Poole Police / Jan Sayers
Steve Horton (Nick Wyer to feed up) / Operation BLITZ went live in November, focusing on peer pressure and alcohol misuse and related dangers. In 2007 it reached all year 9 students in Rossmore, Ashdown, St Edwards, Carter and Poole High. In 2008, these schools will be revisited along with Poole and Parkstone Grammars and Corfe Hills.
1.9 / Maximising the education resource and information services provided by voluntary groups. / April 2007 / Connexions
Alcoholics Anon.
PSHE Coordinator
Youth Services / Ann Maguire
(CYP services to feed up) / All education resources in schools provided by outside agencies are linked to age appropriate schemes of work to ensure maximum effectiveness of enhanced drugs education. All resources used in schools and youth clubs are subject to a validation process
1.10 / Increasing initiatives with regard to specific information and support for alcohol issues amongst older people. / April 2007 / Poole Older People’s Project (POPP) / Jeff Russell / Information has now been extracted from PCT and Poole Hospital data identifying the number and location of alcohol related admissions to Poole Hospital. This will be used to inform service developments under the well being agenda.
1.11 / Visits to licensed premises in a low key, non confrontational manner to show a presence to customers & to offer real & visible support to the DPS & staff. / Ongoing / Poole Safe
(joint) / Steve Horton / Jane Burrows / 07-08 Poole Safe visits by E&CPS (Licensing) = 180
In addition further Poole safe visits carried out on a regular basis throughout the year by Licensing Officers and Police officers. Additional visits carried out following reports of incidence from Staff, DPS and patrolling Police Officers
Delta visits with local authority and police look at best practice for licensed premises within Poole
Action / From / Who / Reporting / Update to 31st March 2008
1.12 / Support and guidance for traders on the legal aspects of supplying alcohol included CDRP funded Designated Premises Supervisors and Alcohol Retailers training. / Ongoing / Poole Safe / Steve Horton / Jane Burrows / Advice given during Poole Safe visits as appropriate relating to external training providers.
All licensed premises within Poole have SWERCOTS DVD learning pack which gives guidance and information re age restricted sales Delta also gives guidance towards the supply of alcohol and best practice.
1.13 / Continued deployment of officers on foot to key locations in early evening with a preventative brief/instructions to ‘engage’ early any potentially problematic individuals /groups. / Ongoing / Poole Police / Steve Horton / Operation PROTECT will continue to deploy officers on foot in problematic areas to identify problem persons and premises. this is done in conjunction with the assistance of CP4 Poole CCTV
1.14 / Actively market public transport alternatives within the night-time economy. / September 2007 / Transportation Services
PSTP / Nick Phillips / Anthi Stylianou / Introduction and promotion of night bus trial on principal Poole- Bournemouth- Charminster m1 service. Will run on Friday and Saturday nights from late May 2008. Work with licensed premises on the route to promote the service. Increase awareness that up to the minute times for the buses are available by text message direct to your mobile phone.
1.15 / Develop taxi and bus station marshalling services at key locations. / Ongoing / Transportation Services
PSTP / Nick Phillips / Anthi Stylianou / Bus station redevelopment will ensure that area becomes alcohol-free. Will then investigate requirement for additional security. Also improvement with introduction of bus station tannoy system making security announcements.

Hazardous and Harmful Drinkers

Action / From / Who / Reporting / Update to 31st March 2008
2.1 / Establish standardised protocols and policies across agencies defining possible interventions and referral pathways, using AUDIT/SAD-Q screening and assessment tools to suitable treatment options and protocols on risk assessment that includes alcohol related elements (e.g. domestic violence, suicide, falls and injuries) to be developed. / April 2007 / Primary Care Trust
Drug & Alcohol Action Team / Joanne Kiff / Ann Maguire / Part of the BIT service to commence in July
2.2 / Assist workers with health promotion skills in generic settings such as Primary Care, Criminal Justice and A&E to provide assessment and Brief Interventions for hazardous and harmful drinkers. / April 2007 / Primary Care Trust
Drug & Alcohol Action Team / Joanne Kiff / Ann Maguire / Part of the BIT service to commence in July
2.3 / Allocate specialist Community Alcohol Clinicians in generic settings such as Primary Care, Criminal Justice and A&E in order to provide assessment and brief interventions for hazardous and harmful drinkers. / April 2007 / Primary Care Trust
Drug & Alcohol Action Team / Joanne Kiff / Ann Maguire / Part of the BIT service to commence in July
2.4 / Support and develop services that offer alternative forms of intervention (e.g. local self help groups, service user initiatives, mentoring schemes, Alcoholics Anonymous) / April 2007 / Alcoholics Anonymous
Supporting People
Dorset Probation
DAAT / Ann Maguire / Andy Hutchinson / The Drug and Alcohol Action Team has established and actively supports an effective service user forum that attends and contributes to all DAAT meetings and service developments
2.5 / Explore the possibility of facilitating floating support services that could meet the non-specialist needs of people with an alcohol problem including those people who find it difficult to obtain or maintain a tenancy / April 2007 / Supporting People / Zena Deighton / Action added to new Supporting People Strategy Action plan. Target date for completion 2010.
Action / From / Who / Reporting / Update to 31st March 2008
2.6 / Provide a programme of education to support decision making, but also to contain the risks of drinking and promote the need to recognise and care for those in difficulty through excessive alcohol consumption. / April 2007 / Connexions
CYP Integrated Services
PSTP / Jan Sayers / Anthi Stylianou
(Jan Lever and YADAS to feed up) / The new comprehensive PSHCE/SEAL (Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning) scheme of work for Foundation Stage through to Year 6, will be launched July 2008, providing an updated teaching resource for all Poole schools with these Year groups , including Special schools. This includes work on alcohol, self-esteem, peer-pressure, decision-making etc
2.7 / Conduct a targeted audit of workplace alcohol policies, beginning with members of Poole Strategic Partnership. Build relationships with local employers with a view to encouraging wider involvement across the conurbation in future years. / January 2008 / Primary Care Trust
Healthy People Healthy Places / Colin Hague / Audit carried out. Borough of Poole, Police, Poole Hospital and Bournemouth BC. All have positive policies with some consistent elements.
2.8 / Provide training in Brief Intervention for selected primary healthcare staff, specialist workers in alcohol services and other health and social care services / June 2007 / Primary Care Trust
DAAT (& young people’s sub group) / BIT Post / Mindi Crespi
(YADAS to feed up) / Part of the BIT service to commence in July
2.9 / Develop support for parents in dealing with their children’s hazardous drinking activities. This will include strategies to inform parents when their children are at risk and guidance in changing their children’s behaviour. / April 2007 / Parenting Support Group
Young Peoples DAAT Task Group
Safer Neighbourhoods Programme / Jan Sayers / Steve Horton / Anthi Stylianou / Parenting Strategy updated.
2.10 / Develop further geographic and ‘virtual’ ‘Licensing Groups’ to cover new areas / cater for the off sales trade specifically. / April 2007 / Poole Safe / Steve Horton / Jane Burrows / Currently a new constitution is being written for all pub watch groups across the Poole borough. Pub watch will be re-launched. This should eliminate problematic persons from licensed premises making Poole a safer place to drink. In relation to Off Licences/Late night take a ways and club premises Delta assessment packs are being produced to encompass best practice.
2.11 / Responsible Retailers Late Night Safety Training available to local businesses. / April 2007 / Poole Without Prejudice Group
Poole Police / Steve Horton
(Steve Houston to feed up) / Vulnerable premises have been supported by the use of LIFELINE alarms in conjunction with the local authority. Several conflict management sessions have taken place with late night retailers and businesses in dealing with such incidents should they occur.
Action / From / Who / Reporting / Update to 31st March 2008
2.12 / Continue the training of officers to use the BoP CCTV system during Flycatcher operations. / April 2007 / Housing and Community Services.
Poole Police / Steve Horton / Anthi Stylianou / This has not progressed due to the fact that the BOP CCTV have sufficient training and knowledge without any police presence which is best suited on operation duties.
2.13 / Continual monitoring of results from Flycatcher operations in order to determine whether a particular premises or location is proving problematic. / Ongoing / Poole Police
PSTP / Steve Horton / Anthi Stylianou / Problematic premises or persons are discussed at the joint partnership meetings. Where such issues are addressed and appropriate actions taken by police and premises concerned.
2.14 / Poole Safe to work closely with Poole Town Centre Management Team, Night Time Economy businesses, with a view to integrating information systems to mutual benefit. / April 2007 / Poole Safe (joint) / Steve Horton / Jane Burrows / This is being conducted via the re launched pub watch scheme. Poole safe officers are in regular contact with the Town centre management. Local licensing officer often work from Poole police. Desk and computer terminal have been installed at ECPS building from which Poole safe officers will work.
2.15 / Incorporate sound into CCTV systems in take away premises and promote the fact that audio is being recorded / September 2007 / Poole Without Prejudice Group
Poole Police / Steve Horton
(Steve Houston to feed up) / This is being continually reviewed via the crime prevention officers within their roles
2.16 / Operation Venus – works to address seasonal problems on the beach front including underage drinking. / April 2007 / PSTP
Poole Safe
Trading Standards / Steve Horton / Jane Burrows / Anthi Stylianou / A confiscation of alcohol campaign took place in Feb 2008 via Poole safe this was being run at the same time as a test purchasing operation. Operation Venus continues to be resourced by Special Constables and SNT staff. Youth out reach workers are also involved and work with the young person to divert them into positive outcomes.
ECPS officers are also working in partnership with Police on various issues including underage drinking/ASB/ noise/litter. Information from this operation is provided to Trading Standards for inclusion on the test purchase programme.
2.17 / Trading Standards and/or Police to continue to undertake regular Test Purchase Operations at premises and locations known or suspected to be problematic in respect of the sale of alcohol to persons aged under 18 yrs / Ongoing / Trading Standards
Poole Safe (police) / Jane Burrows / Off licensed premises- counter sales.
Sales made = 11%
(Trading Standards Test Purchasing carried out in December 07 and Feb 08- targeting based on intelligence and location)
nb Test purchasing previously carried out in May-July 07 for TUSAC led by Police. Targeted at persistent offenders with repeat testing.
This continues to be undertaken every 3 months and is intelligence based around problematic premises. The trend is that licensed premises take a pro active stance around this issue, which is evidenced by fewer sales.
Action / From / Who / Reporting / Update to 31st March 2008
2.18 / An extension of Test Purchase Operations to include takeaway establishments who deliver alcohol to the home. / April 2007 / Trading Standards
Poole Safe (police) / Jane Burrows / Home DeliveryTest Purchasing from takeaways(food premises) carried out in Oct 07 and Feb 08.
Sales made = 64%
Poole Safe have been and continue to be involved with supporting the local authority in this area again the trend is coming down in relation to the number of sales to under aged persons.
2.19 / Rigorously apply the powers conferred under the Confiscation of Alcohol (Young Persons) Act 1997. / Ongoing / Poole Police / Steve Horton / Still continuing to conduct these powers via PCSO’s, SNT officers and Special constables via operation Venus and Protect
2.20 / Copies of Juvenile Referral forms and letters provided to parents/guardians and Poole Safe ASB Co-ordinator to also be supplied to YADAS when any juvenile comes to notice in respect of drinking alcohol. / April 2007 / Poole Police / Steve Horton / Referrals are now being referred to YADAS via Debbie Oldfield.