Appendix to item 10: Reports from Chairs of Commissions et al.

Appendix 9: Commission 9

FIG Commission 9: Valuation and the Management of Real Estate

Report to the 22nd General Assembly

Sun City 30 May - 4 June 1999


Commission 9 has transferred its leadership, records and website from retiring Chairman Brian Waldy, UK, to the new Chairman Michael Yovino-Young, USA. Vice Chair is Stephen Yip (Email: ) in Hong Kong and Secretary David Millard, San Francisco, California, USA (Email: ).

2. Work plan

The commission has submitted some language changes to the Terms of Reference, which are forwarded for the approval of the General Assembly at the meeting in Sun City. Commission's mission statement and work plan are up-dated respectively.

3.Working groups

Three new and one renewed working group have been created for this term of office.

WG 9.1 Education and Training of Valuers in Developing Countries

Working group 9.1 titled Education and Training of Valuers in Developing Countries is chaired by Bill Rodney, UK. Input and suggestions for research are earnestly solicited from FIG member organizations that encompass valuers in their professional membership.

This WG will serve as a central resource of information on available curriculum and training services for newly emerging valuation-oriented real estate professionals

WG 9.2 Environmental Influences on Real Estate

Working group 9.2 is chaired by Michael Yovino-Young. Its topic encompasses toxic contamination issues in all its permutations; ocean shores, rivers and lakes, ground water, land, and air pollution, and continues work in this field undertaken during the past four years. Especially solicited are papers on contamination problems and issues in emerging market economies where remediation protocols and efforts are not yet established.

This working group seeks to catalogue the more significant evidence of the deleterious effects of contamination on property values and uses.

WG 9.3 Research Funding

Working group on Research Funding is chaired by Simon Adcock, Australia. This group is an outgrowth of a successful campaign to elicit corporate and industry funding for Commission 9 to offer grants-in-aid to foster the development of research papers abd presentations of papers at FIG educational events.

To date AUS$5,000 has been collected and is available for grants.

WG 9.4 Promoting Valuation Membership of FIG

Working group is chaired by David Millard, USA. This WG is addressing the fact that many FIG member organizations are solely composed of traditional land surveyors and hydrologists, and not representative of the allied professions of real estate valuer and appraiser. As a result, participation in Commission 9 activities and educational efforts have been hindered by lack of interest and involvement among the FIG membership. This group is seeking out organizations worldwide that share the professional interests of valuers and appraisers.

4.Other meetings and events

Members within the Commission 9 family are involved in professional activities in various parts of the world. Chairman Yovino-Young presented FIG and Commission 9 in October 1998 at the Congress of the Pan-American Valuer Associations (UPAV) held in Cusco, Peru. It was learned that none of the organizations which were members of of UPAV were aware of FIG or its inclusion of valuers in its membership structure. Efforts are being made to invite Latin American professional valuers to join FIG.

Simon Adcock, Australia, is the designated Commission 9 delegate to the 6th South East Asian Surveyors Congress in Perth, Australia, to be held in October 1999. Commission 9 is also expecred to be a contributor to the joint UN/FIG Workshop on Rights, Responsibilities and Restrictions on Land, planned for Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, also in October 1999.

Commission 9 invites all FIG member organizations to designate one of their professional members as liaison to Commission 9.

Michael Yovino-Young, MAI, FSVA



Michael Yovino-Young

2716 Telegraph Avenue


California 94705-1175


Fax: + 1 510 548 3110
