For Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, STEM and School Principals

ANNOUNCEMENT – Master Teacher Application

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) in partnership with your school system invites you to consider becoming a Master Teacher for the 2012Educator EffectivenessAcademies for Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). During the summer 2012, tenregional Educator Effectiveness Academies will be held throughout Maryland. Master teachers will be selected to facilitate the professional development for a minimum of two regional academies. These academies will include teams of teachers and principals from every school in Maryland. Academies for summer2012 will focus on reviewing model units and lessons from the first part of the instructional toolkit. Early PARCC assessment information will be available for use during the academies. The proposed outcomes for the 2012summer academies are as follows:

  • Review final version of English/Language Arts and Mathematics Frameworks, identify changes, and introduce content literacy frameworks.
  • Learn STEM standards, practices, processes and skills.
  • Develop knowledge of the format, lessons, and media resources in the English/Language Arts, Mathematics and STEM curriculum toolkits.
  • Practice navigating curriculum toolkits and develop applications based on curriculum toolkit models.
  • Update participants on PARCC assessment development, design and timeline.
  • Create a school plan that will guide school staff in delivering content and the curriculum toolkit.

Please review the enclosed information to determine if you are interested in one of these positions and if you meet the qualifications. If you are interested, please submit the required components of the application outlined on the checklist on page 9 by January 20, 2012 to the designated Point of Contact (POC) for Master Teachers in your county:

County / POC / County / POC / County / POC
Allegany / Martin Crump / Charles / Drew Jepsky / Prince Georges / Duane Arbogast
Anne Arundel / Andrea Kane / Dorchester / Lorenzo Hughes / Queen Anne's / Roberta Leaverton
Baltimore City / Jennifer Hlavka / Frederick / Mark Pritts / St. Mary's / Jeff Maher
Baltimore / Anissa Brown Dennis / Garrett / Sue Waggoner / Somerset / Doug Bloodsworth
Calvert / Diane Black / Harford / Sue Brown / Talbot / Pam Heaston
Caroline / Tina Brown / Howard / Clarissa Evans / Washington / Clyde Harrell
Carroll / Steve Johnson / Kent / Ed Silver / Wicomico / Linda Stark
Cecil / Carolyn Teigland / Montgomery / Ursula Hermann / Worcester / John Gaddis

Thank you for considering this invitation. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the appropriate MSDE staff member listed below at your earliest convenience:

Mathematics / Cassandra Smith / 410-767-0871
STEM and English Language Arts / Rick Marquart / 410-767-0527


Scott Pfeifer

Director of Instructional Assessment andProfessional Development


For Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, STEM and School Principals


Job Description

To be eligible for a master teacher position for the summer of 2012, you mustbe able to:

  • Attend all three full-day training sessions
  • Monday, April 30 9:00 - 4:00 @ Stevenson Univ. (Owings Mills Campus) (substitute funded by MSDE)
  • Thursday, May 24 9:00 - 4:00 @ Stevenson Univ. (Owings Mills Campus) (substitute funded by MSDE)
  • Saturday, June 9 9:00 - 4:00 @ Stevenson Univ. (Owings Mills Campus) (stipend provided)
  • Facilitate a minimum of two 3-day academies (Tuesday-Thursday)
  • Attend appropriate “rehearsal day” training at the academy site (Mondayprior to the academy)
  • Attend one of the five regional debriefing sessions in the fall (5:00PM - 8:00PM)
  • Assist in supporting a professional learning community among Reading/English Language Arts, Math, or STEM teachers in Maryland
  • Secure the use of a laptop and projector from your LEA

Required Qualifications

  • Master’s degree or Advanced Professional Certificate
  • Successful teaching or co-teaching in Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, or STEM related field
  • Thorough understanding of theexisting MarylandState Core CurriculumFrameworks
  • Evidence of providing professional development at the school, district, state, and/or national level
  • Evidence of experience/participation in an online environment

Preferred Qualifications

  • National Board certification
  • Governor’s Academy teaching experience
  • Experience in adult learning theory and practice
  • Leadership experience
  • Experience delivering content in an online environment
  • Participation in curriculum development

Salary Information

  • Master teachers will receive a daily stipend of $400 for the June 9, 2012 Saturday training.
  • Master teachers will receive a $200 stipend for the June, 2012half -day personal planning session.
  • Master teachers will receive a $200 stipend for the fall evening debriefing session.
  • Master teachers will receive a $1600 stipend (Monday-Thursday) fortraining and facilitation of each academy.
  • LEAs will receive reimbursement for substitutes so that the master teachers may attend the required April 30, 2012and May 24, 2012 full-day trainings at Stevenson University in Owings Mills.
  • Master teachers will be reimbursed (by their counties) for travel and lodging expenses for up to an average of $300 per academy. MSDE will reimburse each county for up to an average of $300 per master teacher per academy. Reimbursements for trainings are included in this amount.
  • If you are under contract (i.e. 12-month employee) with your LEA during the academies or during the training sessions, you are not eligible to receive a stipend.
  • Master Teachers will receive a $400 stipend for facilitating each “principals only” session on Tuesdays.
  • Master teachers will be reimbursed (for expenses)for up to an additional average of $100 for each “principals only” session on Tuesdays.


For Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, STEM and School Principals

Master Teacher Special“Principal’s Only” Assignment

The proposed agenda (below) for this summer’s academies includes special sessions on Tuesday afternoon for principals only. Master teachers who are assigned to facilitate these sessions will work only Tuesday of that week. Master Teachers will receive a full-day stipend for the session and will be reimbursed for expenses. The Master Teacher will use Tuesday morning to set-up their classroom and prepare/plan for the afternoon special sessions. All Master Teachers will be trained, during the regular training sessions, to facilitate the “principalsonly” sessions as well. If you apply to facilitate these special sessions, you still must be available to facilitate at least two full-academy sessions on different dates.

Educator Effectiveness Academies(Proposed Agenda) - 2012

Tuesday (teachers and principals)
8:15 – 8:50 / Registration and Networking
9:00 – 9:30 / Large Group in Auditorium
9:40 – 10:25 / Rotation #1 in School Teams (teachers and principals)
10:35 – 11:20 / Rotation #2 in School Teams (teachers and principals)
11:30 – 12:15 / Rotation #3 in School Teams (teachers and principals)
12:15 – 1:00 / Lunch (on-site in cafeteria)
Afternoon Sessions / Teachers / Principals
1:10 – 4:00 / Content Sessions for Teachers / 1:10 – 2:00 / Rotation #1
2:10 – 3:00 / Rotation #2
3:10 – 4:00 / Rotation #3
Wednesday (teachers only)
9:00 – 12:00 / Content Sessions for Teachers
12:00 – 1:00 / Lunch (on your own) and Travel
1:00 – 4:00 / Teachers Return to their Schools or Appropriate Site*
Teachers will complete a project that requires them to apply the information shared
to this point in the academy. Master teachers will be available to support teachers working on their application project through the use of a virtual tool such as Elluminate.
Thursday (teachers am, teachers and principals pm)
9:00 – 12:00 / Content Sessions for Teachers
12:00 – 12:45 / Lunch (on-site in cafeteria) Principals Join Teachers
1:00 – 4:00 / School Teams and LEA-facilitated Planning Meetings**

*Teachers travelling more than 40 miles to return to their home school have the option to work at the Academy site at a computer workstation. The principal will coordinate this for each school team, forwarding this information to MSDE staff members who will coordinate this with the host school systems.

**LEAs are asked to facilitate the transition planning of their school teams on Thursday afternoon. MSDE will host a “Systemic Planning Team” workshop on March 20 (snow date March 23) to assist LEAs in the designing and planning of this activity.

2012 Educator Effectiveness Academies - Master Teacher Payment Schedule
Master Teacher Stipends
Experience / Number of Academies Facilitated
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
April 30, 2012 Training* / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ -
May 24, 2012 Training* / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ -
June 9, 2012 Training (Saturday) / $ 400.00 / $ 400.00 / $ 400.00 / $ 400.00 / $ 400.00
June 2012 Personal Planning / $ 200.00 / $ 200.00 / $ 200.00 / $ 200.00 / $ 200.00
4-Day Academy Facilitation (includes Monday "rehearsal day" preparation) / $ 3,200.00 / $ 4,800.00 / $ 6,400.00 / $ 8,000.00 / $ 9,600.00
Fall Debriefing Meeting (regional location) / $ 200.00 / $ 200.00 / $ 200.00 / $ 200.00 / $ 200.00
Total Stipends / $ 4,000.00 / $ 5,600.00 / $ 7,200.00 / $ 8,800.00 / $ 10,400.00
Master Teachers will receive an additional $400 stipend for facilitating each principals-only session on Tuesdays
Master Teacher Expenses(meals, lodging, mileage)
LEAs will reimburse their Master Teachers up to an average of $300 per academy for expenses ** / $ 600.00 / $ 900.00 / $ 1200.00 / $ 1500.00 / $ 1,800.00
In addition, Master Teachers will receive up to an average of $100 for expenses for facilitating each “principals only” session on Tuesdays.
Example: a Master Teacher who facilitates two “full” academies and one “principals only” session will receive up to a total of $700 from their county to cover expenses for the entire EEA experience; including the trainings.
*substitute funding will be provided to the LEAs
**this process is a change from the 2011 academies; master teachers will now only submit expense reports to their county. Their county will receive funds from MSDE to cover these costs.
Note: If you are under contract (i.e. 12-month employees) with your LEA during the academies or during the training sessions, you are not eligible to receive a stipend.


Were you employed as an MSDE Master Teacher during the summer of 2011? YES□ NO□

If yes, what level and content area? Elementary MiddleHigh

(circle level and content area)


Please complete the information below and return it with all required information from the checklist on or before January 20, 2012the Designated Point of Contact for Master Teachers in your county.


City, State, Zip
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Primary Email Address (will be used for all communication)
School/Office Name
City, Zip

Check all appropriate boxes below that pertain to your current position.

 Department chair / team leader /  Lead / master teacher
 School-based resource teacher /  Intervention teacher
 Elementary school teacher /  ELL / ESOL teacher
 Middle school teacher /  Special education teacher
 High school teacher /  Other ______
 Central office resource teacher / specialist


For Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, STEM and School Principals

Check (√) the content area that you are applying for. Only check one area.

□Reading/English Language Arts


□STEM (Science, Technology, Math, Engineering)

Check (√)the level you are applying for. Only check one level.




Check all appropriate 4-Day academies and Principals-only Tuesday sessions indicating your availability. You may check more than one academy for the same date, indicating that you would be willing to work either academy. You must, however, be available to workat least twofull academies on different dates. You may check full 4-Day academies and Principals-only sessions for the same dates, indicating that you are available to do either. Greater availability increases the likelihood that you will be selected as a master teacher.

(includes Monday rehearsal and planning day) / ACADEMY SITE
Full 4-Day Academy / Principals-Only Tuesday Session
6/18 - 6/21 / Howard / Marriott’s Ridge
6/25 - 6/28 / Baltimore City / Heritage
6/25 - 6/28 / Charles / North Point
7/9 - 7/12 / Dorchester / Cambridge-South Dorchester
7/9 - 7/12 / Prince George’s / Dr. Henry A. Wise
7/16 - 7/19 / Anne Arundel / Arundel
7/16 - 7/19 / Harford / C. Milton Wright
7/23 - 7/26 / Baltimore County / Chesapeake
7/23 - 7/26 / Washington / South Hagerstown
7/30 - 8/2 / Montgomery / Northwest

Please indicate the maximum number of “full 4-day” academies that you would be willing to facilitate.

(circle one) 23456


For Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, STEM and School Principals


(Applicant’s Name)

Principal’s / Immediate Supervisor’s Endorsement

I, ______, based on the qualifications and job description stated below, support the candidate named above to serve as a Master Teacher for the 2012 Educator Effectiveness Academy for English Language Arts, Mathematics, or STEM.


Signature Title Date

Job Description

To be eligible for a master teacher position for the summer of 2012, you mustbe able to:

  • Attend all three full-day training sessions
  • Monday, April 30 9:00 - 4:00 @ Stevenson Univ. (Owings Mills Campus) (substitute funded by MSDE)
  • Thursday, May 24 9:00 - 4:00 @ Stevenson Univ. (Owings Mills Campus) (substitute funded by MSDE)
  • Saturday, June 9 9:00 - 4:00 @ Stevenson Univ. (Owings Mills Campus) (stipend provided)
  • Facilitate a minimum of two 3-day academies (Tuesday-Thursday)
  • Attend appropriate “rehearsal day” training at the academy site (Monday prior to the academy)
  • Attend one of the five regional debriefing sessions in the fall (5:00 PM - 8:00 PM)
  • Assist in supporting a professional learning community among Reading/English Language Arts, Math, or STEM teachers in Maryland
  • Secure the use of a laptop and projector from your LEA

Required Qualifications

  • Master’s degree or Advanced Professional Certificate
  • Successful teaching or co-teaching in Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, or STEM related field
  • Thorough understanding of the existing Maryland State Core Curriculum Frameworks.
  • Evidence of providing professional development at the school, district, state, and/or national level
  • Evidence of experience/participation in an online environment

Preferred Qualifications

  • National Board certification
  • Governor’s Academy teaching experience
  • Experience in adult learning theory and practice
  • Leadership experience
  • Experience delivering content in an online environment
  • Participation in curriculum development


For Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, STEM and School Principals

Please respond to the following prompts in your cover letter:

#1 – For New Applicants Only

  • How will the implementation of the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum impact student learning?
  • Describe your recent professional development experiences presenting to adult learners. What are your greatest strengths? Explain a challenge you have encountered and how you overcame it.
  • Describe how you utilize technology to facilitate learning. Be specific in describing your experience using an online learning environment.
  • Please describe your professional development experience or involvement related to the 2011 Educator Effectiveness Academies in your school or district.

Please limit your response to 2 pages.

#2 – For 2011 Master Teachers Only

  • Please explain how your experience as a master teacher at the Educator Effectiveness Academies influenced your work with students and teachers.
  • Please describe how your school and/or school system tapped your experience as a master teacher since the summer academies ended.
  • Describe how you utilizetechnology to facilitate learning. Be specific in describing your experience using an online learning environment.
  • Please describe any feedback you received from participants and/or MSDE staff during or after the summer academies and how this feedback has influenced your professional practice.

Please limit your response to 2 pages.


For Reading, English Language Arts, Mathematics, STEM and School Principals

Application checklist:

 Completed application (pages 5 and 6)

 Résumé (including personal contact information, degree(s), certifications, teaching experience, professional organizations, publications, awards)

 Principal’s or immediate Supervisor’s endorsement (page 7)

Cover letter addressed to the Master Teacher Selection Committee (details on page 8)

I certify that all information contained in this application is current and accurate. (page 9)


(Applicant’s Signature) (Date)


(Applicant’s Name, Please Print)

Reminder: Applications should be sent to the Point of Contact (POC) for your local school system. The names of the POCs are listed on page 1 of this application. Applications must be received by January20, 2012 to be considered. Decisions will be made in late February.

Page 10 of this packet is theoptional scoring rubric that each county may use as they review the applications. This is for your information only.


For Reading, English Language Arts, Math, STEM and School Principals

Application Scoring Rubric – For LEA use only.

Name ______

Level:(circle one only) ElementaryMiddleHigh

Content: (circle one only)RELAMathSTEM

Required Qualifications

(√) if the required qualification
has been met / Attributes
Master’s degree or Advanced Professional Certificate
Successful teaching or co-teaching in Reading, English Language Arts, Math or STEM related field
Thorough understanding of the existing Maryland State Core Curriculum Frameworks
Evidence of providing professional development at the school, district, state, and/or national level
Evidence of experience/participation in an online environment
Preferred Qualifications
Points / Possible Points / Attributes
0-1 / 2011 Educator Effectiveness Academy Master Teacher experience
0-1 / National Board Certification
0-1 / Governor’s Academy teaching experience
0-3 / Experience in adult learning theory and practice
0-3 / Leadership experience
0-5 / Experience delivering content in an online environment
0-3 / Participation in curriculum development
∕17 / Total Points

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