Appendix S2. References used for the quantitative review of the effects of drought on SRL.
Studies under controlled conditions
Caplan JS, Yeakley JA (2013) Functional morphology underlies performance differences among invasive and non-invasive ruderal Rubus species. Oecologia 173: 363–374
Cortina J, Green JJ, Baddeley JA, Watson CA (2008) Root morphology and water transport of Pistacia lentiscus seedlings under contrasting water supply: a test of the pipe stem theory. Environ Exp Bot 62: 343–350.
Di Iorio A, Montagnoli A, Scippa GS, Chiatante D (2011) Fine root growth of Quercus pubescens seedlings after drought stress and fire disturbance. Environ Exp Bot 74: 272–279.
Espeleta JF, Donovan LA (2002) Fine root demography and morphology in response to soil resources availability among xeric and mesic sandhill tree species. Funct Ecol 16: 113–121
Espeleta JF, Eissenstat DM (1998) Responses of citrus fine roots to localized soil drying: a comparison of seedlings with adult fruiting trees. Tree Physiol 18: 113–119.
Green JJ, Baddeley JA, Cortina J, Watson CA (2005) Root development in the Mediterranean shrub Pistacia lentiscus as affected by nursery treatments. J Arid Environ 61: 1–12
Imada S, Yamanaka N, Tamai S (2008) Water table depth affects Populus alba fine root growth and whole plant biomass. Funct Ecol 22: 1018–1026
Meier IC, Leuschner C (2008) Genotypic variation and phenotypic plasticity in the drought response of fine roots of European beech. Tree Physiol 28: 297–309.
Padilla FM, Miranda JD, Jorquera MJ, Pugnaire FI (2009) Variability in amount and frequency of water supply affects roots but not growth of arid shrubs. Plant Ecol 204: 261–270.
Padilla FM, Pugnaire FI (2007) Rooting depth and soil moisture control Mediterranean woody seedling survival during drought. Funct Ecol 21: 489–495.
Tamayo-Chim M, Reyes-García C, Orellana R (2012) A combination of forage species with different responses to drought can increase year-round productivity in seasonally dry silvopastoral systems. Agroforest Syst 84: 287–297.
Van Hees AFM (1997) Growth and morphology of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedlings in relation to shading and drought. Ann For Sci 54: 9–18.
Xiao-Dong MA, Cheng-Gang ZHU, Wei-Hong LI (2012) Response of root morphology and biomass of Tamarix ramosissima seedlings to different water irrigations. Chinese J Plant Ecol 36: 1024–1032
Taylor G, Davis WJ (1990) Root growth of Fagus sylvatica: impact of air quality and drought at a site in southern Britain. New Phytol 116: 457-464
Psarras G, Merwin IA (2000) Water stress affects rhizosphere respiration rates and root morphology of young ‘Mutsu’ apple trees on M.9 and MM.111 rootstocks. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 125:588–595.
Studies under field conditions
Brunner I, Pannatier EG, Frey B, Rigling A, Landolt W, Zimmermann S, Dobbertin M (2009) Morphological and physiological responses of Scots pine fine roots to water supply in a dry climatic region in Switzerland. Tree Physiol 29: 541–550.
Coll L, Camarero JJ, Martínez de Aragón J (2012) Fine root seasonal dynamics, plasticity, and mycorrhization in 2 coexisting Mediterranean oaks with contrasting aboveground phenology. Ecoscience 19: 238–245
Espeleta JF, Eissenstat DM (1998) Responses of citrus fine roots to localized soil drying: a comparison of seedlings with adult fruiting trees. Tree Physiol 18: 113–119.
León MF, Squeo FA, Gutiérrez JR, Holmgren M (2011) Rapid root extension during water pulses enhances establishment of shrub seedlings in the Atacama Desert. J Veg Sci 22: 120–129
Tobner CM, Paquette A, Messier C (2013) Interspecific coordination and intraspecific plasticity of fine root traits in North American temperate tree species. Front Plant Sci 4: 1–11
Zang U, Goisser M, Häberle KH, Matyssek R, Matzner E, Borken W (2013) Effects of drought stress on photosynthesis, rhizosphere respiration, and fine-root characteristics of beech saplings: A rhizotron field study. J Plant Nutr Soil Sc 0: 1–10
Markejstein L, Poorter L (2009). Seedling root morphology and biomass allocation of 62 tropical tree species in relation to drought- and shade tolerance. J. Ecol. 97: 311-325