Appendix S1.Mean (± SE) biomass production and asexual reproduction of fragments with and without internodes in speciesthat regenerated (> 2 fragments/species). For each trait, values are in boldwhere treatments differedsignificantly(P < 0.05).
Species / Biomass (mg) / Number of rametsWith internodes / Without internodes / With internodes / Without internodes
Alternanthera philoxeroides / 246±4 / 88±24 / 11.8±0.9 / 7.4±0.7
Alternanthera sessilis / 492±141 / 476±96 / 11.6±2.3 / 10.8±1.6
Centella asiatica / 69±16 / 77±27 / 1.3±0.1 / 1.2±0.2
Dichondra repens / 13±5 / 3±0 / 2.0±0.4 / 1.0±0.0
Digitaria sanguinalis / 197±21 / 6±8 / 12.3±0.8 / 6.0±0.6
Glechoma longituba / 56±8 / 14±2 / 3.6±0.2 / 2.4±0.2
Hydrocotyle sibthorpoioides / 42±13 / 13±2 / 3.7±0.2 / 1.9±0.2
Marsilea quadrifolia / 18±8 / 6±2 / 2.9±0.9 / 1.8±0.8
Oenanthe javanica / 122±18 / 37±7 / 7.1±0.5 / 4.5±0.6
Phyla nodiflora / 100±29 / 72±2 / 6.8±1.7 / 6.4±1.1
Potentilla kleiniana / 30±7 / 12±3 / 1.4±0.1 / 1.3±0.1
Tradescantia fluminensis / 34±21 / 2±1 / 3.4±0.5 / 1.0±0.0
Tradescantia pallida / 109±2 / 57±15 / 3.2±0.3 / 3.5±0.6
Trifolium repens / 25±6 / 25±2 / 1.0±0.0 / 1.6±0.3
Wedelia trilobata / 377±48 / 112±13 / 6.8±1.0 / 5.3±0.2
Appendix S2.Parameter estimatesdescribing the relationships between regenerationrates (with or without internodes, arcsine-transformed) andstatus (native vs. introduced) in China, number of provinces occupied by each of the introduced species in China (square-root-transformed),and the number of Global Compendium of Weeds (GCW) references (square-root-transformed) for species native to China and for all species irrespective of their status in China. In addition to the total number of GCW references per species, we used several alternatives. First, for the native Chinese species, we also analyzed the number of GCW references from which we had excluded references in Asia. Second, for both the native Chinese and all species, we analyzed the number of GCW references from which we had excluded references restricted to weeds of cultivated land. For the native Chinese species, we also combined this with the exclusion of Asian references. Third, for both the native Chinese and all species, we analyzed the number of global regions containing a GCW reference, and we also combined this measure with the restrictions already mentioned. The 11 global regions are North America, South America, Central America (including the Caribbean), Europe, Africa, Middle East, South Asia (Bangladesh, Pakistan and India, and Sri Lanka), Eastern Asia (China, Taiwan, Japan, Nepal and Mongolia), Southeast Asia, Australasia and the PacificIslands (including Hawaii) (also see Dawson et al. 2011). Model estimates are shown with and without including phylogenetic information. Akaike information criterionvalues (AIC) are also provided, and the lowest AIC values are in bold.Significant P-values (P < 0.05)are in bold.
No phylogeny / With phylogenyGrafen / Pagel
Intercept / Slope / P / AIC / Intercept / Slope / P / AIC / ρ / Intercept / Slope / P / AIC / λ
With internodes
In China:
Native vs.
introduced / 0.497 / -0.037 / 0.759 / 42.843 / 0.499 / -0.037 / 0.762 / 44.073 / 0.101 / 0.507 / -0.031 / 0.799 / 44.253 / 0.414
No. of provinces
for introduced / 2.255 / 0.029 / 0.982 / 58.896 / 2.255 / 0.029 / 0.982 / 60.896 / <0.001 / 2.246 / -0.142 / 0.876 / 54.675 / 1.454
Chinese natives:
-All GCW
references / 4.752 / -1.205 / 0.353 / 109.791 / 4.752 / -1.205 / 0.353 / 111.791 / <0.001 / 4.750 / -1.235 / 0.340 / 111.784 / 0.020
-Non-Asian GCW
references / 4.445 / -1.548 / 0.233 / 109.479 / 4.445 / -1.548 / 0.233 / 111.479 / <0.001 / 4.443 / -1.514 / 0.244 / 111.472 / 0.021
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW references / 2.988 / -0.585 / 0.565 / 99.301 / 2.988 / -0.585 / 0.565 / 101.301 / <0.001 / 2.985 / -0.774 / 0.421 / 100.776 / 0.156
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW references / 2.749 / -0.479 / 0.598 / 94.439 / 2.749 / -0.479 / 0.598 / 96.439 / <0.001 / 3.307 / -1.187 / 0.030 / 93.937 / 0.370
-All GCW regions / 2.432 / -0.378 / 0.415 / 64.615 / 2.432 / -0.378 / 0.415 / 66.615 / <0.001 / 2.682 / -0.679 / 0.017 / 63.433 / 0.368
-Non-Asian GCW regions / 2.320 / -0.643 / 0.199 / 67.475 / 2.320 / -0.643 / 0.199 / 69.475 / <0.001 / 2.551 / -0.891 / 0.008 / 66.986 / 0.363
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW regions / 1.719 / -0.067 / 0.892 / 67.892 / 1.719 / -0.067 / 0.892 / 69.892 / <0.001 / 1.743 / -0.010 / 0.981 / 68.037 / 0.381
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW regions / 1.565 / -0.507 / 0.360 / 72.348 / 1.565 / -0.507 / 0.360 / 74.348 / <0.001 / 1.889 / -1.035 / 0.006 / 72.561 / 0.366
All species:
-All GCW
references / 4.602 / -0.406 / 0.690 / 176.754 / 4.602 / -0.406 / 0.690 / 178.754 / <0.001 / 4.612 / -0.469 / 0.644 / 178.688 / 0.041
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW references / 2.959 / -0.176 / 0.828 / 159.581 / 2.959 / -0.176 / 0.828 / 161.581 / <0.001 / 3.340 / -0.174 / 0.822 / 159.704 / 0.368
-All GCW regions / 2.348 / -0.073 / 0.841 / 100.697 / 2.348 / -0.073 / 0.841 / 102.697 / <0.001 / 2.367 / -0.091 / 0.797 / 101.527 / 0.097
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW regions / 1.779 / -0.012 / 0.975 / 106.517 / 1.779 / -0.012 / 0.975 / 108.517 / <0.001 / 1.953 / -0.001 / 0.998 / 106.565 / 0.339
Without internodes
In China:
Native vs.
introduced / 0.245 / 0.0491 / 0.612 / 25.765 / 0.250 / 0.038 / 0.694 / 26.770 / 0.088 / 0.257 / 0.042 / 0.665 / 26.697 / 0.420
No. of provinces
for introduced / 1.524 / 3.044 / 0.122 / 55.470 / 1.524 / 3.044 / 0.122 / 57.470 / <0.001 / 1.772 / 1.697 / 0.350 / 52.956 / 1.183
Chinese natives:
-All GCW
references / 5.018 / -2.788 / 0.055 / 106.604 / 5.018 / -2.788 / 0.055 / 108.604 / <0.001 / 4.985 / -3.032 / 0.029 / 108.411 / 0.126
-Non-Asian GCW
references / 4.656 / -3.136 / 0.030 / 105.808 / 4.656 / -3.136 / 0.030 / 107.808 / <0.001 / 4.646 / -3.284 / 0.021 / 107.733 / 0.076
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW references / 3.214 / -1.682 / 0.143 / 97.159 / 3.214 / -1.682 / 0.143 / 99.159 / <0.001 / 4.646 / -3.284 / 0.021 / 107.733 / 0.076
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW references / 2.971 / -1.505 / 0.143 / 92.230 / 2.971 / -1.505 / 0.143 / 94.230 / <0.001 / 3.314 / -1.970 / 0.039 / 92.103 / 0.165
-All GCW regions / 2.524 / -0.903 / 0.083 / 61.932 / 2.524 / -0.903 / 0.083 / 63.932 / <0.001 / 2.618 / -0.846 / 0.006 / 60.837 / 0.363
-Non-Asian GCW regions / 2.384 / -1.222 / 0.028 / 63.978 / 2.384 / -1.222 / 0.028 / 65.978 / <0.001 / 2.479 / -1.374 / 0.008 / 63.661 / 0.165
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW regions / 1.871 / -0.622 / 0.270 / 66.380 / 1.871 / -0.622 / 0.270 / 68.380 / <0.001 / 1.874 / -0.666 / 0.161 / 67.319 / 0.254
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW regions / 1.666 / -1.133 / 0.068 / 69.511 / 1.666 / -1.133 / 0.068 / 71.511 / <0.001 / 1.663 / -1.271 / 0.012 / 70.020 / 0.200
All species:
-All GCW
references / 4.797 / -1.408 / 0.268 / 175.214 / 4.797 / -1.408 / 0.268 / 177.214 / <0.001 / 4.819 / -1.680 / 0.175 / 176.901 / 0.087
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW references / 3.082 / -0.749 / 0.459 / 158.616 / 3.082 / -0.749 / 0.459 / 160.616 / <0.001 / 3.391 / -0.816 / 0.386 / 158.638 / 0.340
-All GCW regions / 2.433 / -0.435 / 0.339 / 99.354 / 2.433 / -0.435 / 0.339 / 101.354 / <0.001 / 2.468 / -0.508 / 0.228 / 99.550 / 0.119
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW regions / 1.861 / -0.320 / 0.518 / 105.636 / 1.861 / -0.320 / 0.518 / 107.636 / <0.001 / 1.941 / -0.387 / 0.358 / 103.254 / 0.114
Appendix S3.Parameter estimatesdescribing the relationships between fitness (biomass and asexual reproduction) from regenerated fragments (with or without internodes, ln-transformed) andstatus (native vs. introduced) in China, number of provinces occupied by each of the introduced species in China (square-root-transformed),and the number of Global Compendium of Weeds (GCW) references (square-root-transformed) for species native to China and for all species irrespective of their status in China. In addition to the total number of GCW references per species, we used several alternatives. First, for the native Chinese species, we also analyzed the number of GCW references from which we had excluded references in Asia. Second for both the native Chinese and all species, we analyzed the number of GCW references from which we had excluded references restricted to weeds of cultivated land. For the native Chinese species, we also combined this with the exclusion of Asian references. Third, for both the native Chinese and all species, we analyzed the number of global regions containing a GCW reference, and we also combined this measure with the restrictions already mentioned. The 11 global regions are North America, South America, Central America (including the Caribbean), Europe, Africa, Middle East, South Asia (Bangladesh, Pakistan and India, and Sri Lanka), Eastern Asia (China, Taiwan, Japan, Nepal and Mongolia), Southeast Asia, Australasia and the PacificIslands (including Hawaii) (also see Dawson et al. 2011).Model estimates are shown with and without including phylogenetic information. Akaike information criterionvalues (AIC) are also provided, and the lowest AIC values are in bold.Significant P-values (P < 0.05)are in bold.
No phylogeny / With phylogenyGrafen / Pagel
Intercept / Slope / P / AIC / Intercept / Slope / P / AIC / ρ / Intercept / Slope / P / AIC / λ
With internodes
In China:
Native vs.
introduced / -2.072 / -1.016 / 0.003 / 91.220 / -2.107 / -1.004 / 0.003 / 93.027 / 0.038 / -2.134 / -1.013 / 0.003 / 93.010 / 0.158
No. of provinces
for introduced / 1.883 / -0.200 / 0.687 / 54.742 / 1.883 / -0.200 / 0.687 / 56.742 / <0.001 / 2.465 / 0.105 / 0.741 / 51.127 / 1.503
Chinese natives:
-All GCW
references / 5.859 / 0.586 / 0.398 / 90.708 / 6.235 / 0.674 / 0.309 / 91.891 / 0.079 / 6.243 / 0.677 / 0.305 / 91.654 / 0.262
-Non-Asian GCW
references / 5.140 / 0.510 / 0.479 / 92.173 / 5.568 / 0.615 / 0.366 / 93.098 / 0.092 / 5.553 / 0.613 / 0.366 / 92.813 / 0.292
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW references / 4.134 / 0.495 / 0.342 / 80.331 / 4.240 / 0.519 / 0.312 / 82.161 / 0.034 / 4.258 / 0.524 / 0.306 / 82.048 / 0.136
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW references / 3.793 / 0.436 / 0.352 / 76.492 / 3.882 / 0.457 / 0.324 / 78.383 / 0.026 / 3.907 / 0.463 / 0.316 / 78.290 / 0.113
-All GCW regions / 2.945 / 0.242 / 0.327 / 53.452 / 2.945 / 0.242 / 0.327 / 55.452 / <0.001 / 2.942 / 0.242 / 0.328 / 55.451 / 0.005
-Non-Asian GCW regions / 2.684 / 0.251 / 0.389 / 57.956 / 2.684 / 0.251 / 0.389 / 59.956 / <0.001 / 2.702 / 0.245 / 0.379 / 59.935 / 0.033
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW regions / 2.328 / 0.212 / 0.420 / 55.719 / 2.328 / 0.212 / 0.420 / 57.719 / <0.001 / 2.267 / 0.196 / 0.454 / 57.512 / 0.102
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW regions / 1.865 / 0.188 / 0.546 / 62.076 / 1.865 / 0.188 / 0.546 / 64.076 / <0.001 / 1.858 / 0.186 / 0.551 / 64.072 / 0.014
All species:
-All GCW
references / 5.445 / 0.399 / 0.316 / 150.059 / 5.457 / 0.397 / 0.320 / 151.994 / 0.011 / 5.456 / 0.398 / 0.316 / 151.829 / 0.317
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW references / 3.535 / 0.257 / 0.406 / 134.664 / 3.535 / 0.257 / 0.406 / 136.664 / <0.001 / 3.536 / 0.258 / 0.405 / 136.662 / 0.007
-All GCW regions / 2.826 / 0.202 / 0.153 / 85.567 / 2.826 / 0.202 / 0.153 / 87.567 / <0.001 / 2.826 / 0.202 / 0.153 / 87.509 / 0.036
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW regions / 2.249 / 0.178 / 0.247 / 90.801 / 2.249 / 0.178 / 0.247 / 92.801 / <0.001 / 2.303 / 0.186 / 0.193 / 90.253 / 0.121
Without internodes
In China:
Native vs.
introduced / -3.155 / -0.887 / 0.143 / 97.929 / -3.190 / -0.859 / 0.158 / 99.900 / 0.016 / -3.232 / -0.854 / 0.160 / 99.864 / 0.101
No. of provinces
for introduced / 2.452 / -0.007 / 0.985 / 47.546 / 2.452 / -0.007 / 0.985 / 49.546 / <0.001 / 2.562 / 0.070 / 0.809 / 49.057 / 0.488
Chinese natives:
-All GCW
references / 4.125 / 0.135 / 0.710 / 65.404 / 4.125 / 0.135 / 0.710 / 67.404 / <0.001 / 5.262 / 0.344 / 0.452 / 73.085 / 1
-Non-Asian GCW
references / 3.780 / 0.161 / 0.667 / 66.321 / 3.780 / 0.161 / 0.667 / 68.321 / <0.001 / 2.508 / -0.056 / 0.847 / 62.912 / 0.272
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW references / 2.400 / 0.037 / 0.898 / 59.331 / 2.400 / 0.037 / 0.898 / 61.331 / <0.001 / 2.084 / -0.110 / 0.643 / 57.525 / 0.616
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW references / 2.214 / 0.019 / 0.942 / 57.192 / 2.214 / 0.019 / 0.942 / 59.192 / <0.001 / 2.240 / 0.017 / 0.945 / 57.926 / 0.256
-All GCW regions / 2.024 / -0.011 / 0.940 / 42.230 / 2.024 / -0.011 / 0.940 / 44.230 / <0.001 / 2.376 / 0.074 / 0.615 / 41.986 / 0.270
-Non-Asian GCW regions / 1.825 / 0.004 / 0.979 / 45.515 / 1.825 / 0.004 / 0.979 / 47.515 / <0.001 / 2.364 / 0.129 / 0.586 / 56.053 / 1
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW regions / 1.338 / -0.046 / 0.775 / 44.356 / 1.338 / -0.046 / 0.775 / 46.356 / <0.001 / 1.958 / 0.100 / 0.514 / 42.974 / 0.270
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW regions / 0.992 / -0.034 / 0.853 / 47.737 / 0.992 / -0.034 / 0.853 / 49.737 / <0.001 / 0.978 / -0.036 / 0.829 / 47.868 / 0.274
All species:
-All GCW
references / 5.195 / 0.241 / 0.374 / 114.978 / 5.195 / 0.241 / 0.374 / 116.978 / <0.001 / 5.133 / 0.240 / 0.351 / 115.998 / 0.150
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW references / 3.191 / 0.110 / 0.624 / 106.084 / 3.191 / 0.110 / 0.624 / 108.084 / <0.001 / 3.583 / 0.111 / 0.557 / 105.346 / 0.714
-All GCW regions / 2.607 / 0.082 / 0.374 / 63.320 / 2.607 / 0.082 / 0.374 / 65.320 / <0.001 / 2.636 / 0.089 / 0.313 / 63.957 / 0.150
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW regions / 1.925 / 0.044 / 0.695 / 73.308 / 1.925 / 0.044 / 0.695 / 75.308 / <0.001 / 2.084 / 0.031 / 0.740 / 71.390 / 0.301
Asexual reproduction
With internodes
In China:
Native vs.
introduced / 1.706 / -0.373 / 0.128 / 74.727 / 1.682 / -0.366 / 0.135 / 74.934 / 0.115 / 1.635 / -0.381 / 0.115 / 74.431 / 0.442
No. of provinces
for introduced / 2.428 / -0.077 / 0.912 / 54.261 / 2.428 / -0.077 / 0.911 / 56.261 / <0.001 / 1.383 / 0.459 / 0.283 / 49.155 / 1.852
Chinese natives:
-All GCW
references / 2.646 / 1.052 / 0.212 / 89.427 / 2.829 / 0.958 / 0.253 / 91.159 / 0.043 / 2.868 / 0.938 / 0.263 / 90.985 / 0.170
-Non-Asian GCW
references / 2.218 / 1.011 / 0.248 / 90.903 / 2.467 / 0.874 / 0.312 / 92.423 / 0.059 / 2.498 / 0.854 / 0.322 / 92.179 / 0.215
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW references / 1.685 / 0.690 / 0.280 / 79.644 / 1.704 / 0.680 / 0.287 / 81.638 / 0.287 / 1.733 / 0.664 / 0.299 / 81.603 / 0.053
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW references / 1.667 / 0.584 / 0.309 / 75.705 / 1.667 / 0.584 / 0.309 / 77.705 / <0.001 / 1.695 / 0.570 / 0.321 / 77.888 / 0.033
-All GCW regions / 1.776 / 0.315 / 0.299 / 52.917 / 1.776 / 0.315 / 0.299 / 54.917 / <0.001 / 1.732 / 0.340 / 0.258 / 54.777 / 0.087
-Non-Asian GCW regions / 1.464 / 0.358 / 0.295 / 57.178 / 1.464 / 0.358 / 0.295 / 59.178 / <0.001 / 1.441 / 0.371 / 0.276 / 59.147 / 0.041
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW regions / 1.415 / 0.195 / 0.546 / 55.601 / 1.415 / 0.195 / 0.546 / 57.601 / <0.001 / 1.327 / 0.243 / 0.440 / 57.144 / 0.157
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW regions / 0.952 / 0.249 / 0.516 / 61.603 / 0.952 / 0.249 / 0.516 / 63.603 / <0.001 / 0.905 / 0.278 / 0.464 / 63.522 / 0.065
All species:
-All GCW
references / 3.246 / 0.761 / 0.186 / 148.558 / 3.246 / 0.761 / 0.186 / 150.558 / <0.001 / 3.288 / 0.737 / 0.202 / 150.514 / 0.034
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW references / 2.067 / 0.525 / 0.242 / 133.220 / 2.067 / 0.525 / 0.242 / 135.220 / <0.001 / 2.028 / 0.547 / 0.219 / 135.152 / 0.044
-All GCW regions / 1.909 / 0.252 / 0.224 / 85.385 / 1.909 / 0.252 / 0.224 / 87.385 / <0.001 / 1.858 / 0.286 / 0.160 / 86.991 / 0.092
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW regions / 2.067 / 0.525 / 0.242 / 133.220 / 2.067 / 0.525 / 0.242 / 135.220 / <0.001 / 2.023 / 0.547 / 0.219 / 135.152 / 0.044
Without internodes
In China:
Native vs.
introduced / 1.358 / -0.615 / 0.050 / 65.333 / 1.197 / -0.425 / 0.180 / 65.664 / 0.246 / 1.201 / -0.480 / 0.132 / 66.148 / 0.611
No. of provinces
for introduced / 2.459 / 0.011 / 0.988 / 46.129 / 2.459 / 0.011 / 0.988 / 48.129 / <0.001 / 2.236 / 0.157 / 0.814 / 48.072 / 0.231
Chinese natives:
-All GCW
references / 3.348 / 0.314 / 0.651 / 64.025 / 3.348 / 0.314 / 0.651 / 66.025 / <0.001 / 3.122 / 0.379 / 0.567 / 65.090 / 0.256
-Non-Asian GCW
references / 2.905 / 0.301 / 0.676 / 65.021 / 2.905 / 0.301 / 0.676 / 67.021 / <0.001 / 2.999 / 0.430 / 0.653 / 73.456 / 1
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW references / 2.113 / 0.187 / 0.734 / 57.917 / 2.113 / 0.187 / 0.734 / 59.917 / <0.001 / 2.058 / 0.341 / 0.622 / 65.002 / 1
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW references / 2.044 / 0.124 / 0.806 / 55.824 / 2.044 / 0.124 / 0.806 / 57.824 / <0.001 / 1.995 / 0.300 / 0.642 / 63.181 / 1
-All GCW regions / 2.089 / -0.026 / 0.926 / 40.916 / 2.089 / -0.026 / 0.926 / 42.916 / <0.001 / 2.055 / -0.060 / 0.820 / 41.026 / 0.298
-Non-Asian GCW regions / 1.817 / 0.013 / 0.969 / 44.203 / 1.817 / 0.013 / 0.969 / 46.203 / <0.001 / 1.931 / -0.020 / 0.942 / 43.492 / 0.590
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only -GCW regions / 1.616 / -0.124 / 0.688 / 42.962 / 1.616 / -0.124 / 0.688 / 44.962 / <0.001 / 1.587 / -0.183 / 0.524 / 43.073 / 0.305
-Non-Asian no-weed-
only GCW regions / 1.228 / -0.134 / 0.704 / 46.311 / 1.228 / -0.134 / 0.704 / 48.311 / <0.001 / 1.227 / -0.155 / 0.756 / 56.608 / 1
All species:
-All GCW
references / 3.674 / 0.636 / 0.212 / 112.916 / 3.674 / 0.636 / 0.213 / 114.916 / <0.001 / 3.950 / 0.582 / 0.192 / 112.288 / 0.361
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW references / 2.332 / 0.456 / 0.279 / 103.847 / 2.332 / 0.456 / 0.279 / 105.847 / <0.001 / 2.457 / 0.458 / 0.219 / 103.373 / 0.348
-All GCW regions / 2.135 / 0.171 / 0.328 / 61.864 / 2.135 / 0.171 / 0.328 / 63.864 / <0.001 / 2.104 / 0.237 / 0.104 / 60.541 / 0.247
-No-weed-of- cultivated-land-only GCW regions / 1.633 / 0.129 / 0.546 / 71.807 / 1.633 / 0.129 / 0.546 / 73.807 / <0.001 / 1.565 / 0.269 / 0.141 / 68.923 / 0.162
Dawson W, Fischer M, van Kleunen M (2011) The maximum relative growth rate of common UK plant species is positively associated with their global invasiveness. Global Ecol Biogeogr 20:299-306